how safe are password managers

how safe are password managers

Here we can see, “how safe are password managers”

What is a password manager?

Once upon a time, during the first years of the web, you’ll have had a couple of passwords for a couple of essential web applications that you want to shop, study, stay connected, and obtain work done. Today, things are far more complicated. A 2017 report from LastPass found, on average, people had to recollect 191 different passwords—just for work—not to say their passwords.

While technology promises to form our lives easier, and it generally does, every new website and application we check in for is another password we’ve to recollect. For most, it’s become impossible to recollect all of them. The 2019 Google Online Security Survey found 52 per cent of respondents reused an equivalent password for multiple (but not all) accounts. This is often an enormous no-no.

Using giant lists of stolen passwords (aka “dumps”) bought off the dark web, cybercriminals can brute force their way into other sites or use old passwords to extort users in scams. This is often the info breach consequence, and one breach results in another and another then on.

According to the 2019 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 80 per cent of knowledge breaches are caused by compromised, weak, and reused passwords.

How do password managers secure your passwords?

There are multiple ways in which password managers secure your passwords – that’s why they’re so safe to use. Albeit they will be hacked, very similar to anything, such a scenario is improbable, provided you’re taking the required precautions. It’s way more accessible for the attacker to use social engineering or phishing than to crack a robust password truly.

So, what makes password managers so secure?

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First and foremost, password managers use encryption to guard your passwords. AES 256-bit is the industry standard employed by the military due to its exceptional strength. It might take quite a lifetime to crack this cypher, so a brute-force attack features a near-zero chance of success.

Furthermore, password managers protect your data from themselves by using zero-knowledge architecture. It means your passwords are encrypted before they leave your device. So once they find themselves on the company’s server, the provider has no tools to decipher them.

Most password managers will ask you to use a master password for accessing your vault. If it’s secure, you’ll make sure that the remainder of your passwords is safe enough. It’s also recommended to use two-factor authentication (2FA) to reinforce your database safety. Using biometric identification, like fingerprint or face scan, is additionally an honest idea.

Finally, password managers have multiple features aimed toward securing your passwords. Some will remind you to vary the passwords regularly and evaluate their strength. Others will scan the dark web to see if any of your logins appeared online. And a few will do both, then some.

What are the risks of using a password manager?

There are no thanks to staying 100% safe online. Albeit you employ a reliable password manager, there are certain risks that you should know about:

  1. All sensitive data in one place. You’ve probably heard about keeping your eggs in one basket, and that’s precisely what you will be doing with a password manager. That basket will likely include MasterCard details and secure notes too. Just in case of a breach, blocking all payment options and changing passwords for all accounts might take enough time for the attacker to try to damage.
  2. Backup isn’t always possible. If the server breaks down, your only hope is that your provider has made a backup copy. This risk increases multi-fold if you opt to stay your vault offline on one of your devices. Naturally, keeping your backup on an unprotected disc drive or poorly protected cloud service won’t help either.
  3. Not all devices are secure enough. Hackers exploit an equivalent vulnerability to urge all of your logins in one attack. Password managers are often hacked if your device is infected with malware. Typing the master password will catch on record during this case, and cybercriminals will gain full access to the stored info. That’s why password manager users should first invest in securing all of their devices to scale back the risks.
  4. Not using biometric identification. Biometric identification may be an excellent way to feature another level of security. If you configure your password manager to request either a fingerprint or face scan, the probabilities of somebody hacking into your vault become as slim as Shady. It is also much easier for you to touch the fingerprint scanner than to enter a master password.
  5. Bad password manager. If it’s weaker encryption, offers few features, and has poor reviews, you shouldn’t use it when securing your vault; saving a couple of bucks a month shouldn’t be your main priority. 
  6. Forgetting your master password. Are you the sole one that knew it, and your password manager doesn’t have a reset feature? During this case, you’ll already start recovering each login one by one. Alternatively, you’ll want to store your master password (or a hint) in some physically secure place, like security.

As you’ll see, a number of the risks stem from the password managers themselves, but others exist solely due to users’ behaviour. If we do not count the latter, we will see that there aren’t many risks of employing a password manager.

Can password managers be trusted?

Despite all the concerns listed above, good password managers are challenging to compromise. The usage of AES-256 encryption, the “zero-knowledge” technique, and the possibility of using two-factor authentication make password managers a safer and easier option than basically anything available at the instant.

When it involves safety, the foremost important thing from your side is the master password, as you’ve got to make one access all the opposite passwords. 

