how to fix error while deleting key

how to fix error while deleting key

Here we can see, “how to fix error while deleting key”

Here we’ll guide you to understand how to fix them cannot delete error while deleting key in Windows 10/8.1/8. You get the error Cannot delete (key name/ Application Name): Error while deleting key once you attempt to delete registry keys. You’ll be trying to reinstall a software thanks to the software malfunctioning. A prerequisite for deleting registry keys is that you should have Full Permission to the registry key.

How to Fix Cannot Delete Error While Deleting Key

The following steps will work for Windows 10, 8.1 and 8

  1. Press Windows Key + R
  2. Type regedit within the Run command window that opens
  3. Press Enter
  4. When the Registry Editor window opens, attend the specified registry key that you would like Permission to delete
  5. Right-click on the key
  6. Select Permission from options
  7. Click the Advanced button within the Permissions for Display dialogue box that opens.
  8. Click the Change link near Trustedinstaller
  9. The Select User or Group dialogue box opens
  10. Now you’ll enter your username in entering the thing name to pick 
  11. Click the Check Names button
  12. Click OK once done
  13. Select your username under Group or user name within the Permissions for shopwindow 
  14. Check the Allow checkbox ahead of Full Control
  15. Click Apply
  16. Click OK
  17. Now you’ll plow ahead and delete the registry key you would like to

That will fix the Cannot delete (key name/ Application Name): Error while deleting key error. Please share your comments with us.

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User Questions:

  1. Regedit Permissions -“Access Denied” or “Error while deleting key” whilst ADMIN! RRS feed

Has anyone tried deleting a registry key in Windows 7 and got “access denied” or “Error while deleting key”?

The usual response is, “You got to run Regedit as an administrator.” but I *AM* logged in as Administrator and running regedit as Administrator, trying to assign full Administrator permissions thereon registry key to delete it!! 

  1. Windows 10: Cannot delete key in Regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\360TotalSecurity will only contain settings associated with the software interface, not with the software itself. These are going to be somewhere in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Security software must protect itself from malware, so you would like to follow proper uninstall procedures.

  1. Registry key issue help please (need to delete)

My personal opinion- leave it alone. I’m not convinced that registry scanners do far more than create positive cash flow for the developers of said software…

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  1. Reset IDM trial by deleting one registry key

Reset IDM trial by deleting one registry key from Piracy

  1. Can’t uninstall “Segurazo.”

Can’t uninstall "Segurazo" from AskTechnology

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