Docker toolbox download mac


Docker Toolbox

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Docker Toolbox has been deprecated and is not in active growth. Please utilize Docker Desktop instead. Watch Docker Desktop for both Mac and Docker Desktop for Windows.

This webpage describes how to migrate your Docker Toolbox disc pictures to Docker Desktop. Additionally, it includes instructions on the best way to uninstall Docker Toolbox out of Mac and Windows devices.

Migrate from Docker Toolbox to Docker Desktop on Mac

You can migrate present Docker Toolbox pictures together with the actions explained below.

At a terminal, whereas conducting Toolbox, utilize Docker commit to Make an image photo in the container, for each box You Would like to maintain:

$ docker commit nginx

Next, export all these pictures (and some other pictures You Would like to store ):

$ docker save -o nginx.tar sha256:1bc0ee792d144f0f9a1b926b862dc88b0206364b0931be700a313111025df022

Next, when conducting Docker Desktop on Mac, hit all of these pictures:

$ docker load -i nginx.tar
Loaded image ID: sha256:1bc0ee792d144f0f9a1b926b862dc88b0206364b0931be700a313111025df022

Be aware that these measures won’t migrate some docker volume contents: All these have to be duplicated together manually.

Eventually (optional), even if you’re finished using Docker Toolbox, then it’s possible to completely uninstall Docker Toolbox with all the directions described in the subsequent section.

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Migrate from Docker Toolbox to Docker Desktop on Windows

You can migrate present Docker Toolbox pictures together with the actions explained below.

At a terminal, whereas conducting Toolbox, utilize Docker commit to Make an image photo in the container for every box You Would like to maintain:

> docker commit nginx

Next, export all these pictures (and some other pictures You Would like to store ):

> docker save -o nginx.tar sha256:1bc0ee792d144f0f9a1b926b862dc88b0206364b0931be700a313111025df022

Next, when conducting Docker Desktop on Windows, hit all of these pictures:

> docker load -i nginx.tar
Loaded image ID: sha256:1bc0ee792d144f0f9a1b926b862dc88b0206364b0931be700a313111025df022

Be aware that these measures won’t migrate some docker volume contents: All these have to be duplicated together manually.

Uninstall Docker Toolbox

Eliminating Toolbox entails removing all of the Docker parts it comprises.

A complete uninstall also has to eliminate the remote and local machines you made with Docker Machine. Sometimes, you may want to maintain appliances made using Docker Machine. By way of instance, if you mean to reinstall Docker Machine for part of Docker Desktop, then you also can continue to handle those machines via Docker. Or, when you’ve got remote servers on a cloud supplier, and you intend to take them with the supplier, you would not wish to eliminate them. Thus, the best way to eliminate machines is explained here as discretionary.

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Uninstall Docker Toolbox on Mac

To disable Docker Toolbox on Mac:

1. Organize your machines.

$ docker-machine ls
NAME                ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                        SWARM
dev                 *        virtualbox   Running   tcp://
my-docker-machine            virtualbox   Stopped
default                      virtualbox   Stopped


2. Optionally, eliminate each device. As an instance:

$ docker-machine rm my-docker-machine
Successfully removed my-docker-machine

Successfully removed my-docker-machine

This measure is optional since, if you intend to reinstall Docker Machine for part of Docker Desktop for Mac, it is possible to import and keep to handle those machines via Docker.

3. On your “Programs” folder, then eliminate the “Docker” directory, which comprises “Docker Quickstart Terminal” and “Kitematic.”

4. Run the following into a command shell to Completely remove Kitematic:

$ rm -fr ~/Library/Application\ Support/Kitematic

5. Eliminate the Docker, docker-compose, also docker-machine orders in the usr/local/bin folder. Docker Desktop for both Mac and Brew can have installed in the event of uncertainty, leave them to reinstall them through Brew, or rerun Docker Desktop for Mac (no need to reinstall it manually ).

$ rm -f /usr/local/bin/docker
$ rm -f /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ rm -f /usr/local/bin/docker-machine

6. Optionally, remove the ~/.docker/machine directory.

This directory stores a few states or configurations, for example, advice regarding created certificates and machines.

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7. Uninstall Oracle VirtualBox that is set up as part of this Toolbox setup.

Uninstall Docker Toolbox on Windowsđź”—

To disable Toolbox onto Windows:

1. Organize your machines.

$ docker-machine ls
NAME                ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                        SWARM
dev                 *        virtualbox   Running   tcp://
my-docker-machine            virtualbox   Stopped
default                      virtualbox   Stopped

2. Optionally, eliminate each device. As an instance:

$ docker-machine rm my-docker-machine
Successfully removed my-docker-machine

This measure is optional since, if you intend to reinstall Docker Machine for part of Docker Desktop for Windows, it is possible to import and keep to handle those machines via Docker.

3. Uninstall Docker Toolbox with Window’s standard procedure for uninstalling apps throughout the control panel (apps and attributes ).

Notice: This procedure doesn’t get rid of the docker-install.exe file. You have to delete this file yourself.

4. Optionally, remove the C:\Users\<your-user>\.docker directory.

If you would like to eliminate Docker, it is possible to confirm the downloaded destroyed the .docker directory beneath your user route. When it’s still there, then remove it. This directory stores a few Docker app states and configurations, for example, advice regarding created certificates and machines. You typically don’t have to eliminate this directory.

5. Uninstall Oracle VirtualBox that is set up as part of this Toolbox setup.