So, confirm it’s a robust one. It’s to be a minimum of 12 characters long, contain various symbols, and be impossible to guess.

Which password manager type is the most secure?

Browser-based password managers

  • Security: safe
  • Pros: straightforward to use, free
  • Cons: no cross-browser sync, not all generate passwords, few measure password strength
  • Examples: built-in browser password managers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)

If we boil down safety to encryption and two-factor authentication, browser-based password managers are pretty safe. However, the more closely you look, the less secure browser password managers appear.

For starters, browser-based password managers work on one particular browser. If you opt to manoeuvre from Safari to Chrome or Firefox, you might have trouble exporting and importing. Furthermore, there is no way you’ll synchronize your vault on different browsers. All this often results in storing your passwords in an insecure location.

Secondly, not all browser-based password managers have a password generator. Without one, you’ll need to create them manually.

Lastly, browser password managers can’t detect weak or reused passwords. Want to understand if your logins aren’t available on the dark web? You’ll need to make sure manually on a separate tool.

Cloud-based password managers

  • Security: high
  • Pros: very convenient, quick access from anywhere, cloud backup, internet-dependent
  • Cons: no control over your vault security; third-party servers store your data.
  • Examples: Zoho Vault, LastPass

Compared to browser-based ones, cloud-based password managers are safer, as they need more features that enhance security.

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To begin with, most cloud-based password managers provide a backup for your vault. Just in case something happens to the server, you’ll recover a recent version of your database. 

Furthermore, cloud-based password managers allow you to store passwords and secure notes and MasterCard details. In this manner, you’ll protect all sensitive information.

Additionally, cloud-based password managers detect reused and weak passwords, generate strong ones and check if your accounts haven’t leaked. They also allow you to share your vault entries easily, even with those that don’t use an equivalent service.

Finally, cloud-based password managers will work on multiple browsers and operating systems. It means you will not need to believe the way to securely copy and paste something from your database.

Desktop-based password managers

  • Security: highest*
  • Pros: safest option, doesn’t require an online connection
  • Cons: no access from other devices, complicated password sharing, manual backups
  • Examples: Bitwarden, KeePass, 1Password, Dashlane

You may have noticed an asterisk beside the safety score. That’s because desktop-based password managers are often the safest, but that depends solely on the user.

These password managers store your data locally, on one among your devices. That device doesn’t need to be connected to the web, so there could be nearly zero chances of hacking into it. The foremost likely (and still improbable) scenario is you inadvertently installing a keylogger and typing in your master password. However, this will be avoided by using biometric identification.

Such a setup has its cons, which stem from the desktop-based password manager’s very nature. For starters, you will have to require care of normal backups, and if your device breaks down irreparably, you’ll kiss your vault goodbye. What’s more, you will not be ready to access your passwords from other devices, and sharing them won’t be easy either.

What if your password manager gets hacked?

In most cases, getting hacked won’t end in all of your passwords falling into the incorrect hands. However, even the foremost secure password manager may have a significant vulnerability that everybody overlooked.

Let’s start with the very fact that your passwords are encrypted locally. Password managers haven’t any thanks for deciphering your data because they implement a zero-knowledge policy. So if a hacker breaks into your vault, he will see only encrypted information.

There’s a fat chance that the attacker could force an entry into your physical device by stealing it, using malware, or logging keystrokes. Even then, they are going to need your master password. If you employ biometric data, like fingerprint or face ID, the prospect of a successful attack becomes infinitesimally low.

If the attacker installs malware on your device, your best move is to reinstall the OS and alter all passwords in your vault. Confirm also to activate 2FA wherever you’ll. This way, you’ll notice when an unusual request involves the authenticator app.

Password manager hacks

The list of notable password manager hacks is short. Otherwise, they would not have the reputation they need today. That’s why I will also be adding reported vulnerabilities that may not have resulted in any damage.

  • In 2015, LastPass detected an intrusion into its servers. Hackers took users’ email addresses and password reminders, among other info. This resulted in no known damages because, although you used a weak master password, the attackers cracked it; they might still get to verify the access by email.
  • In 2016, many security vulnerabilities were reported by white-hat hackers and security experts. Among the affected password managers were LastPass, Dashlane, 1Password, and Keeper. In most cases, the attacker would still need to use phishing to trick the user into revealing some data.
  • In 2017, LastPass reported a significant vulnerability in its browser add-ons and asked subscribers to refrain from using them. It had been fixed in but 24 hours. Keeper and OneLogin also had issues that did not end in casualties.
  • In 2019, serious vulnerabilities were found within the code of Dashlane, LastPass, 1Password, and KeePass. This applied to Windows 10 users and as long as the proper malware was installed. Once more, the users didn’t suffer any reported casualties.

