How to Customize the Workout Stats You See on a Apple Watch


An Apple Watch can only show five unique metrics or performance stats, such as your existing speed or the space you have run, as you Workout –so you may customize which ones that you see. You can even set your view to show only a single significant metric. Here is how.

How To Customize Which Twist You View

For every exercise kind, your watch may monitor and reveal: Duration, Lively Kilocalories, Complete Kilocalories, and Heart Rate. For many workouts, such as Outdoor Run or Pool Swim, your view additionally monitors (and can exhibit ) additional more particular, stats like Distance, Present Pace, Elevation obtained, and Lengths swam.

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To alter the stats you watch on your watch as you work out, open the “View” app on your iPhone and head to Workout> Workout View.


Beneath “Workouts,” pick the action you would like to personalize and then tap “Edit.”


The various states are grouped under “Metrics,” shown when you work out, and “Don’t Include,” which are not. To bring a stat, tap on the green plus sign. To eliminate a single, tap on the red circle icon, then tap “Remove.” To reorder different metrics, use the handles on the right. When you are finished, tap “Done.”

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Notice: The maximum you can exhibit at the same time is five metrics. For many activities, you must pick and pick. You may also have to get rid of a default metric before adding another one.


Next time you monitor a workout, you will see your preferred listing of metrics. To create one more observable, you can emphasize it by turning the Digital Crown. This makes it appear in color, which means that you may view it more efficiently with a glimpse. You can view Distance lit up in yellow in the screenshot below.


How to Switch to Single Metric View

If you merely wish to concentrate on a single significant stat (or prevent yourself from always looking at your wrist as you exercise ), then you may place the workout program in your own Apple Watch to Single Metric style.

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To accomplish this, start the “View” program on your iPhone and proceed to Workout > Workout View. Select “Single Metric.”


Now, when you monitor a workout with your watch, you will only find just one performance stat (along with the time) at any one time. To cycle between them, twist the Digital Crown.