how to remove viruses on computer

how to remove viruses on computer

Here we can see, “how to remove viruses on computer”

What is a Computer Virus?

A bug is defined as a bit of code that is executed during a target computer to hamper the graceful functioning of the PC. It replicates itself and may quickly affect hosts of other computers, thus paralyzing the whole network. So you need to understand the way to remove it as soon as possible because malware infection can severely damage your data. It showed its existence in 1986 when the primary bug was created by the name of Brain for MS-DOS operating systems. Mainly a boot sector virus, it spreads through floppy disks. Nowadays, there are several sorts of malicious software, which are developed using advanced coding technology.

How do Computer Viruses Spread?

A bug may spread if any external virus infected disk drive is inserted into your PC. These removable devices are often a pen drive, an external hard disc, or a floppy drive. Aside from external hard drives, it spreads via email attachments, which may easily carry malware. Your computer also can get infected if you download software, movies, songs, etc., from untrusted websites.

Types of PC Virus

Although there are thousands of infectious programs which will affect your PC, these are categorized on the idea of their infection targets.


Boot Sector Virus infects the Master Boot Record (MBR) of hard disks. Some virus also infects the boot sector of hard drives. It spreads via external sources, for instance, an infected diskette or USB drive.


A macro virus usually targets Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, and similar applications. The piece of the Virus is embedded in documents or emails. And you mistakenly open the File, the Virus gets activated and may spread to other files and folders.


Email Virus uses email medium to spread and infect PCs. This malware comes hidden in email attachments and executes as soon as you download or open the attachment.

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Symptoms of Computer Virus Infection

You can easily identify the symptoms of bug infection. One major indication is that your PC is getting extremely slow. Another symptom are often your existing firewall protection getting disabled. You’ll also experience frequent crashes of applications running on your PC. Other alerts are often disk drive malfunction, error messages & pop-ups.

How to Prevent Viruses?

To stop viruses from infecting your computer, you want to follow certain best practices such as:

  • Do not insert removable devices/USB devices without scanning employing a virus scanner.
  • Abstain from downloading software from untrusted websites
  • Don’t open email attachments without verifying the sender id, content, and purpose
  • Use premium antivirus software instead of free software as those might not provide 100% protection.

How to Remove Virus from Computer Without Antivirus

Method 1: Use Task Manager to Get Rid of the Virus

How to Remove Virus from PC quickly? You’ll try using Task Manager. First, you ought to end running virus-related programs on your computer. Then, you would like to uncheck the suspicious service in Task Manager. You’ll follow the instructions below:

Step 1: End the running virus-related programs on your computer

  1. Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys at an equivalent time to open the Task Manager application.
  2. Navigate to the Processes tab, check each running process listed within the window.
  3. Once you discover the running virus-related process, you should click it and click on the top Task choice to stop it from infecting your computer.

Step 2: Uncheck the suspicious service

  1. Click File to settle on Run new task. Then type MSConfig within the box and click on OK.
  2. attend the Service tab, then uncheck the suspicious service. Click Apply and OK to finish.

Method 2: Use Command Prompt to Remove the Computer Viruses

You may wonder about the way to remove an epidemic by other methods. You’ll also use prompts to get rid of viruses from the pc without antivirus. The detailed instructions are as follows:

Step 1: Type cmd within the Search bar, then right-click the primary result to settle on Run as administrator.

Step 2: Type F: and press Enter. (Replace “F” with the drive letter of the infected partition or device.)

Step 3: Then you’ll type attrib -s -h -r /s /d *.* and press Enter.

Step 4: Type dir and press Enter. This command will load all the files, including hidden ones, and clear any directories or subfolders.

Step 5: As a reference, an epidemic name may contain words like “autorun” and “.inf” because of the extension. Thus, if you discover such suspicious files, type del autorun. inf to get rid of the Virus.

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Method 3: Check Newly Installed Software and Applications

Sometimes, the newly installed application or software might not be the culprit; however, the add-on may are infected by the Virus. Therein case, follow the steps below to understand the way to remove the Virus from the pc.

Step 1: Type Settings within the Search box to open the Settings application. Then attend the Apps part.

Step 2: Navigate to the Apps & features part, find the unfamiliar app that you think features a virus. Click it and click on Uninstall.

In this way, you’ll remove the Virus from the computer without antivirus.

Method 4: Use Safe Mode to Delete Virus

As modern viruses and malware become more sophisticated and advanced, sometimes, you can’t remove them in Task Manager. So you’ll also try booting your Windows 10 within the Safe Mode to eliminate viruses from the computer without antivirus. The steps are as follows:

First, you ought to enter into Safe Mode. If you don’t skills to try to to this, this post – the way to Start Windows 10 in Safe Mode (While Booting) [6 Ways] is what you would like. Then, you’ll continue subsequent steps:

Step 1: Type msconfig within the Search bar to open the System Configuration application.

Step 2: within the System Configuration window, click the Boot tab.

Step 3: Next, check the Safe boot box and click on the Network button. Now, click the Apply button and, therefore, the OK button.

Then, you’ll exit Safe Mode, and here are all of the steps to urge obviate the Virus without antivirus. Now the Virus should be removed.

User Questions:

1.Can the Trojan virus be removed?

How to remove a Trojan virus. It is best to use a Trojan remover to detect and take away any Trojans on your device. The best, free Trojan remover is included in Avast Free Antivirus. When removing Trojans manually, make certain to get rid of any programs from your computer affiliated with the Trojan.

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2.What does the PC push button do?

On personal computers, the push button clears the memory and reboots the machine forcibly. Reset buttons are found on circuit breakers to reset the circuit. Unfortunately, this button can cause data corruption, so it often doesn’t exist on many machines.

3.Is it a computer virus?

A computer virus, or Trojan, maybe a sort of malicious code or software that appears legitimate but can take hold of your computer. … A Trojan is usually called a Trojan virus or a computer virus, but that’s a misnomer. Viruses can execute and replicate themselves.

4.How to clean virus/spyware/malware infections from a computer.

[EMSK] How to clean virus/spyware/malware infections from a computer. from everymanshouldknow

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Keep your PC healthy! AdWare/Malware/Junkware removal guide from buildapc