Battlefield 2042 Is So Broken Steam Is Refunding Purchases

Battlefield 2042 Is So Broken Steam Is Refunding Purchases

Battlefield 2042 is unstable months after its release that Steam is granting refunds for the game outside of its standard 14-day refund period.

Battlefield 2042 has only been released for a few months, yet it’s already broken to the point where Steam offers refunds to anyone who wants them. Battlefield 2042 launched with a slew of bugs, and it doesn’t appear that things have gotten much better since then. Steam is prepared to offer refunds indicates that the flaws are more than just graphical defects or coincidental events.

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Battlefield 2042 was supposed to be released in October 2021. However, it was pushed out to November, with an open beta test in October instead. Millions of people participated in the open beta, and DICE published a lengthy blog post afterward describing what it had learned from the feedback and what adjustments it will make to the game before launch. Battlefield 2042 started with a big list of flaws, so that one beta weekend may not have been enough. Gamers have expressed their dissatisfaction on social media, and some have even asked for their money returned, citing the game’s flaws. While this event infrequently happens in many games, individuals complaining about the bugs in Battlefield 2042 may have a valid complaint.

According to a report from Charlie Intel, Steam users who request refunds are getting them. Most Steam purchases are eligible for refunds, but only if they are returned within fourteen days after purchase and played for less than two hours. In the case of Battlefield 2042, it appears that Steam is ready to overlook its criteria and issue refunds based on the game’s unstable nature. Some of the flaws in Battlefield 2042 are awful, so, understandably, gamers would seek a refund for a game they couldn’t play in some circumstances. Interestingly, Steam is ready to break its regulations to issue refunds, but it could indicate how unusable the game is for people.

When games are released with bugs, gamers frequently “review bomb” or leave a stream of negative reviews urging others to avoid the game and lower its score on review sites. While this has been done in the past as a kind of protest against particular DRM software, Battlefield 2042 is undeniably full of flaws. Thus the poor reviews could be honest criticisms of the game in this case. Battlefield 2042 has become one of Steam’s worst-reviewed games, so if the company is offering refunds outside of its normal window for one of Steam’s worst-reviewed titles, it’s a sign that the game is now a game is indeed broken and could have used more development time.

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Battlefield 2042 appears to have a hard road ahead of it. Patches and updates have helped, but fans are still yelling at the developers to improve the game, to the point where the Battlefield 2042 subreddit may be shut to stop the rioting. Let’s hope the developers can please the game’s most ardent fans and make Battlefield 2042 the game it should have been at launch.

Source: Charlie Intel