3 Keys To Getting Good Positions In Chess: How To Win For Beginners!

3 Keys To Getting Good Positions In Chess: How To Win For Beginners!

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In both chess and life, getting a good position early in the game frequently leads to later success. International Master Danny Rensch explained the top three keys that make an excellent chess position, the top three things to keep in mind on the way to that position and once you’re there, and how to start thinking about playing chess more than one move at a time during a recent live Chess TV Amateur Hour show on YouTube.

These are crucial suggestions and techniques for novices who want to win more chess games!

The Top 3 Things That All Good Chess Plans Have In Common

You can play for a variety of plans, but all of the good ones have one thing in common:

  • They assault (or control) the board’s center.
  • D4, d5, e4, and e5 are the board’s center squares.
  • They try to finish all of their minor parts as soon as feasible.
  • Bishops and knights are the smaller pieces.
  • Before moving a piece twice, try to get all four minors out.
  • They need to get the king out of danger as soon as possible.
  • Castling is used to do this.

The opening explorer will assist you in learning possibilities; however they all have three things in common, regardless of aesthetic choice or what the opening explorer says. Before you test it out, read my article on utilising Chess.com’s opening explorer if you haven’t already.

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The Key To Getting A Good Position In Chess

Commitment is the key to getting a good chess position. Make a plan and work hard to achieve it. “I’m going to try to challenge the centre with the pawns” is an example of a strategy. The move c3 is an excellent example of this.

About Controlling The Center

I’d heard that controlling the centre of a chessboard is vital more times than I can count, but I had no idea why until I questioned Danny about it. This is how he described it to me:

Why Does Every Chess Game Start The Same Way?

E4, d4, c4, or knight f3 will be played in 99.9% of chess games because each of these moves competes for immediate control of the four most important squares in the middle of the board.

These are the board’s eight most crucial squares if you take it a step further.

If you extend, these are the 16 most important squares in the middle of the board.

You’re already in a much better situation than other opening alternatives if your pieces occupy or are fighting to possess those squares.

So, Why Do We Play e4?

We choose the e4 game because of each move:

  • Immediately takes up residence in the center.
  • Fights for dominance over someone else (or 2 others if you count the extended 8)
  • Opens up more pieces to enter the combat and participate in the same way.

This is the greatest option because you must:

  • Fight for the centre’s control.
  • Limit your opponent’s ability to do so

But If A Piece Is In The Center, Isn’t It More Open To Attack?

Danny responded sure, but it’s a skewed perspective. “OK, you’re meant to bring your pieces to the middle,” he added. But do you see why you have to bring your pieces to the centre?”

“No,” I stated emphatically.

Why Do I Need To Control The Center?

If your piece is in a central square, it has a better chance of causing significant harm. It’s a justification based on absolute power and control.

Never control something just because you’re told to; do it because you want to know what the game’s goal is.

How To Play Chess Moves With Follow-up Moves In Mind

After that, I admitted to Danny that I rarely play a move without thinking of a follow-up move. Here’s what he had to say about how to go about it:

First and foremost, make a strong start:

  • Take control of the center, train your minors, and keep the king safe.
  • They won’t completely occupy the center because your opponent is unlikely to do anything.
  • However, if you followed the principles above and were able to attain the best possible position, you would end up with The Chess Position of Your Dreams —

The Perfect Fantasy Position In Chess

Danny’s advice is to tattoo the fantasy on your brows, so you don’t forget it. It just doesn’t get much better.

A More Realistic Fantasy

However, realistically, you won’t get something like this because your opponent will be attempting to attack the center as well – you’re both fighting for the center. You’ll make concessions, in this case to avoid losing material.

Note that because you’re both playing the “fantasy,” it’s not as wonderful as the dream fantasy because both players’ pieces are on very central squares. Because our opponent wasn’t a complete moron, we couldn’t merely develop our pieces to every “best” square.

