10 Ways to Improve the Speed of Your Current Router


Listed below are many easy router tweaks that could make a significant difference in your house’s Wi-Fi system. If you would like to understand how to maximize router configurations for rate or how to set the ideal router setup for the quicker net, read on. A great router may make a massive difference to the speed of your internet link. But if you do not have the money to fork out on a top-of-the-range version, what other avenues are available to you?

1. Automate A Reboot Schedule

Most newer routers do not have to be rebooted frequently. But if you have run into a dead online relationship, rebooting your router can be all it takes to get you back up and functioning. But should you end up rebooting the router using any regularity, then the DD-WRT and Tomato firmware choices both have timed reboot choices. Place it once a day as you’re sleeping, and you will never even see the downtime while the router pushes off and begins up.

2. Make Your Router Faster With A New Antenna

A straightforward approach to creating a router quicker would be to obtain a new antenna. Plug-in range extenders are somewhat more costly, but they behave as a powered antenna and wireless repeater in a single. They could provide a substantial improvement to houses with dead zones or sign degradation, but your mileage might vary.

The antenna on many consumer-grade routers is so awful. An amplified aftermarket antenna is a great fix and a straightforward means to boost signal quality (and consequently improve rate ) without needing a new apparatus.

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3. Disable Older Wireless Protocols

Newer routers around the 802.11ac protocol provide capacities far exceeding several ISPs support offerings. While the router may be quick, a lot of your apparatus is most likely utilizing older protocols–like 802.11g–which slows the whole system down the moment this gadget connects. Ideally, it would help if you got rid of any apparatus you see using g or b protocols. How can you optimize router configurations for speed? Among the primary things, you may think about is turning off outdated wireless protocols.

4. Change The Channel Width

Take it one step farther with our informative article on channel bonding to get Wi-Fi routers. The ideal router setup for local speed frequently involves changing the channel thickness. The broader the breadth, the more remarkable that elderly apparatus on elderly protocols will have problems with disturbance.

What about the very best router configurations to enhance speed in the regional network? As an instance, how do you create a movie flow between your devices faster?

5. Keep Your Router Updated

Among the most overlooked methods to optimize router rate would be to make sure your router is running the most recent software and firmware from the producer. Sure, the upgrades are generally security fixes, but they are not likely to suddenly make your router blazing fast. But, every incremental profit can help. If you have not upgraded in a while, you may see more of a boost than you would anticipate.

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6. Experiment With Router Location

It is not just about finding the ideal router configurations for the short net. Besides, you will need to look at where you are putting your router into your house. Since the router begins with each other 2.4GHz or 5GHz apparatus on your region, subtle moves often make a significant difference. Moreover, the construction material of your residence may interfere with the radio signal. Solid concrete walls are notoriously difficult to get a Wi-Fi link to pass through.

7. Optimize Your Router’s Channel Settings

Have you ever considered changing the router station? There are loads of free tools that will scan the regional airwaves for the stations with the least disturbance. They’ll then propose which route you need to switch to. You want to modify the station from within the router preferences.

Let us take a peek at how to produce a router faster by optimizing the configurations.

8. Switch The Router To A Different Band

A standard house is filled with wireless devices. Fortunately, using a double – or tri-band router, then you are going to have the capability of dividing them to maximize rates.

You are opening a different lane for traffic. Even though a one-lane street will get there, two (or 3 ) roads are better for everybody involved. We have written about the very best dual-band routers you can purchase if you want to find out more.

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9. Change Your Network Name And Password

Employing a strong Wi-Fi password is every bit as necessary. As you may do a terrific job of dividing up your apparatus into different groups, upgrading your firmware, and shifting channels during high traffic periods, it is an exercise in futility if your neighbors are piggybacking your Wi-Fi and utilizing it to torrent films daily.

A good deal of otherwise tech-savvy individuals still uses the default password and username in their router. Even intermediate hackers are capable of hacking comparatively stable networks using non-default passwords.

10. Install New Firmware

That is one reason it is a fantastic idea to change out your ISP’s router using a store-bought one. Many routers maintain the settings comparatively dummy-proof, so you don’t screw up anything. Though this is excellent for many users, sometimes you only need to dive in and hack on the settings till you are running a router which far surpasses its price.

There are numerous open-source firmware selections for a few of the most well-known routers. They will be able to help you accelerate a Netgear router, locate the best configurations to get a TP-Link router and create nearly any kind of router to operate quicker. DD-WRT, OpenWRT, and Tomato make a few of their very common third-party firmware.