Why Verizon iPhone Users Must Turn Off 5G Right Now


Verizon’s DSS 5G appears like a loser. We describe why, in addition to the way to turn off or disable 5G in your iPhone.

Verizon’s “nationally 5G” could be severely slowing down your new iPhone, an issue that also affects other new 5G mobiles like the Google Pixel 5 along with the Samsung Galaxy Notice 20 Ultra. The fix? Turning off 5G if you’re able to.

When 5G Is Slower Than 4G 

Verizon has America’s fastest cellular network based on two methods: a 4G LTE system, which has shorter every year, and a blazing-fast, high-capacity millimeter-wave “ultra wideband” (UWB) 5G network (5G vs 4G speed test). Verizon’s 4G LTE is frequently quicker than T-Mobile’s and AT&T’s low-band 5G. However, Verizon’s UWB 5G system has too limited coverage, possibly giving Verizon telephones a 4G icon in towns in which its rivals have 5G–and if you are picking a carrier, you are more inclined to desire that tiny 5G icon compared to dig to the nuances of community rates.

Verizon introduced “nationally 5G” according to dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS), which reuses portions of 4G stations for 5G. Telephones will automatically rather have a 5G system over a 4G one. Therefore Verizon clients will observe that enviable 5G icon pop up. Nonetheless, it’s all for the show. Our latest evaluations, employing an iPhone 5g phone in new york, reveal that DSS 5G slower than 4G Verizon and seldom quicker. These results are very similar to that which we saw in October in Chicago using a Pixel 5.

“For many clients, functionality on the 5G nationwide network will probably be comparable to 4G. [DSS] is a new technology, and we are continuing to alter it as we proceed. We anticipate performance improvement through 2021 and beyond,” a Verizon spokesperson said.

Within an iPhone 12 Pro in Nyc, Verizon’s 5G data transfer rates are lower than 4G. It should not be like that.

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DSS: A Desperately Slow System

The golden standard of 5G would be to utilize wide, dedicated stations for 5G traffic. That is what Verizon’s UWB and T-Mobile’s mid-band 5G do, establishing broader channels than 4G and allowing 5G rate along.

Verizon’s quick UWB 5G system has been expanding monthly–it is currently available in over 60 cities–because it utilizes very substantial frequencies. It’s a short selection and does not cover much space in every town.

In case you don’t have some committed stations, DSS enables you to utilize odds and ends of your fresh 4G stations for 5G. The 4G and 5G phones compete for precisely the same 4G channel. The sole distinction is the 5G ones are operating the 5G monitoring system on such track. You will find non-speed benefits to DSS–or there’ll be later on, once carriers move to standalone 5G systems–but now, you are only getting a lesser performance.

We discovered that DSS 5G is holding back equally iPhones and Android telephones within our latest evaluations. We contrasted an OnePlus 8 with DSS 5G using a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE on 4G. We then conducted tests within an iPhone 12 Pro toggling between 5G and 4G in precisely the very same locations. In both scenarios, DSS 5G turned in worse outcomes compared to 4G LTE. Here is how typical rates turned out to a very long walk together with the Android mobiles:

I took the iPhone 12 Pro to eight places around NYC, where I contrasted 4G and 5G speeds. In the initial seven areas, the 5G has been DSS and usually slower than 4G. In the location that the 5G was UWB and incredibly fast.

DSS is likely to have reduced latency, but many of our DSS 5G evaluations even had marginally higher latency (with some milliseconds) compared to our LTE evaluations, likely due to some discussion happening in Verizon’s heart to handle DSS.

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Verizon is not alone in moving backward with 5G functionality. We also found within our 26-city Fastest Mobile Networks evaluations that AT&T’s low-band “nationally” 5G is frequently slower than AT&T’s 4G network.

T-Mobile can use these outcomes to crow about its exceptional mid-band strategy, but it should keep some perspective. Verizon’s LTE functionality was still quite significant. Testing against T-Mobile mid-band 5G at places with all the best functionality, I obtained quicker effects on T-Mobile–around 582Mbps compared to Verizon’s 390Mbps. However, 390Mbps remains pretty fantastic, particularly for 4G.

In concept, Verizon may even out its 4G and 5G functionality by merely pushing all its visitors over 4G in scenarios where 5G are slower and lying with the icon. As Signs Research found, most visitors on “DSS 5G” travel over LTE anyway. I am reasonably sure the 5G icon was meaningless in my test together with the iPhones, which revealed precisely the same functionality on 4G and DSS 5G.

“The choice to utilize the 4G versus 5G system relies on RF requirements, but the taste is 5G where accessible. Again, experiences for individual clients may differ,” Verizon told me.

For the time being, I say only turn off 5G if you don’t have UWB.

You are only getting speeds in this way with UWB 5G.

How To Hide 5G on Your iPhone

In case you don’t possess UWB 5G policy, you are very likely to have better Verizon functionality for today by disabling 5G in your own iPhone. This may opt for AT&T also; it will not be accurate for T-Mobile, which utilizes another 5G setup.

Wish to check if you’ve UWB 5G? Check out Verizon’s policy maps and keep your eye on your status bar. You need a 5G icon that states “UW” or “UWB”; if that is missing, you are on laggy DSS.

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The “great” 5G icon gets the letters UW alongside it.

To turn off DSS 5G, go to Settings > Mobile > Cellular Data Options > Voice & Data, and tap “LTE.” That will set you in 4G style.

Regrettably, most Verizon Android telephones do not allow you to turn off 5G. Assess below Settings > Connections > Mobile Network > Network Mode. When there’s a choice to visit LTE/CDMA instead of 5G/LTE/CDMA, pick it, but it may not be there.

Where Can Verizon Go Today? To Auction

Verizon could the 5G score with T-Mobile in late 2021. Verizon is correct now in the process of bidding for precious mid-band 5G airwaves, a swath known as the C-Band. The two AT&T and Verizon are distressed for the C-Band spectrum, particularly for the very first 120MHz of this group, which is now available to be used later in 2021. (There is another 160MHz, which might not be usable until 2023.) C-Band is quite like T-Mobile’s mid-band: a broad lane of clean, 5G-ready airwaves at the ideal frequency to cover close suburbs and cities without needing to plant a weapon every couple of blocks.

According to analysts, C-Band forecasts are over $55 billion; the market will proceed till the prices are drowsy, which analysts say will be very likely to occur early next year.

If C-Band comes online (or if you buy UWB), it will be time for you to reactivate 5G in your Verizon iPhone 12. The iPhone 12 series (and possibly the Pixel 5) would be the only existing US mobiles to encourage C-Band, although many new ones will probably look in 2021 as Verizon and AT&T add it to their lists of prerequisites.

For now, your very best choice is to turn off 5G in non-UWB regions until Verizon improves functionality.