As you’ll see, none of those password manager hacks was that serious. Sure, vulnerabilities were exposed, but they were also fixed promptly. And in most cases, the attacker would need to either get some more data from the user or overtake their device completely before accessing the vault. As a result, none of the problems mentioned above hurt the reputation of password managers.

Are premium password managers safe?

Most premium password managers are way safer than the bulk of the free ones. The latter are often buggy, developed by shady companies, and sometimes even include malware. Despite that, there are quality free password managers that are as safe because of the paid services. The previous often include a free version. Therefore, it is a good idea to match them and see what’s lacking.

Usually, both free and premium password managers use military-grade encryption and zero-knowledge architecture. This suggests that there are no thanks to deciphering your database, albeit someone breaks into it. The provider also doesn’t have a key to unlock your data. That’s why it all comes right down to employing a proper master password, 2FA, and keeping your devices malware-free.

What are the safest password managers?

The safest password managers are mostly those that are ranked at the highest. After all, how can it’s otherwise when the merchandise gets the very best scores from multiple review sites?


  • Cloud storage: 3 GB (with NordLocker app)
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Platforms & Browser plugins: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Brave, Vivaldi, and Edge

As one of the credential managers on the market, NordPass is a valuable tool for those who want a simple thanks to keeping track of their passwords. Apart from using the next-gen XChaCha20 encryption, NordPass also takes advantage of cloud storage, storing all of your passwords within the cloud so that you don’t lose them.

It also offers two-factor authentication, biometric identification (that allows you to use your face or fingerprints rather than your master password), a password generator, a knowledge breach scanner, and many other features which will assist you together with your online security


  • Cloud storage: No
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
  • Browser plugins: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, Edge Legacy

Not only is LastPass safe, but it is also arguably the safest password manager in 2021. We’re talking about AES 256-bit encryption and zero-knowledge architecture here. Many multi-factor authentication options are available, and you’ll also use third-party authenticators like Google, Microsoft, or YubiKey.

Unfortunately, we must point also means that LastPass suffered a breach in 2019. As a result, an embedded malicious code exposed quite 16 million users’ data. The corporate fixed the difficulty in no time, but the reputation remains in question.


  • Cloud storage: 1 GB
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Platforms & Browser plugins: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge

As our #1 password manager, Dashlane is exceptionally safe. It uses military-grade encryption and zero-knowledge architecture. What’s more, there are many multi-factor authentication options. Additionally to the 2FA, you’ll use universal two-factor authentication (U2FA). It comes within the sort of an NFC or USB device that acts as a key.

Both Face ID and Touch ID are available when it involves biometric data, counting on your device. Then there is a dark web scanner that reports if your data is out there online. Last but not least comes a built-in Virtual Private Network (VPN), and it’ll encrypt your traffic and allow you to hook up with servers in additional than 20 countries.


  • Cloud storage: 1 GB
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
  • Browser plugins: Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Edge

As we mentioned previously, your password manager of choice should be the safe one. And 1Password belongs on our top list. It uses bank-grade encryption and offers “something that you simply are” (biometric) and “something that you have” (smartphone code) as 2FA options. There’s also a dark web scanner at your service.

1Password also checks whether an internet site you simply want to log in to allows 2FA and uses HTTPS. This feature is exclusive among all premium password managers. Finally, a so-called Travel Mode hides essential data on your phone while you’re abroad. Just in case you break down, the knowledge won’t fall under the incorrect hands.


I hope you found this helpful guide. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below. 

User Questions:

1.Can password managers be hacked?

“yes.” Password managers are often hacked. But while cybercriminals may get “in”, it doesn’t suggest they’re going to get your master password or other information. … Plus, most password managers don’t store or have any access to your master password or the encrypted information in your password database.

  1. Are password manager apps secure?

In the simplest sense, password managers are apps that securely store your login details for all kinds of websites and online services. Most password managers don’t just keep track of your various usernames and passwords; they also create unique, strong passwords for your various logins.

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  1. Why you should not use a password manager?

One of the foremost significant risks in employing a password manager is forgetting your master password. Once you use a password manager, you need to enter that one master password for your password manager account, regardless of whether you’re logging in to your social media account, banking account, or anything.

4.Why are password managers safer when you’re only counting on one password?

ELI5: Why are password managers safer when you’re in reality only relying on one password? from Bitwarden

5.Why do people trust Password Managers?

Why do people trust Password Managers? from Passwords