How to: Backup Ps4 Save Data & Game Saves

How to: Backup Ps4 Save Data & Game Saves

Here we can see, “How to: Backup Ps4 Save Data & Game Saves”

  • In PlayStation 4, Sony includes built-in game save backup options.
  • With a straightforward approach, we’ll look at all of the ways to backup PS4 save data and game saves in this article.
  • There are various reasons why you should back up your PS4 save data and game saves. The most common reason, though, is to be responsible with your data so that you have a backup in case something goes wrong.
  • Sony provides several options for backing up your PlayStation 4 saves. You may either use the cloud option, which requires a PS+ subscription, or backup to an external drive, which is more traditional.

This article will look at all of the many options for backing up PS4 save data and games.

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How can I back up my PS4 data?

1. Save PS4 data to the cloud as a backup

  1. Open Settings from the PlayStation menu.
  2. Next, pick Application Save Data Management from the drop-down menu.
  3. Saved Data in System Storage can now be accessed.
  4. Choose Upload to Online Storage from the drop-down menu.
  5. Now choose the game for which you wish to save a backup.
  6. To choose Saved Data, use the X button on your control.
  7. Click the Upload button (bottom right corner) when you’re finished.
  8. Now repeat the procedures for each game you want to play.

Sign into your PlayStation Plus account on any PS4 console to restore the game data.

Set up an automatic backup of your game data

  1. Select Application Saved Data Management from the Settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to Auto–Upload and click it.
  3. You can choose which game saves to upload from the Auto-Upload options.

It may take a few hours for all of your game data to upload if you’re using the backup option for the first time.

When you enable the auto-upload option, the PS4 will automatically upload saved data when it is turned on or in standby mode.

For this functionality to work, make sure the option Stay connected to the Internet when in rest mode is enabled. If it isn’t already enabled, here’s how to make it so.

  1. Open the Settings menu.
  2. Select the Power Settings option.
  3. In Rest Mode, Open Set Features are available.
  4. Ensure the feature “Stay Connected to the Internet” is turned on.

From the game’s menu, upload stored data

  1. Highlight any game from your PlayStation home screen.
  2. To access the context menu, press the Options button on your controller.
  3. Select Upload/Download Saved Data from the drop-down menu.

If any, follow the on-screen instructions to back up the highlighted game’s saved data successfully. These steps must be repeated for all other games.

2. Back up game saves to a USB drive manually

  1. Make that the USB driver is formatted in the FAT32 or exFAT file systems.
  2. Connect your PlayStation to the USB disk that has been formatted.
  3. From the menu, select Settings.
  4. Select Application Saved Data Management from the drop-down menu.
  5. Choose Copy to USB Storage Device from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select all of the games for which you wish to make a backup by scrolling through them.
  7. Select the Copy option (bottom right corner).

That is all there is to it. If you desire a backup copy of the game files, you can upload them to your cloud storage device from your USB drive.

While saving your PS4 save data in the cloud on PS Plus is handy and hassle-free, the data is only accessible for as long as your PS Plus membership is active.

Having a game data backup on an external or USB device, on the other hand, allows you to restore your game data whenever you want, even if you don’t have internet access.

The built-in backup feature on your PlayStation 4 console allows you to simply backup PS4 save data and game saves.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.

User Questions:

1. Is it true that the PS4 backup saves data automatically?

Auto-Upload adds save data from your primary PS4 to online storage automatically: Go to Settings > Power Saving Settings > Set Features Available in Rest Mode > Select your local user*. Select Stay Connected to the Internet from the drop-down menu.

2. Is it possible to save PS4 saves to a USB drive?

Saved data can be copied to a USB storage device linked to the PS4 system. Data that has been copied and saved can be utilised as a backup. You can even copy stored data from the USB storage device to another PS4 and play your games again.

3. How can you transfer PS4 save data to a computer?

From the menu, select Settings. Select Application Saved Data Management from the drop-down menu. Choose Copy to USB Storage Device from the drop-down menu. Select all of the games for which you wish to make a backup by scrolling through them.

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4. Best way to back up saved game data? : r/PS4 – Reddit

Best way to back up saved game data? from PS4

5. Here’s how to backup your PS4 game saves – Reddit

Here’s how to backup your PS4 game saves from DeepRockGalactic