What’s the Difference Between 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi?

What’s the Difference Between 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi?

Here we can see, “What’s the Difference Between 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi?”

I admit that it are often confusing similar terms and abbreviations that are out there, but 5G and 5Ghz are two completely various things. 5Ghz may be a frequency employed by some WIFI systems, and 5G means fifth Generation. It’s even more confusing when many routers display their 5Ghz WIFI as “5G”.

What Is 5G? 

If you’re conversant in 3G, 4G already, you’ll know that the ‘G’ means Generation. for instance, 3G use frequencies 900Mhz & 2100Mhz within the UK and 4G use 800Mhz, 1800Mhx & 2600Mhz, with the 800Mhz being that frequency range that was previously used for terrestrial TV services. Still, to the present day, 4G interference can cause loss of TV signal and pixilation.

3G, 4G and 5G are all wireless telecommunications standards with improvements in speed and performance as time has gone on. For example, 3G first brought in mobile data, but the speed was inferior to 4G. 5G offers further improvements on this and also supports device-to-device communications. For example, it’s said that 5G will provide the framework for driverless cars and, therefore, the Internet of Things which can see everyday items like fridge freezers, toasters, washing machines etc., hook up with the web.

What is 5Ghz? 

It helps to know what hertz and, therefore, the ‘giga’ prefix means to know what 5Ghz means. Radio waves are transmitted through the air, constantly rotating from a charge to a charge and back again. The is named a sinusoidal wave or a wave and is most ordinarily known in Alternating Current(AC) used for mains electricity. the quantity of times the wave completes this process during a second is mentioned a Hertz(Hz), which means cycles per second.

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Next, we come to the ‘giga’ prefix, ‘giga’ means one billion or 10 to the facility of 9. This means that Giga-hertz (GHz) means a billion cycles per second, and 5Ghz would equal 5 billion hertz. For your reference for WIFI, TV aerial, satellite, telecoms, it’s also helpful to be conversant in the ‘mega’ and ‘kilo’ prefixes as they are commonly used and mentioned. Kilo means one thousand (10 to the facility of 3), and Mega means a million (10 to the 6).

What Is 5Ghz WIFI? 

The overwhelming majority of WIFI systems operate within the 2.4Ghz range over time; however, to accommodate more and more wireless devices and faster connection speeds, the 5Ghz range was introduced for this also. Both 2.4Ghz operates in the open spectrum, which suggests that anyone is liberal to make technology that will broadcast during this range. However, tons of the spectrum has been sold off to the telecoms companies for their services like 3G, 4G, etc. it’s illegal to broadcast in these frequencies without a license, so this is often what the open spectrum is reserved for. If you tried broadcasting or receiving transmissions within the 395 Mhz range, you’ll land yourself during a lot of trouble as this part of the spectrum is reserved for TETRA, which is employed by the emergency services.

You will notice that some routers are branded “dual band” or “Tri-band” this is often letting you recognize that the router operates in both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequency ranges. Most dual-band routers will broadcast two separate WIFI connections for you to log into; some don’t, but this is often usually having an equivalent password, but at the top of the WIFI SSID (This is your WIFI name) often you’ll see ‘-5G’ at the top or something similar. This shouldn’t be confused as the fifth Generation and means 5Ghz.

5Ghz has some advantages over 2.4Ghz in the sense that it can provide faster connection speeds. This is often because higher frequencies can carry more data. The downside of 5Ghz WIFI is that in being a better frequency, it doesn’t pass so well through objects and walls, meaning that it’s not ideal for whole-house coverage in your property. It’s better for brief range WIFI, though.

Does 5G Use 5Ghz?

I guess this relies on defining 5G, and there are several opinions on the service. If you’re defining 5G purely as something, you will be ready to connect your 5G phone to, then no. (At least that’s what I think) If you’re defining 5G as what technology it’ll eventually support, for instance, the web of Things(IoT), then the solution is yes, as this may use all frequencies.

5G are going to be employing a huge volume of frequencies, and essentially anything 600Mhz up. the primary 5G phones will use 3.4Ghz, but the 2.3Ghz has also recently been auctioned off, so this may likely become a 5G. There’s currently underway at the time of scripting this a 700Mhz clearance of digital TV services that are getting used for 5G, dubbed the “coverage layer” for its ability to urge a sign inside buildings. We’ll likely see 5G interference on TV signals within the 700Mhz range like we will see 4G interference within the 800Mhz range. Tons of the latest aerials are coming onto the market, which rejects these frequencies. the important controversy with 5G is that the mm-wave technology that will be used will initially be 24.25-27.5Ghz. This may support in no time connection speeds but also won’t travel very far. This suggests that transmitters will be installed every couple hundred meters approximately, often on street furniture.

