Last Known Good Configuration

Last Known Good Configuration

Here we can see, “Last Known Good Configuration”

“Last Known Good Configuration” is a recovery option integrated into all versions of Windows by Microsoft. It can be a useful tool when fixing a computer that isn’t working properly. The Advanced Boot Options menu contains the Last Known Good Configuration option.

“Last Known Good Configuration” is a phrase that means “the last known good configuration.”

Information about the Windows Registry as a background.

The Windows registry holds practically all of the system’s configuration and settings. The Windows registry is divided into four sections: HKEY CURRENT USER, which contains settings for the currently logged-in user account, HKLMSAM1, which contains information about Windows usernames and passwords, HKLMSECURITY, which contains settings for your machine’s security configuration; and HKLMSYSTEM, which contains all global settings for your PC.

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As previously stated, the HKLMSYSTEM registry hive includes most of the settings and configurations that Windows uses to select which drivers to load, which settings to utilize, which policies to create, etc. In addition, HKLMCurrentControlSet is a subdirectory of HKLMSYSTEM that contains all configurations and settings related to your hardware, drivers for communicating with that hardware, and system services.


Each time Windows is successfully booted, the old CurrentControlSet and its contents are copied and placed aside to protect against system problems and provide an easy recovery option. CurrentControlSet is a shortcut/pointer to one of CurrentControlSet001, CurrentControlSet002, or Clone in reality. Windows copies HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSet to HKLMSYSTEMClone when your computer initially starts up. CurrentControlSet is then “directed” at CurrentControlSet001 as a shortcut. Any modifications made to HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSet are applied to CurrentControlSet001 as well.

The most recent known good configuration.

Finally, we get at the day’s subject: the Last Known Good Configuration. If the changes to CurrentControlSet cause Windows to stop working properly, the previous configuration for Windows is still available in the backed-up copy. So, when Windows fails to start, you can ask for it to boot into the “Last Known Good Configuration.” Instead of referring CurrentControlSet to CurrentControlSet001 (which is the default), Windows will make SYSTEMCurrentControlSet point to CurrentControlSet002 — which we already know is good and working because we used it before.

Booting into the Last Known Good Configuration on your computer

The instructions for configuring Windows to boot into Last Known Good Configuration have been relocated to a separate post because this extensive discussion of how Last Known Good Configuration works behind the scenes contains complex details that are not required to use LKGC.

For instructions on restoring your PC to a functioning copy of CurrentControlSet through CurrentControlSet002, see Booting your PC into Last Known Good Configuration.


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User Questions

1. Is Windows 10 configured in the best way possible?

If you’re wondering how to get Windows 10 to boot into the “Last Known Good Configuration” mode, the quick answer is that you won’t be able to. Although Microsoft has deleted this exact boot option, Advanced Recovery options still provide numerous other possibilities.

2. How long does it take to reach the last known good configuration?

What is the time it takes to load the most recent good configuration? It shouldn’t take any more time than normal booting. The Last Known Good Configuration (LKGC) is a duplicate of the Control Set that was last used to start the computer successfully; however, the boot is only considered successful once you log on.

3. What is the location of the last known good configuration?

“Last Known Good Configuration” is a recovery option integrated into all versions of Windows by Microsoft. It can be a useful tool when fixing a computer that isn’t working properly. The Advanced Boot Options menu contains the Last Known Good Configuration option.

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4. How do I find last known good configuration in windows 10?

How do I find last known good configuration in windows 10? from Windows10

5. Need help (Windows Advanced Boot Options not working)

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