Google Pixel 5a Jony Ive Apple parody video is strangely out of time

Google Pixel 5a Jony Ive Apple parody video is strangely out of time

Google created the video that you are about to see to make you laugh. This video was created to promote the Google Pixel 5a. It’s less because it’s excellent and more. After all, you love watching ads during Super Bowl. Unfortunately, it’s possible to forget the purpose of the video by the end.

Jony Ive last appeared in a promotional video for Apple in 2019, when it was all about Apple’s Mac Pro. The following video was shown to give us a first glimpse at the Mac Pro (2019). Ive was also absent from the event. Jony Ive’s resignation from Apple was announced in June 2019, the same month.

It’s been quite some time since Ive spoke in the parody manner Google released this week. Google’s video features a speaker who sounds very similar to Ive. He uses the same inflexions, affectations and accents that Ive used to describe industrial design elements. It’s a great parody.

The best part is at 52 seconds in. A whispering voice follows the main speaker and says “aluminium” with silent “fancy pronunciation.”

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The joke almost immediately backfires as the Google Pixel 6 lacks a headphone jack. Over the years, Google has been hesitant to include a standard 3.5mm headset jack in the smartphones it releases under the Pixel brand. The Google Pixel 5 lacks a jack, the Google Pixel 5a has one, and the Google Pixel 6 does not have one at all.