5G Gateways/ Portable Routers Could Use 5Ghz WIFI

To confuse things even more so, some 5G gateways and portable routers could use 5Ghz WIFI for you to attach to. You’ll be conversant in portable 3G/4G routers, which may be carried about and hook up with the telecommunications network. This then provides you with a WIFI network to which you can connect your wireless devices, which can operate within the WIFI frequencies (2.4Ghz, 5Ghz). Many mobile phones/ tablets even have this facility where the phone can be set up as a mobile hot spot, and other wireless devices can hook up with that and use the info from that device. Surely the primary 5G versions of those will appear on the market very soon. This might qualify as using 5G with 5Ghz.

Bandwidth & Data Allowances

If you’ve got any questions on 5G or 5Ghz WIFI, please post them within the Blog Comments section below this and that I will do my best to answer these for you. It’s helpful to understand that bandwidth is additionally measured in hertz also, so it’s possible that somebody could say “5Ghz” and not necessarily be about a frequency. Also, not entirely equivalent, the quantity of knowledge that’s used otherwise you have in your allowance is usually measured in Giga-bytes, so you’ll also see the term 5GB which could lead you down a touch of a rabbit hole. I can’t tell if all of those similar terms are designed to be very similar and confusing because if they’re, they need to do a really good job in doing so.

5G Pros and Cons


1) Faster Speeds

5G is far faster than previous generation networks, with potential speeds of up to twenty Gbps; it’s 100 times faster than 4G and 4G LTE. The enhancements 5G brings mean downloading movies in seconds as against minutes. One comparison showed that 5G would save consumers 23 hours (almost one day) per month in loading time across social media, gaming and music/video streaming sites. 5G movie downloads, especially, were decreased from 7 minutes to only 6 seconds. Once 5G is unrolled in its entirety, many consumers and businesses may consider 5G as a robust alternative to broadband connections.

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2) Low Latency

Latency refers to the time that passes between an action and a response. as an example, the delay between when someone clicks a link to a webpage and when the browser displays that webpage. 5G networks will have far lower latency than 4G LTE. One trial showed that it might be but 5 milliseconds. This reduced latency will be ready to support new applications, like IoT (Internet of Things) and AI, allowing real-time connectivity.

3) Increased Capacity

5G will deliver up to 1000x more capacity than 4G across a bigger frequency spectrum. It’ll be ready to deal with simultaneous high-demand applications and can be ready to connect thousands of internet-enabled devices, from phones to sensors and IoT (Internet of Things).

It also means field-based employees who switch between the office and remote environments can use wifi connectivity and mobile connectivity without affecting performance or broadband accessibility. Gone are the times of using coffee shops for free of charge wifi, as even in urban areas, there’ll be enough capacity to continue working seamlessly.

4) More Bandwidth

Increased bandwidth means more versatility and possibilities to realize much more in less time. This supports both a faster connection and more devices and means within a given network, and more people can hook up with the web. 

Remember the pub, where people gather to observe football on the large screen while simultaneously streaming the golf and other ‘very important’ games on their phones. Airports, remember those? Waiting during a queue while your boarding card struggles to download. With 5G, we won’t need to worry about fighting for data. With more bandwidth available, we’ll be ready to do more with our devices.

5) Powering Innovation

Whereas 4G was primarily focused on mobile phones, 5G’s low latency and high capacity make it ideal for connecting an entire range of various devices, or ‘things, like drones and sensors during a product or machine. As a result, industries like healthcare, retail, manufacturing and entertainment will see huge technological advancement. In addition, with 5G powering the adoption of IoT, businesses will be more connected than ever before.


1) Limited Global Coverage

One of the most important cons of 5G is that it offers limited/uneven coverage and is merely available in specific locations. With highly populated areas being the key focus for deployment, big cities will likely be the primary to require advantage of 5G, whilst remote areas might not see it for an additional 5 years. Within the UK, several large business mobile providers like EE and Vodafone enable you to trace coverage.

2) Decreased Broadcast Distance

It’s not just the frequency of 5G that creates the network so fast; it’s a mixture of frequency and, therefore, the new technology within the masts. However, 5G won’t travel as far away from the masts as 4G, and objects like tall buildings and trees will block its high frequency. Therefore to deliver the speed and repair expected, numerous 5G towers must be installed for even coverage; this is often both expensive and time-consuming. What’s more, resistance from nearby residents has delayed the installation of some masts. Until this is resolved, we may be experiencing a spotty coverage of 5G a few times.

3) Upload Speeds

The download speeds of 5G technology are incredibly high, as mentioned in our pros above. However, upload speeds aren’t often quite 100Mbps. About existing mobile connectivity, however, the upload speeds are above existing technology like 4G LTE.

4) Weakened Device Batteries

When it involves our smart devices, we always want more. We would like them to figure faster and therefore the battery to last longer. 5G are going to be a reasonably battery-hungry network. Therefore, manufacturers will need to invest in new battery technology, ensuring that mobile devices can operate for a big period of your time on only one charge. Some users have reported 5G not only depletes battery life but also makes the devices hot.

