Google Calendar Now Lets You RSVP With “Joining Virtually”

Google Calendar Now Lets You RSVP With

Can’t you make it to the meeting? You can now say that you will grace the discussion with your virtual self.

The COVID-19 epidemic taught us something. Sometimes you want to call everyone on Zoom instead of meeting up in person. Google is sympathetic to your situation and will allow you to declare that you’ll be attending an appointment virtually.

Google Calendar: The New RSVP Option

Google Workspace Updates, the internet giant, announced the new feature via its blog. Google claims COVID-19 transformed many businesses into a hybrid model where employees can work at home or in an office.

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It’s difficult for managers to predict how many people will be attending a meeting in person and how many will log in online. The manager may find it challenging to accommodate everyone in the meeting room if there are too many people. A manager might need to book an ample space for three people if too many people are present virtually.

When you accept a Google Calendar meeting invitation, it will ask you whether you are going digitally or physically. Each guest and the event organizer can see the other’s preferences so that everyone knows what to expect at the start of the meeting.

This feature is currently only available within Google Calendar. Google plans to make this feature available to invites sent to Gmail. However, it won’t tell you if someone is there physically or digitally if you use another platform like Microsoft Outlook.

This is an excellent move by Google. It reflects the way the tech giant sees our workplaces in the future. If this new feature is any indication, it seems that Google believes the hybrid work model will continue long after COVID-19 ends. It could even be the norm.

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I’ll Be There… and Here, Too.

Google’s Calendar app is evolving to meet the changing workplace. For example, you can now use the app for deciding whether you will attend a meeting in person or at home in your pajamas.

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced many new words and practices. For example, it’s common to hear people saying that they WFH (work from home) these days.