Pac-Man and Nova Easter Eggs in Guardians of the Galaxy Explained by Game Devs

Pac-Man and Nova Easter Eggs in Guardians of the Galaxy Explained by Game Devs

The creators of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy dissect a number of Easter eggs in the game, including a Pac-Man cake and a Thor frog.

The film’s creators have explained several Easter eggs and comic book references in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Players take control of Star-Lord as he battles to lead his band of outlaws from outer space in Eidos-interplanetary Montreal’s action game. While Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is a single-player game, it contains numerous Easter eggs that should appeal to Marvel aficionados and those familiar with 1980s pop culture.

While Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy focuses on a small cast of cosmic heroes, many world-building details allude to the larger Marvel universe. Firelord and Moondragon, who appear in the comics as allies or full-fledged members of the Guardians, are given subtle hints throughout the game. The Collector’s Emporium, an optional location on Knowhere, is brimming with Marvel memorabilia including Heimdall’s sword, Kang’s throne, and the Cosmic Cube. Even more, Easter eggs reference Peter Quill’s childhood in the 1980s and reference pop culture outside of Marvel’s backlog. In Marvel‘s Guardians of the Galaxy, a Chewbacca toy stands out because it plays an essential role in the game’s emotional storey.

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Many of the references in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy have already been spotted, so publisher Square Enix has given developer Eidos-Montreal the responsibility of explaining them. Seven in-game Easter eggs are examined by Creative Director Jean-Francois Dugas and Art Director Bruno Gaulthier-Leblanc, who reveal the storey behind each inclusion. Peter Quill’s Chewbacca action figure was inspired by one Dugas had as a kid and was 3D scanned into the game. While Captain America associate Jack Flag can be cruelly blasted into space, Peter’s Dazzler poster evokes a beloved X-Men hero. Quill’s Pac-Man cake demonstrates the value of collaborating with other businesses, while elements like as Nova’s helmet and Throg allude to the Marvel universe as a whole. If Peter decides to take a shower, one scenario even makes a reference to Eidos-Deus Montreal’s Ex games.

Due to its emotional tale and fidelity to the source material, Insomniac’s 2018 open-world adventure, Marvel’s Spider-Man, has earned comparisons to Eidos-interplanetary Montreal’s odyssey. While most of the references in the game are just for fun, the Spider-Man Easter eggs in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy have some players thinking about a possible crossover. Players can find an edition of the Weekly Bugle in Guardians of the Galaxy, a newspaper that resembles Spider-employer, Man’s the Daily Bugle. Fans are hoping for a future crossover after one scenario in the game makes a more explicit reference to the web-slinger.

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Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has developed its own huge and fascinating adaption of the Marvel universe by integrating a profusion of Easter eggs. These Easter eggs in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy provide complexity and nostalgia, from old Pac-Man machines to Thor’s froggy equivalent. While no official plans for a sequel have been announced, future sequels to Eidos-game Montreal’s could perhaps explore some of these subtle parallels.

The PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC versions of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy are all available now.

Source: Square Enix