How to Embed Fonts in a Microsoft Word Document

How to Embed Fonts in a Microsoft Word Document

Here we can see, “How to Embed Fonts in a Microsoft Word Document”

If you send a copy of your Word document or PowerPoint presentation to someone who doesn’t have a font installed, Microsoft Office displays the document in the default font. This can throw off the entire layout and make the paper look completely different, but you can avoid this by embedding fonts in your documents.

How This Works

When you select this option, Office retrieves the font file from your computer and inserts a copy into the document. This increases the document’s size, but everyone who opens it will see the document in its original font.

Only the Windows editions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher allow you to do this.

This does not work in Word or PowerPoint for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, or the web.

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This only works if the typeface you’re attempting to integrate allows it. “Embedding permissions” are present in the font files on your system. Because Office respects certain rights, some fonts may not be embedded, and the resulting document may not be editable once fonts have been embedded. To put it another way, the recipient may only view and print the document rather than alter it. It is dependent on the fonts you use.

Embed Fonts in Microsoft Word Windows

One of the most extensively used text processing applications is Microsoft Word. It does, however, include a large number of fonts for usage in documents. The required font can be selected from the “Font” group dropdown under the “Home” tab. The letters O and TT stand for OpenType and TrueType, respectively. Only these two font kinds can be embedded in Microsoft Word.

If you’re using a custom font in Word, make sure it’s either a TTF (TrueType) or an OTF (OpenType) file (OpenType).

To incorporate OTF or TTF fonts in the Word Windows version, follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to the “Options” section of the “File” menu.
  • This will bring up the “Word Options” dialogue box, where you can go to the “Save” area.
  • On the right pane, go to the “Preserve fidelity when saving this document” section and check the box next to “Embed fonts in this file.”
  • To close the dialogue window, click “OK.”
  • You can now save your document with the embedding fonts included.
  • Anyone with any operating system can open the document. The reader will see the same perspective as the original document because the font is embedded.

Additional Options

As previously said, utilize one of the available OTF or TTF fonts rather than any bespoke fonts. Another issue with font embedding is that it will increase the file size. Word provides two more solutions for avoiding big file sizes.

  • Choose the option to “Embed only the characters used in the document (optimal for file size reduction).” This will embed the characters from the font file, not all of them, reducing the file size.
  • Select the option “Do not incorporate common system fonts.” This will prevent all operating systems from integrating commonly used fonts.

You can also choose whether font embedding is enabled only for the current document or all new documents. Select the File from the option on the “Preserver fidelity…….” line to make this adjustment.

Embedding Fonts in Word Mac Version

If you’re using the Mac edition of Microsoft Office 365, use the instructions below to embed fonts in your documents.

  • Go to the “Word > Preferences…” menu in Word.
  • To open the saving preferences, click the “Save” button.
  • Select the document and check the option “Embed fonts in the file,” similar to Windows 10.
  • Click the “Embed only the characters used in the document (optimal for reducing file size)” option to get a smaller file size.
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Embed Fonts in a Powerpoint Presentation on Windows

  • Click ‘File’ to open the PPT.
  • Select ‘Options’ and then ‘Save,’ as in the previous step.
  • Enable both of the following choices under ‘Embed fonts in the file.’
  • You’re ready to go now that you’ve saved your PPT.

As you can see, the procedure is the same for any Microsoft Office document—and it’s wonderful that they’ve standardized how fonts are managed throughout the software. Although older versions of Word and PowerPoint may have different methods, they all follow the same steps.

Embed Fonts in a Powerpoint Presentation on Mac

In 2020, Microsoft finally made font embeddability available to Mac users. You can now carry your fonts with you wherever you go if you have an Office 365 subscription. To begin:

  • On your Mac, open the PPT file.
  • Select Preferences from the PowerPoint menu (upper left corner).
  • Click Save in the next dialogue box.
  • ‘Embed fonts in the file’ should be checked.
  • Depending on your demands, choose one of the two options: embed all characters or only the characters used in the presentation.

You should now be ready to go. It should take a few seconds to embed a font, which is true for file conversion.


I hope you found this information helpful. Please fill out the form below if you have any queries or comments.

User Questions:

  1. What does “embedding fonts in a document” imply?

“Embedding fonts” ensures that the PDF file contains all of the font information needed to make your document look the way it does. So, regardless of what fonts a balloter (or reader) has installed on their machine, they’ll be able to see the File as you intended.

  1. In what format can typefaces be embedded?

You can embed fonts in Microsoft Word documents, but they must be TrueType fonts and be available for embedding. Right-click on the font file in the Fonts folder in the Control Panel and select Properties to see whether it is Postscript, Open Type, or TrueType.

  1. How do you determine whether or not a font can be embedded?

Select File> Properties from the File menu. Toggle to the Fonts tab. If a font’s name includes the term ‘(Embedded Subset),’ embedding is permitted. Font embedding is most likely not allowed if there is nothing after the name.

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