How to Fix Cemu Crashes When Loading Game

cemu crashes when loading game

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Cemu Crashes When Loading Game

The first step is to make sure the game you’re eager to play has been deemed playable, as many games are either not yet supported, is only known else but crash, or need regressions in compatibility thanks to Cemu updates or issues with new GPU Drivers. Before posing for any help, please check the Game Compatibility List and subsequent Wiki entries; remember outdated testing results.

We encourage our users to submit their testing results and keep the wiki up-to-date otherwise so that everyone’s questions could also be answered.

Stuck on “”Loading…”” / Crash to Desktop (CTD) when starting a gamePermalink

Cause #1

Open Task Manager on Windows -> Clicks the (^) More Details button if necessary -> Navigate to the small print tab. Please confirm Cemu.exe isn’t available in your process list before trying to run Cemu again – that it’s otherwise fully closed. There’s a problem recently where Cemu.exe can grind to a halt within the background, which can cause issues for saving your games, running games, loading your shader cache, and a wider assortment of other complications.

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Cause #2

Open your Cemu folder and temporarily rename your shader cache folder. This may allow you to check a fresh cache to ascertain if the matter was associated with the getting used cache. If renaming the shader cache folder didn’t help, ensure Cemu is fully closed, then rename your earlier shader cacher back to the name “shader cache”; you’ll get to delete the one that Cemu created after you renamed your original copy.

Cause #3

Accidentally loading an Update or DLC as a game by using File -> Load can cause this. Alternatively, if you mistakenly merged the Update or DLC data into the bottom Game trying to save lots of space, this may break the bottom Game – all of the game’s data will be got to be dumped from your Wii U and replaced. So ensure you’re launching the Game correctly or otherwise that Update and DLC data is being installed properly.

Cause #4

To continue off of Cause #3, this might be caused by an incomplete or otherwise corrupt dump of your Base Game / Update / DLC copy. Sometimes Dumping software doesn’t work the way it’s intended to, but it’s better than not having it available. Try dumping the info from your Wii U again – reinstalling any game data won’t affect your saves.

Cause #5

Illicitly obtained game data also will cause this to happen. Dumping your game data is that the only method that Cemu provides support for. Posing for help with illegally downloading that data will end in an immediate ban or warning.

Crashing with [File] -> [Load] or [Install Game Title, Update, or DLC]Permalink

This refers to when the Window’sWindow’s File Explorer window is meant to crop up. This is often a longstanding issue that either causes that:

  1. Incompatibility with a third-party program installed on your PC, usually one that edits how Windows visually looks or people who edit the Taskbar/Tray.
  2. If your PC supports Intel Optane / RST, you want to keep the drivers and features for it installed. Not having the software available can cause this issue; if you removed them or never installed them, it’s encouraged for you to try to do so, but as long as your motherboard supports this feature and you get this sort of crash.
  3. A broken or semi-corrupt Windows installation.

We encourage you to undertake and find the afflicting program and take it away. Otherwise, you ought to consider installing the newest version of Windows 10 cleanly. Migrations, in-place upgrades, “refresh”, and the other non-clean installation methods may result in the problem migrating with you to your newer installation. If you’re unsure how to do a clean Windows reinstallation, we propose you follow a tutorial. Please be smart and back up any files, settings, and programs/program names/product keys that you want to transfer beforehand.

User Questions:

Are there specific games that consistently trigger Cemu crashes, or does it happen with any game you try to load?

Before diving into potential fixes, let’s first pinpoint the scope of the problem. Are you encountering crashes with a particular game, or does Cemu shut down unexpectedly no matter what game you try to load? This information can help us determine whether the issue is likely rooted in game-specific compatibility problems or a broader compatibility issue with your system.

Have you checked if your graphics drivers are up-to-date? Outdated drivers can sometimes cause compatibility issues.

Outdated graphics drivers are often the first suspects in game crashes. Think of them as essential translators between your games and your graphics card. If they’re not up-to-date, communication can break down, leading to unexpected game exits.

To ensure smooth sailing, take a moment to verify that your graphics drivers are the latest and greatest. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Identify your graphics card manufacturer: Are you using an NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel card?
  2. Visit the manufacturer’s official website: Each company offers a dedicated driver download section.
  3. Download and install the latest drivers: Follow the on-screen instructions, and you’ll be good to go!

Are you running any other applications in the background that might interfere with Cemu?

