The Printable Markdown Cheat Sheet for Beginners and Experts


This printable Markdown cheat sheet offers all you want to learn about Markdown formatting at a glance. Keep it comfortable and never be mistaken.

Markdown is an easy-to-learn markup language that is used to format plain text files. Even when you’ve got no prior experience with it, Markdown is so comfortable it can be heard in under 10 minutes.

By way of instance, if you would like to create a word that appears italicized, surround it with asterisks (e.g. *evaluation * becomes evaluation ). This works for whole sentences or even sentences. If you would like to generate a bulleted list, begin every line with a hyphen character. Simple, right?

There are all types of Markdown editor programs on the market, and you may also use Markdown from Microsoft Word. If you are still somewhat confused, take a look at our newcomer’s introduction to Markdown. Otherwise, consult with this Markdown cheat sheet below to get a fast overview of everything you could do with this.

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The Markdown Cheat Sheet

Format TypeMarkdown Syntax
Basic Elements
H1 to H6
# Heading Text
## Heading Text
### Heading Text
#### Heading Text
##### Heading Text
###### Heading Text
Italics*This text is italicized*
Bold**This text is bold**
Blockquote> Blockquote paragraphs must have
> a right-arrow bracket at the start
> of every single line.
> Use a blank line for multiple paragraphs.
Unordered List- Bullet list item
- Bullet list item
- Bullet list item
- Use a two-space indent for nested lists
Ordered List1. Bullet list item
2. Bullet list item
3. Bullet list item
1. Ordered lists can also be nested
Mixed List 1. Can you mix list types?
- Yes, you can!
Horizontal Line---

Note: Either three hyphens, asterisks, or underscores.
HyperlinkThis is an [example link](
Image![Alt Text](
Ignore Markdown Prefix Markdown characters with \*backslashes\* to ignore formatting.
Extended Elements
Code (Inline) `This is inline code`
Code (Block) ```
This is a block of code
It supports multiple lines
Strikethrough~~This text is crossed out~~
Hard Line Break This is some text\
This text is a new line, not a new paragraph
Table| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------ | ------------- |
| Content cell 1 | Content cell 2 |
| Content column 1 | Content column 2 |

Note: Preceding blank line is necessary.
Task Lists - [x] Completed task item
- [ ] Unfinished task item
- [ ] \(Optional) Mark parentheses to be ignored
Mention You can mention @users and @teams on GitHub. Mainly useful when submitting or commenting on bugs and issues.

Note: Emoji codes can be found in the emoji cheat sheet.
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Notice: Virtually all Markdown tastes support the fundamental components, but the lengthy elements are just supported by more innovative kinds of Markdown, such as CommonMark and GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Which Exactly Are Markdown Flavors?

The first Markdown specification came around in 2004. However, as advanced as it had been, many users believed that the first Markdown’s attribute set was too limited for anything more than simple document formatting.

As many sites embraced Markdown as their favorite way of entering text (e.g. blog articles, comments, forum posts, etc.), they started adding and encouraging their particular Markdown markup components. Notable sites include Reddit, GitHub, Stack Exchange, and much more.

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Finally, users started pushing to get a standardized set of formatting components, resulting in more Markdown tastes such as CommonMark, MultiMarkdown, Markdown Extra, GitHub Flavored Markdown, and much more.

Long story short: After you learn the fundamental components put forth by the first Markdown specification, you will have the ability to pick up another taste of Markdown easily. The variants are subtle and frequently only helpful in very particular use-cases.