0xc0000098 – Fix for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10

0xc0000098 – Fix for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10

Here we can see, “0xc0000098 – Fix for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10”

Get the solution to the 0xc0000098 error: A valid OS entry boot error message is missing from the Windows Boot Configuration Data file, affecting Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10.

Symptoms and description

This error is linked to the error messages, alerts, warnings, and symptoms listed below.

Symptom 1: On starting, a 0xc0000098 error screen appears.

The BOOTMGR bootloader, first introduced in Windows Vista and later used in Windows 7, Windows 8(.1), and Windows 10, uses a database of entries and configuration options known as the BCD1, which acts as a global store for all boot-related options and settings on newer Windows PCs, as part of the system startup procedure. If the BCD file does not contain any operating system entries, the following error message will be displayed:

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the
cause. To fix the problem:

  1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
  2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."
  3. Click "Repair your computer."
If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer
manufacturer for assistance.

  File: \Boot\BCD
  Status: 0xc0000098
  Info: The Windows Boot Configuration Data file does not contain a valid
        OS entry.

The error screen on newer Windows systems looks a little different:


Your PC/Device needs to be repaired

The Boot Configuration Data file doesn't contain valid information for an operating system.

File: \Boot\BCD
Error code: 0xc0000098

You'll need to use recovery tools. If you don't have any installation media(like a disc or USB device), contact your PC administrator or PC/Device manufacturer.

A device driver that’s incompatible with your Windows system can cause this error too. In this kind of example, the error text can mention a specific file at the File row:

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the
cause. To fix the problem:

  1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
  2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."
  3. Click "Repair your computer."
If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer
manufacturer for assistance.

  File: \Windows\System32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys
  Status: 0xc0000098
  Info: Windows failed to load because a critical system driver
        is missing, or corrupt.
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This Error’s Causes

One or more of the following factors have been linked to this error:

Cause 1: There are no OS entries in the BCD

A BCD with no entries is one of the most common reasons for this error. This could occur due to disk write problems, power outages, boot sector viruses, or mistakes made while manually configuring the BCD.

Cause 2: A hard drive driver that is incompatible has been installed.

A device driver incompatible with the current hard disk is another probable cause of this error. This could happen after installing a service pack or a system update.

Getting rid of “0xc0000098” in Windows.

Fix 1: Use Easy Recovery Essentials to rebuild your BCD.

Even if Windows won’t boot due to the error, Easy Recovery Essentials’ one-click automated system repair tool includes comprehensive repair and reconstruction of the BCD to resolve the “0xc0000098” error.

Easy Recovery Essentials’ built-in Automated Repair tool is guaranteed to automatically fix the “0xc0000098” error. EasyRE can be downloaded and produced on any PC and is presently available for Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8.

  1. Download Easy Recovery Essentials.
  2. The image should be burned.
  3. Start your computer with the Easy Recovery Essentials CD or USB you made.
  4. After EasyRE has started, select “Automated Repair” and click Continue.
  5. After EasyRE has finished scanning your computer’s disks, find and pick the drive letter for your Windows installation from the list, and then click the Automated Repair option to start the repair process.
  6. Easy Recovery Essentials will begin looking for faults on the selected drive. EasyRE will scan the disk, partition, bootsector, filesystem, bootloader, and registry for faults and attempt to automatically rectify them. EasyRE’s repair is totally automated; thus no interaction is required:
  7. EasyRE will provide its findings after the process is completed. To reboot your PC and test the changes, click the Restart option.
  8. As your PC starts to load, the “0xc0000098” error should be fixed.

Fix 2: Run Startup Repair

Startup Repair can be used to check the system for damaged or missing system files and replace the BCD file if it has no entries on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.

Startup Repair is an automated diagnosis and repair program that comes with the Windows installation disc and may be used to discover and fix various issues. In our knowledge base, you may learn more about how Startup Repair works and what it does. The Startup Repair procedure from the Windows setup CD is as follows:

  1. Place your Windows installation DVD in the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
  2. Make sure your computer is completely turned off by shutting it down completely.
  3. Turn on your PC.
  4. When you see “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD,” press any key.
  5. After selecting your language and keyboard selections, click the “Repair your computer” link in the bottom-lefthand corner.
  6. Wait for Startup Repair to finish scanning your computer for Windows installations, then choose yours from the list:
  7. To get started, select “Startup Repair” from the list of potential recovery options:
  8. Startup Repair will begin checking your installation for known problems and, if possible, will repair them.

Fix 3: Manually rebuild the BCD

Because an empty BCD file is frequently the cause of the boot error, recreating it is often a useful remedy.

The steps for rebuilding the BCD are as follows:

  1. Start by booting from the Windows installation CD.
  2. After selecting the appropriate language, time, and keyboard input, click Repair your machine.
  3. Click Next after selecting the Windows installation drive, which is commonly C:.
  4. When the System Recovery Options box displays, select Command Prompt.
  5. After that, type the following command and click Enter:
bootrec /rebuildbcd

6. Select Yes if the application detects a Windows installation and prompts you to add it to the boot list.

After Bootrec has finished reconstructing the BCD, this is an example of what the PC’s console output should look like.

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Fix 4: Run sfc utility

On Windows Vista and Windows 7, the built-in Windows SFC (system file checker) program can be used to automatically scan and repair a computer’s system files.

The steps to run SFC are as follows:

  1. Start by booting from your Windows installation DVD.
  2. After selecting the appropriate language, time, and keyboard input, click Repair your machine.
  3. Click Next after selecting the Windows installation drive, which is commonly C:.
  4. When the System Recovery Options box displays, select Command Prompt.
  5. After that, type the following command and click Enter:
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=D:\ /offwindir=D:\Windows\

D:Windows is the location of the Windows folder, and D:Windows is the letter of the driver where Windows is installed.

Here’s an example of what the PC’s console output should look like when the sfc.exe scan is finished, and all missing files are properly restored:

Fix 5: Run the CHKDSK utility on your hard drive

If the file integrity of the hard drive has been compromised, the built-in Windows CHKDSK software can be used to scan the disk and correct the file system issues.

The steps to run CHKDSK are as follows:

  1. Start by booting from your Windows installation DVD.
  2. After selecting the appropriate language, time, and keyboard input, click Repair your machine.
  3. Click Next after selecting the Windows installation drive, which is commonly C:.
  4. When the System Recovery Options box displays, select Command Prompt.
  5. After that, type the following command and click Enter:
chkdsk C: /f

Substitute the letter C with the letter of the driver on which Windows is installed.

Here’s a sample of what the chkdsk.exe console output should look like once it’s finished:


I hope you found this information helpful. Please fill out the form below if you have any queries or comments.

User Questions

1. What is the solution to the error code 0xc0000098?

1) Start your computer with the setup disk (USB/DVD/CD). 2) Go to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Repair after selecting Repair your computer. 3) Startup Correct will begin scanning your installation for known flaws and, if any are discovered, will attempt to repair them. 4) If Startup Repair fails, you can try it again.

2. What does the 0xc0000098 error code mean?

The BSOD error code 0xc0000098 can emerge after cloning your operating system or upgrading to Windows 10. Two faults result in this error code: There is no entry in the BCD, which could be due to disk write problems, power outages, boot sector viruses, or mistakes committed while manually configuring the BCD.

3. How can I resolve the 0xc0000098 error in Windows 7?

(Windows 7/8 and 10) Rebuild and repair the Master Boot Record, Boot Sector, and Boot Configuration Data.

Use Startup Repair as a second option.

Scan your system with the System File Checker tool.

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