Why I Switched From Chrome to Firefox Quantum

Why I Switched From Chrome to Firefox Quantum

Here we can see, “Why I Switched From Chrome to Firefox Quantum”

I’ve been using Firefox Quantum nonstop for almost a week, starting from when it was released. Every Firefox release has always felt slower to me than Chrome. Firefox, on the other hand, is once again a viable, fast, and modern option. Enough so that I’m switching back to Firefox from Chrome.

Sure, it’s good that Firefox is the underdog, a little firm focused on improving the web rather than promoting its technology ecosystem like Google, Microsoft, and Apple. However, Firefox has several useful features that you may prefer. Firefox seems like a solid alternative browser that you can use without compromising for the first time in years.

Firefox Really Is Fast Again

Firefox was initially used in 2002 when it was known as “Phoenix.” In comparison to Internet Explorer, it was a breath of fresh air at the time. On the other hand, Chrome beat Firefox to the top spot with a more current architecture that was quicker, more secure, and just took better advantage of new hardware.

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  • I’ve been experimenting with Firefox for years, and even simple tasks like switching between tabs with many web pages open felt substantially slower in Firefox than in Chrome.
  • Firefox is once again a rival, thanks to Mozilla’s latest initiatives. Firefox, by default, separates the user interface from the four “content processes” that produce the web pages you have open in tabs. This means that Large web pages will no longer slow firefox’s UI.
  • In addition, because Firefox is now multi-process, Mozilla may tighten up the sandbox to restrict the damage a rogue web page could cause if it exploited a security flaw. And, according to Mozilla, the limit of four content processes means Firefox consumes 30% less memory than Chrome.
  • People who dislike the number of processes and system memory used by Chrome can change the number of processes used by Firefox. Because my PC has plenty of RAM, I haven’t been paying attention to memory utilisation.
  • Still, four content processes have been more than enough to keep Firefox running smoothly, even with a huge number of tabs open. So if Firefox Quantum is acting sluggishly for you, try refreshing the browser and beginning over.
  • In terms of speed, Firefox is on par with Chrome. This isn’t about benchmarks: the browser feels quick. It should only get faster when Mozilla incorporates more of the Servo experimental browser engine into future Firefox releases. The initial release of Firefox Quantum includes a new CSS engine, but future upgrades will include many additional enhancements.

Text Looks Better In Firefox Than Chrome

Can we talk about one major issue with Chrome that few people seem to notice? On Windows, Chrome’s text rendering isn’t very good. As a result, text in Chrome looks strange compared to Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and the average Windows desktop application. So the chrome is doing something strange with its text that makes it look different from other Windows apps.

  • Check it out for yourself by visiting example.com in both Firefox and Chrome. There will be a noticeable difference. The fonts in Chrome will appear lighter and thinner than those in Firefox, which will appear darker and thicker.
  • This is because Firefox’s fonts are easier to read, and they blend in better with the rest of the Windows desktop. (For the record, Microsoft Edge’s wording appears to be identical to Firefox’s.)
  • You might only see a slight difference depending on your display and system settings, but it’s likely evident. For example, the top image in the screenshot above is Firefox, while the bottom is Chrome.
  • The font issue in Chrome is discussed in this ticket on the Chromium bug tracker, although Chrome’s developers don’t appear to be particularly concerned about addressing it.

Firefox’s Extensions Still Offer More Power

However, the new extension system is a major annoyance for Firefox users who have remained with the browser. For a long time, Firefox supported WebExtensions, but today it only supports WebExtensions, and the old, sophisticated XUL extension system is no longer available.

  • Firefox, like Chrome, makes use of controlled addons. Those previous extensions had full access to Firefox’s interface, which gave them a lot of power—but it also meant they could create browser issues, and they frequently broke when Firefox was updated to a new version. They were also incompatible with Firefox’s newer multi-process design and sandboxing capabilities.
  • However, as a Chrome user, Firefox isn’t a step back when it comes to extensions. On the contrary, it’s an upgrade because Firefox still has some functionality that Chrome extensions lack. Firefox, for example, provides a handy sidebar where you can see your bookmarks and history.
  • Extensions, on the other hand, can take advantage of the sidebar. Tree Style Tab is one of my favourites since it not only displays tabs in a vertical sidebar—ideal for widescreen monitors and big numbers of tabs—but also organises them into a “tree” so you can see which tabs you accessed from which other tabs. Vertical tabs are fantastic on current widescreen monitors.
  • Chrome does not have anything similar because Chrome extensions are unable to use a browser sidebar. The few Chrome vertical tab extensions employ a separate window that floats next to your main Chrome browser window, which is a fairly terrible experience. That’s not something I’d want to utilise.

Firefox should ideally continue to offer more powerful capabilities that extensions can take advantage of in the future. For example, Firefox embraces Chrome-style extensions, but it could provide additional functionality for those extensions to benefit from, ensuring that Firefox remains the browser with the most powerful extensions.

Reader View Shows Mozilla Adding Features Google Won’t

Reader Mode, a feature featured in other modern browsers such as Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge, is also available in Firefox. This isn’t a new feature in Firefox; it’s been available in every browser except Chrome for years. Years ago, Chrome’s developers tried a similar feature via a hidden about flags option, but it was never implemented.

To use it, go to a web page with an article and click the “Enter Reader View” icon in the URL bar on the right side of the page. You’ll see a minimalist page with no photos, videos, backdrops, or other distracting web page features.

Sure, you can obtain this functionality on Chrome with a browser extension, but it’s an excellent example of Mozilla implementing a feature that Google refuses to implement.

Firefox Sync, Mobile Apps, and Sending Tabs

Firefox, like Chrome, has a Firefox Sync function that syncs your browser data across all of your devices and mobile apps so you can access your bookmarks and open tabs even when you’re not at your computer. For iPhone, iPad, and Android, official Firefox apps are available.

