Chess Opening Moves: A Master’s Top 3 Strategies For Beginners

Chess Opening Moves: A Master’s Top 3 Strategies For Beginners

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Chess openings refer to the initial few movements in a chess game and take it from an international master: early moves are crucial. I recently co-hosted Chess TV’s Amateur Hour with IM Danny Rensch, during which Danny gave me a mind-blowing explanation that elucidated the principles of chess opening movements.

In this post, I’ll take the information I received from Danny to explain what every good beginning has in common and the top fundamental elements that define a solid chess situation, so you can start winning more games.

Although this article was authored by a novice, the information contained within comes directly from an international master. If you’re a beginner like me, I think this post is more helpful than the ones you’ll read because it’s written by someone who’s just learning these topics. None of the information in this post is my opinion; it is real, essential knowledge that IM Danny Rensch has taught me.

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We’ll Focus On Why These Chess Opening Moves Are Played — Not Just Memorization

Like myself, many amateur chess players have remembered the first few most popular opening moves (e4 or d4 for white, e5 or c5 for black), but we have no idea why. It’s pretty fine if you haven’t memorized any movements!

Almost every other article focuses on how to make the best opening moves, but memorizing movements didn’t help me better my chess game because I didn’t comprehend the fundamental concepts.

The strategies that apply to all good chess opening movements will be the topic of this essay. You’ll begin to grasp why Magnus Carlsen (the current world champion) plays the opening moves he does, not just how to imitate them, whether you’re playing a game with a friend or analyzing one of his games.

The Basic Chess Opening Strategy I Never Learned

“Even when elite players play an opening you don’t know, they do everything you were taught to do when you first started playing chess,” Danny explained. (I’d never been taught anything like this.)

In their openings, masters frequently perform the following:

  • They pull out their pieces to compete for control of the board’s center. That’s a motif that practically never changes, regardless matter which opener is used.
  • What changes is the method or the manner they wish to govern the center.
  • Tip: If someone starts a game with a series of strange movements, simply take control of the middle of the board and “own everything.”

Chess Opening Moves Are Counterblows

Consider each move as a counterblow while considering chess openings. Let’s have a look at an example.

Why Black Plays c5 (The Sicilian Defense) After White Plays e4

  1. Someone plays e4, the most common opening move in chess, after White plays e4.
  2. 2. In response, black plays c5. (This is referred to as the Sicilian defense.)
  3. Because black is attempting to target the dark squares, c5 is used.
  4. Because white has overextended on the light squares, making d4 weak, this is the natural thing to do.
  5. That is why, after e4, black reacts with c5 or e5 to dispute an unchallenged area of the board.

There’s No Substitute For This One Thing

There’s no way around it: you’ll need to learn some basic opening moves supported by statistics and previous experience.

How Do I Learn Basic Opening Moves?

Using‘s Opening Explorer is a beautiful way to achieve this! You’ll begin to develop those “opening move muscles” this way. If you follow Danny’s advice, you’ll notice that you made mistakes in the first few movements, but it won’t be long before you’re on the move 5 and then move 10.

Put another way, practising basic opening techniques will help you grow.

The Basic Core Concepts Of Every Chess Opening

  • You gain and lose control over some crucial parts of the board every time someone makes a move.
  • You want to start understanding cause and effect in chess as a beginner. It’s the chess equivalent of the notion of an “equal and opposite reaction to every action.”
  • Every action should make use of one of the following:
  • Something that is easy to take or isn’t protected as well as it should be
  • Moving to a location where your pieces might have an opportunity to interact.

Tools To Learn Better Openings’s opening explorer, which is included with a premium subscription to, is my favourite online tool for learning chess openings.

Before you start, I recommend reading my essay on using’s opening explorer properly. To tell you the truth, it perplexed me at first. When I informed IM Danny Rensch how I was utilizing it, he told me I was thinking about it “absolutely incorrectly.”

I decided to write an article about implementing the advice he provided me on the radio because it made things a lot clearer for me.

Good Openings Lead To Good Positions

Read my follow-up post, 3 Keys To Getting Good Chess Positions: How To Win For Beginners, if you haven’t already. Quicken your learning curve and begin winning more games.

Closing Out This Article About Chess Openings

As a beginner and aspiring chess student, my goal is to be able to explain some basic ideas that will help anyone improve their chess game. Keep these tips for playing great chess opening movements in mind, and you’ll notice a difference in your chess game. 


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.

User Questions

1. What are the three essential concepts of chess opening?

  1. Bring all of your pieces into the game. Young players frequently make the error of planning the middle game too early and attacking too soon without adequate preparation.
  2. Ensure the King’s safety
  3. Maintain command of the center.

2. What is the most fundamental chess strategy?

  1. Maintain control of the Board’s center.
  2. Play with all of your pieces at the same time.
  3. When in doubt, work on your piece that is in the worse position.
  4. When you’re ready to materialize, simplify (=exchange!).
  5. Pawns can only move forward; they cannot move backwards!

3. In chess, what are the three unique moves?

Castling, Promotion, and En Passant are three special chess moves.

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