How to Use the Task Scheduler in Windows 11

How to Use the Task Scheduler in Windows 11

Here we can see, “How to Use the Task Scheduler in Windows 11”

  • The Task Scheduler in Windows 11 is one of the best default Windows programs since it may make your job more efficient.
  • Using simple options like a date or time, you can use it to schedule a task.
  • You can additionally specify the task’s triggers, actions, or conditions using its advanced options.

For those who are unfamiliar with this function, Task Scheduler is a Windows-integrated program. You can plan the PC’s programs and scripts to run at set times or after a certain amount of time.

According to what the producers stated, Task Scheduler is now accessible on Windows 11. Additionally, we have produced a special post because it is necessary to comprehend how this can be used more fully.

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Why should I use Windows 11’s Task Scheduler?

You may schedule when to launch particular apps and programs using Task Scheduler, as was previously explained. You can set a certain time for emails, notifications, and other automated communications to be sent.

This is referred to as job scheduling, and it will make digital work easier for both individuals and businesses.

The Task Scheduler in Windows 11 will allow you to plan ahead more efficiently and eliminate the need for you to carry out some tasks manually.

You can program a task to send you an email each time a specific system event happens or to perform a backup script every night if the necessary criteria are satisfied.

How can I use Windows 11’s Task Scheduler?

1. Try it with Basic Settings

    1. By pressing the Windows key, the Start menu will appear.
    2. Open the app after typing “task scheduler.”
    3. Examine the left window pane, then right-click Task Scheduler Library and choose New Folder from the menu that appears.
    4. Give the folder a name, then click OK.
    5. Expand the Task Scheduler Library, then select Create Basic Task from the context menu when you right-click on the newly created folder.
    6. Enter the task’s name and description after the Create a Basic Task Wizard window has been opened.
    7. When everything is ready, select Next.
    8. Select the time that you want the assignment to begin, then click Next.
    9. You will now be prompted to choose the time at which the software will launch. Click the Next button once you’ve set it.
    10. The task you intend to complete must then be set.
    11. Once everything is in place, click Finish.

2. Use it with Advanced Settings

    1. Apply the first four steps from the prior procedure.
    2. Right-click on the folder you just created, select Create Task from the context menu and then expand the Task Scheduler Library option.
    3. Give the job a name and a description. Keep in mind that you can alter which user or group you wish to run the operation for.
    4. More settings are available on the same window, including whether the program should run when the user is logged in, whether it should run whether the user is logged in or not and whether you want to execute it with the highest rights.
    5. Once finished, select OK.

2.1 Manage Windows 11’s Task Scheduler Triggers

    1. Click the Triggers tab, followed by the New button, to define the task’s triggering circumstance.
    2. The task can be set to execute at a specific time, after logging on, while you are idle, during an event, when it is created or modified, while you are connected to the session or not, etc.
    3. Once finished, press OK.

2.2 Adjust Windows 11’s Task Scheduler Actions

    1. Click the Actions button, then the New button, to specify the task’s action.
    2. Depending on your preference, the action may launch a program, send an email, or show a message. Make the task your own by personalizing it.
    3. To make the changes, click OK.

2.3 Personalize Windows 11’s Task Scheduler Conditions

    1. Click on the Conditions tab, then New, to change the task’s conditions.
    2. Conditions can be established for the network, power, and idle state. Each of them has unique requirements that you should choose based on your personal requirements.
    3. To make the changes, click OK.

2.4 Take a look at Windows 11’s Task Scheduler Settings

    1. By choosing the Options tab and then clicking on New, you can customize the settings.
    2. Additional options that affect how the job behaves can be changed in this window.
    3. Once finished, click OK to create the task.

Additional information on how to use Windows 11 Task Scheduler options

    • Start a program – You’ll be prompted to choose the script or program you want to run in accordance with the timetable.
    • Send an Email – You must include both your email address and the recipient’s email address. In addition, you can include a text message, a subject, and an attachment to an email.
    • Display a Message – This will display a message on your screen and you’ll have to add the title as well as the message when you select this option

From the Advanced Settings, you may learn more about Task Scheduler conditions as follows:

    • Task idle condition – In idle, you can specify whether a task should begin running, stop running, or restart upon the return of the idle state on your computer.
    • Assignment power condition – In power, you can decide whether you want to start the task when the PC is connected to AC power, stop it when batteries power the computer or wake it up to start the task.
    • Task network connection condition – In the network section, you can specify the task to begin when the network connection is available. Remember that the task will initiate and that you have a choice of the connections to which you can connect.

What are the most common Windows 11 Task Scheduler problems?

    • Windows Task Scheduler does not start task at next run time – Given that it’s a complicated instrument, this problem might occasionally arise. In these situations, ensure that the task trigger is set up optimally.
    • Scheduled task runs manually but not automatically – This a common problem with Task Scheduler even in the previous OS model. If you get into this trouble, make sure to check if your conditions are properly configured.
    • Task Scheduler not running certain scripts – Based on user feedback, it appears that this Task Scheduler may fail to execute the Python script.

Even though Windows 11 Task Scheduler can experience distinct problems, like any other app, many fixes are available.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.

User Questions

1. What is the Windows 11 task manager access method?

To open Task Manager, simply press Ctrl+Shift+Escape on your keyboard. When you hit “Ctrl + Alt + Delete” on the keyboard, you will only get a few possibilities. Choose “Task Manager” to launch the task manager. Right-click the Start button on the taskbar to launch Task Manager.

2. The Task Scheduler services won’t start.

You can also start the Task Scheduler from the Run window, regardless of the Windows version or edition you use. Open Run on your keyboard by pressing Windows + R, and then type taskschd. msc in the Open area. Finally, press Enter on your keyboard or click or tap OK.

3. How can I tell whether Task Scheduler is turned on?

To open the Task Scheduler window, type Task Scheduler into Cortana’s search bar and click Task Scheduler. Next, double-click the job to launch it after finding it in the Task Scheduler Library. Then, as shown below, select the Triggers tab. Is the task there enabled?

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4. Advice for Scheduled tasks : r/windows – Reddit

Advice for Scheduled tasks from windows

5. Windows 11 Task Scheduler doesn’t have a “Configure for

Windows 11 Task Scheduler doesn’t have a "Configure for: Windows 11: feature yet. from Windows11