Chrome lacks several mobile-friendly features. For example, a “Transmit Tab to Device” option in Firefox’s page action menu lets you send a tab to another device you’re syncing with Firefox Sync, opening it on your phone or PC right away. It’s quite practical.

Overall, Firefox Quantum feels similar to Chrome (maybe even faster!). However, it has better text rendering and a few extra features that Chrome lacks. Nevertheless, it’s a great browser, and I’m going to remain with it.

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6 Reasons to Switch From Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox

1. Firefox Uses Less Memory Than Chrome

  • Do you have a habit of leaving many tabs open on your computer? Fortunately, you won’t have to worry about your computer slowing down because you have too many open tabs if you use Firefox. Google Chrome consumes a significant amount of RAM on your computer, thereby lowering its speed.
  • Each page you open in Chrome generates additional processes, each with its memory and copy. Firefox, on the other hand, employs four content processors at any given time. In other words, if you have 20 tabs open in Chrome, Chrome will use 20 processes, whereas Firefox will use only four.
  • Chrome’s processes are designed to enhance performance, but they consume a lot of memory and battery power.
  • Instead of each tab creating its process, Firefox uses the first four tabs together with those four processes, and any additional tabs are shared inside those processes. As a result, Firefox is a better browser alternative if your PC can’t keep up with Google Chrome’s memory usage.

2. Firefox Embraces the Open-Source Mindset

Mozilla Firefox is an open-source browser designed to work with other browsers and is committed to the open web. Firefox’s source code is available for anybody to modify and use as long as they follow the company’s licence policy. Firefox code is available for free to developers and anyone else who knows how to code.

On the other hand, Firefox has a complete public roadmap that is affected by contributors and members of the community. True open-source development should be about community collaboration like this.

3. Firefox Cares About Your Privacy

Firefox is an excellent option if you’re searching for a browser that gives you more control over how your data is used. You may rest confident that privacy is a priority with its continuous improvements to enhance your online privacy. In addition, Firefox makes every effort to provide you with the best possible user experience.

Trackers and scripts such as social media trackers, cross-site tracking cookies, fingerprinting, and crypto miners are all blocked by Firefox’s built-in tracker blocking tools.

4. Firefox Allows More Customization

  • Another significant distinction between Firefox and Chrome is the level of customisation available. Even across operating systems and devices, the Chrome browser appears remarkably identical.
  • For example, the title bar and tabs can only be skinned, except for eliminating specific toolbars and deleting a few icons adjacent to the address bar.
  • Firefox is capable of much more! Have you ever dreamed of a browser that allows you to channel your inner artist? You may use Firefox Color in addition to moving items around and customising the overall design.
  • Firefox Color is an add-on feature that allows you to customise your Firefox browser with gorgeous themes.

5. Firefox Boasts Unique Extensions

Chrome has a far wider extension library. However, Firefox offers a few unique extensions that Chrome users don’t have access to. Some of these extensions are so fantastic that once you’ve tried them, you won’t want to go back to Firefox.

  • The Multi-Account Containers functionality is the best illustration. This extension allows you to use one website while simultaneously checking many accounts on the same browser. For example, if you have many Twitter accounts and want to log into all of them simultaneously, it would ordinarily be a hassle.
  • Multi-Account Containers, on the other hand, allow you to have distinct containers in different tabs. Two distinct accounts can coexist in the same Firefox window, directly next to each other.
  • You can save time and energy by doing so instead of logging in and out of different Twitter accounts or using other time-consuming ways.

6. Firefox Can Do What Chrome Can (Mostly)

The differences between Firefox and Chrome are generally minor at the end of the day. Although one is somewhat faster or uses less energy, they are both goods in terms of use. To put it another way, anything you can do in Chrome, you can probably accomplish in Firefox as well.

Do you want to synchronise your tabs, bookmarks, profiles, and other settings across your devices? Do you need to create websites using an element inspector and console? To prevent malware infections, how about sandbox security? Or a task manager to track down issues with performance?

Chrome and Firefox are both capable of doing these things. If you’re hesitant to switch from Chrome, keep in mind that the two browsers have more in common than they have differences.

When Is Chrome Better Than Firefox?

Chrome, like Firefox, has a lot of fantastic features and perks when it comes to browsing:

  • Chrome is the only browser that can broadcast to Chromecast.
  • Chrome makes advanced web creation much easier.
  • Chrome puts a premium on refinement and simplicity above freedom, making it easier to use for non-techies.
  • You can utilise your Google accounts to set up numerous Chrome profiles if you’re integrated with Google services and don’t mind the privacy concerns.
  • Because Chrome has a larger market share than Firefox and Google looks to substantially affect the evolution of web technologies, webpages and web apps operate better in Chrome.


I hope you found this information helpful. Please fill out the form below if you have any queries or comments.

User Questions:

  1. Does it make sense to migrate from Chrome to Firefox?

Both browsers are lightning quick, albeit Chrome is slightly faster on desktop and Firefox on mobile. They’re both resource hogs, but Firefox becomes more efficient than Chrome as you open more tabs. The situation is similar when it comes to data utilisation, as both browsers are nearly identical.

  1. How good is Firefox Quantum?

We’ve come across nothing that Firefox Quantum can’t accomplish, and it feels quick and performs well in simple benchmarks. It also comes with its own extensive set of add-ons. In light of this, we believe Firefox Quantum is well worth a look if you’re sick of Chrome, Edge, or Safari.

  1. How safe is Firefox Quantum?

Unlike some other browsers, Firefox Quantum does not track user activities for targeted advertising. We’ve also added Tracking Protection to Firefox, which prevents many third-party marketers from using tracking scripts.

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