Before diving into technical settings, it’s worth taking a quick look at any other programs that might be vying for attention behind the scenes.

  • Close Unnecessary Applications: Think of it as clearing the stage for Cemu to shine. Web browsers, chat apps, media players—anything that isn’t essential for your current gaming session can be politely asked to take a break. This helps free up valuable system resources and minimizes potential conflicts.

  • Keep an Eye on Antivirus: While antivirus software is crucial for protecting your system, it can sometimes get a little overprotective. If Cemu is repeatedly crashing, consider temporarily disabling your antivirus or adding Cemu to its list of exceptions. Just remember to re-enable it afterward!

Have you tried adjusting the Cemu settings, such as graphics or CPU configurations, to see if the crashes persist?

If clearing the background noise doesn’t resolve the crashes, it’s time to delve into the heart of Cemu’s settings:

  • Graphics Settings: This is where you can strike a harmonious balance between visual fidelity and performance. Experiment with different resolutions, graphics packs, and anti-aliasing options to find the sweet spot that keeps Cemu running smoothly without sacrificing visual quality.

  • CPU Settings: Ensure that Cemu is utilizing your processor’s full potential. Adjusting the number of CPU cores dedicated to emulation and experimenting with different CPU modes (single-core, dual-core, etc.) can often iron out performance hiccups.

Does the crash occur at a specific point in the game loading process, such as during the initial loading screen or when entering gameplay?

  • Pinpointing the precise moment of the crash can be a game-changer in troubleshooting. Is it when you’re eagerly anticipating that first glimpse of the game world during the initial loading screen? Or does it happen just as you’re about to dive into the action, right as gameplay begins?
  • Zeroing in on the timing of the crash can help narrow down potential causes. For example, crashes during loading screens often point to issues with loading game assets, while crashes during gameplay might suggest conflicts with other programs or hardware limitations.

Are you using any third-party mods or custom configurations that could be contributing to the crashes?

  • While mods and custom configurations can breathe new life into your gaming experience, they can sometimes introduce unexpected conflicts. If you’re using any, it’s essential to consider them as potential suspects in the crash investigation.
  • Temporary disabling of mods can help determine if they’re the root of the problem. If the crashes cease, you’ve found your culprit! If not, the search continues.
  • Double-checking custom configuration settings is also crucial, as they might be inadvertently causing conflicts with the game’s default settings.

Have you checked if your system meets the minimum hardware requirements for running Cemu and the specific game you are trying to play?

  • It’s like prepping for a marathon: Just as runners need proper gear, Cemu requires specific hardware to function smoothly.
  • Consult the official Cemu website for a detailed breakdown of minimum specs, including CPU, GPU, RAM, and operating system recommendations.
  • Pay close attention to the specific game you’re aiming to play, as some titles may have additional hardware needs.

Is your antivirus software or firewall blocking Cemu’s access to necessary files or resources?

  • Even well-meaning guardians can sometimes get in the way. Your antivirus software or firewall, designed to protect your system, might unintentionally block Cemu’s access to essential files or resources.
  • Grant Cemu permission to operate freely by adding it to your antivirus and firewall exceptions lists. This simple step can often resolve unexpected issues.

Have you tried running Cemu in compatibility mode for a different Windows version to see if that resolves the issue?

Step Back in Time to Smooth Out Cemu

  1. Right-click on the Cemu icon and select “Properties.”
  2. Head to the “Compatibility” tab.
  3. Under “Compatibility mode,” check the box and select a Windows version from the dropdown menu. It’s often a good idea to start with the version that was current when Cemu was released.
  4. Click “Apply” and give Cemu a whirl. If the crashes vanish, you’ve found your fix! If not, experiment with different compatibility settings until you find the perfect match.

Are there any error messages or codes that accompany the Cemu crashes, providing more information about the nature of the problem?

Cemu crashes can be frustratingly vague, but sometimes they leave behind valuable clues in the form of error messages or codes. These cryptic messages can offer insights into the root of the problem, guiding you towards a solution.

Here’s a quick crash-decoding guide:

  • “Access violation” errors often point to issues with memory access, suggesting a potential conflict with other programs or drivers.
  • “General protection fault” errors often signal problems with system resources or hardware compatibility.
  • Crash logs (usually found in Cemu’s installation directory) can offer even more detailed information, though they might require a bit of technical know-how to decipher.