However, if we’re thinking about getting all of our minor pieces out, keeping our kings safe, and controlling the center — the three criteria we defined – there is a unique chess position that can occur.

Top 3 Thoughts To Keep In Mind As You’re Getting Into Positions And Once They’re Achieved

There are three thoughts that should cross your mind both while getting into these positions and once you’ve achieved them:

  1. Be mindful of the possible tempo moves for both you and your opponent on every move.
  • To avoid blundering, keep every check, capture, and queen attack for both sides in the forefront of your mind at all times.
  • That’s how you avoid making a mistake.
  • Everything else — strategy and cognitive process — takes a back seat to being aware of your and your opponent’s potential tempo moves — that’s the caveat.
  • Beyond the apparent tempo move tactics, the two plans you should pay attention to in the game are:

2. Make sure your pieces are on the most open lines possible.

  • “Are all of my pieces on their most open lines?” you might wonder. “Are they on the correct open files or open diagonals?” “Are they on the correct open files or open diagonals?”
  • “Is there a safe method for me to get them there?” ask yourself if the answer is no.
  • What is the significance of open files and open diagonals? They expand the possibilities for your creations; therefore it all boils down to one thought process:
  • Do all of my pieces appear to be on their strongest squares?
  • How do we determine which squares are the best? Let’s imagine the centre isn’t available since we’re up against a strong opponent. Do our pieces have the best open files and diagonals starting in the center and radiating outward?

3. Keep track of the Pawn Chain.

  • The following step is more advanced: Maybe there’s a piece that isn’t optimal, but I don’t see an obvious method to move it — the next thing to consider is moving your pawn chain in that direction.
  • You’ll have components facing a specific direction no matter your position.
  • You should consider bringing pieces to that part of the board if there are ways to do so.
  • Which part of the board are you talking about? Your center pawn chain is facing this part of the board.
  • You’ve created a side of the board with space for your pieces when you have a pawn chain, so bring your pieces to that side of the board.
  • This shouldn’t be too difficult. You should be able to see which way the river is flowing by looking at a location.
  • You’re probably playing an open centre game, in which case you’ll want to bring your pieces to the centre if there isn’t a clear direction.


Tip for pawns: When moving pawns, aim to do so with two goals in mind:

  1. Open up your puzzle pieces as follows:

2. Limit the number of pieces your opponent has:

Think of your pawns as electric fences, adds Danny. He also claims that they have sentiments, that they want to be in control, and that you should communicate with them.

When you have a material advantage (more valuable pieces than your opponent), your goal should be to simplify the position as soon as possible. You don’t have to trade, but you want to keep the strategy basic, so you don’t make any blunders on the route to checkmate.

You’re In The Position To Win

You’re well on your way to winning more chess games, even if you’re a beginner, now that we’ve discussed the keys to reaching a favourable position in chess – dominate the center, move out your minor pieces, and get the king to safety.

I hope you find these suggestions as beneficial as they have been to me! 


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.

User Questions

1. In chess, what are the greatest initial five moves?

  1. The Italian Game. The Italian game begins with 1.
  2. The Sicilian Defense. The Sicilian Defense is the most frequent choice of aggressive players with the black pieces.
  3. The French Defense. The French Defense is one of the first strategic openings every chess player should learn.
  4. The Ruy-Lopez.
  5. The Slav Defense.

2. As a newbie, how can I win in chess?

  1. Maintain control of the Board’s center.
  2. Play with all of your pieces at the same time.
  3. When in doubt, work on your piece that is in the worse position.
  4. When you’re ready to materialize, simplify (=exchange!).
  5. Pawns can only travel forward; they can’t go backwards!

3. What is the name of the three-move checkmate?

The Fool’s Mate in chess’s fastest checkmate, occurring after only two moves! To achieve this accomplishment, you must play as Black (White can checkmate in three moves), and your opponent must perform terribly. It entails targeting either White’s weak e1-h4 diagonal or Black’s weak e8-h5 diagonal.

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