5) Cyber Security

The rapid expansion of 5G would require a replacement approach to cyber security. Like any breakthrough technology, hackers will find ways to take advantage of vulnerabilities. Many are concerned that we are making it easier for cybercriminals to realize access to our data and systems with increased connectivity and speed. Some security concerns to consider:

  • 5G network is managed by software which makes it vulnerable. If a hacker is in a position to access the software, they essentially control the network.
  • The expansion in bandwidth creates additional avenues of attack for criminals.
  • More devices connected via IoT (thanks to 5G) present a way larger attack surface for cybercriminals. As a result, a managed SIEM service or the expertise of a Security Operations Centre will become even more necessary to guard a business’s infrastructure.

5GHz Pros and Cons

5GHz Pros

1) Speed

Over the previous couple of years, wifi has seen tons of improvement. 802.11n is capable of knowledge rates up to 600 Mbit/s in the 2.4GHz spectrum. This is often possible only under ideal situations. World data rates are slower, typically due to the congestion in the 2.4GHz spectrum. 802.11ac operates in a 5GHz spectrum and enjoys wider bandwidth as compared with other wifi standards using 2.4GHz.

2) Less Congested

5GHz wifi deployment is rare as compared to 2.4GHz wifi deployment. Fewer devices are operating on 5GHz as compared to 2.4GHz. This suggests that the noise floor is lower. There aren’t numerous devices making noise that gets within the way of signals. Lesser noise ensures faster speed also as a significantly more reliable connection.

3) No Radio Interference from 2.4 GHz Devices

Compared with 2.4 GHz, the most important advantage that 5GHz wifi routers enjoy is that they’ll get no interference from wireless devices at the office or home. Unfortunately, microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, alarm systems, wireless speakers and devices that emit 2.4 GHz band can weaken the wifi network operating on an equivalent frequency. So if you’ve got a double band router, don’t hesitate to modify it to a 5 GHz band.

4) Dynamic Management

Most users don’t know the ways to vary the channel on the router. So it’s not hard to guess that they won’t be ready to run a site survey to determine the best channel for a given environment. Thankfully enough, the 802.11ac devices are smarter than its predecessors. For example, today’s routers support the Dynamic Frequency Selection or DFS to detect military radar and dynamically shift that channel to a non-interfering band. Some manufacturers use an identical approach to detect the congested channels and make adjustments accordingly.

Some routers also support Transmitting Power Control or TPC that increases or decreases the power output of radio transmitters so that the router can maintain the link and do so without radiating more power than is completely essential. This reduces interference with other devices, bringing down the general power consumed by the router.

5) Shorter Distance and Penetration

The 5GHz signals don’t travel far or penetrate walls as efficiently as 2.4GHz signals. Because the signals aren’t going far, they won’t interfere with the signals from your neighbor, just like the far-reaching 2.4GHz signals do. With more people using 5GHz solutions, fewer devices are going to be using the two .4GHz signals.

5GHz Cons

1) Limited Range

Lower the frequency, further the wireless signal can travel. The devices on the 5GHz network will have a shorter range as compared to ones using 2.4 GHz. This is often possible to mitigate using subtle antenna technology. If a tool is way from the wireless access point, you’ll enjoy better luck connecting through 2.4 GHz.

2) Limited Support by Devices and better Cost

In a perfect world, all devices will provide the choice to either hook up with a 5 GHz or a 2.4 GHz network. Unfortunately, this is often not very simple since the 5 GHz support is way from being universal. At times, it’s a further cost option, and sometimes, it’s not in the least available.

All devices won’t have 5GHz compatibility inbuilt, but still, they’re going to work as they did before on 2.4GHz. However, it’ll perform better as soon as you offload traffic from that network to a 5GHz network. It’s better to upgrade the router to 802.11ac and found out both the 5GHz and a couple of .4GHz networks. Then, move the maximum amount of traffic as possible to the 5GHz network. You’ll have less interference, less noise, better speed, a more stable connection and possibly better battery life also.

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I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below. 

User Questions:

  1. Should I close up 5GHz wifi?

Most modern wifi routers are dual-band and broadcast two wifi networks: one at 2.4GHz and the other at 5GHz. the very best speed are often achieved on the 5GHz network utilizing the AC-wifi standard. … If you favor, switching off 5GHz will reduce wifi radiation from the router even more.

  1. Can I use 5G wifi on a 4G phone?

4G phones still work on a 5G network; they only won’t get that coveted 5G speed. … the reality is that 5G isn’t a completely new network — it’s just added on top of the 4G network. So your 4G phone will keep working just fine, and you will only need to upgrade if you would like 5G’s blazing speed.

  1. Is 2.4 GHz or 5GHz faster?

2.4 GHz vs. 5 GHz: Which frequency do you have to choose? A 2.4 GHz connection travels farther at lower speeds, while 5 GHz frequencies provide faster speeds at a shorter range. … tons of electronic devices and appliances use the two.4 GHz frequency, including microwaves, baby monitors, and garage door openers.

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  1. About the difference between 5 GHz & 2.4 GHz wifi

YSK: About the difference between 5 Ghz & 2.4 Ghz WiFi from YouShouldKnow

5.WiFi 2.4 ghz vs 5.0 ghz

WiFi 2.4 ghz vs 5.0 ghz from buildapc