

Here we can see “Ubuntu”

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux variants on the market today (for free, of course), and it owes much of its success.

Its ease of use and attractiveness to folks who don’t want to fight their computer to get it to function for them. In that regard, EasyBCD and Ubuntu are very similar – getting the two to work together is a piece of cake!

Step-by-Step Pictorial for Dual-Booting Ubuntu and Windows

For Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, here’s a step-by-step screenshot instruction to installing Ubuntu and getting it to play nice with the Windows bootloader.

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Ubuntu is being installed…

These instructions presume you already have Windows installed on your computer and are installing Ubuntu to some spare space on your hard drive. If this isn’t the case, you’ll need to follow the steps a little looser than they’re written.

Step 1: Insert your Ubuntu CD or DVD into the drive and boot from it to start the installation process. Depending on your motherboard manufacturer, you can usually do this by pressing F8/F12 to pick the boot device or by rearranging the order of boot devices in the BIOS:

Step 2: Start the computer by booting from the CD. You’ll see a series of displays that will walk you through the setup process:

Step 3: is the most important.

Follow the (very simple) setup instructions to configure your Ubuntu installation:

Step 4: You’ll be asked to choose your chosen technique of partitioning your hard drives at the wizard’s fourth stage. Unless you’re quite certain of what you’re doing, you should stick to the defaults:

Step 5: Continue with the wizard, filling out the forms and, where appropriate, selecting the defaults. Do not press the advanced button and make modifications on page 7 of the installation wizard. In Ubuntu 10.04, an issue prevents you from manually installing GRUB to another partition.

Step 6: To get started, go through the steps below. Once setup is complete, restart your computer by following the on-screen prompts, then eject the Ubuntu CD and click the ENTER> key to proceed.

Adding Ubuntu to the Windows Bootloader

You now have a dual-boot system that runs Ubuntu and Windows. However, you will be presented with two menus, one of which will be unappealing. The instructions that follow will clear that up for you.

Step 1: When your computer restarts, you’ll see Ubuntu’s GRUB2 menu, which has a lot of (confusing) options. To boot back into Windows, we may use EasyBCD, pick the “Windows Loader”.

Step 2: Run EasyBCD once you’ve logged into Windows 7. Make certain you’re using the most recent version!

At this stage, select “Linux” from the drop-down menu and then “GRUB2” from the drop-down option. If you want, give it a descriptive name and then click the Add Entry button when you’re finished.

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Step 3: Select “Install the Windows Vista/7 Bootloader to the MBR” from the “BCD Deployment” screen in EasyBCD, then hit “Write MBR”:

Step 4: Restart your computer, and you’ll get the Microsoft Boot Manager screen (much nicer than the GRUB interface, don’t you think?) with two options: Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7.

This time, on the first page, pick “Ubuntu 10.04,” then on the second page, select the first entry and press enter to boot into Ubuntu.

Step 5: Log in with your username and password once inside Ubuntu and open a new Terminal as shown:

Step 6: Type “sudo gedit /etc/default/grub” in the terminal and enter your password. Change “GRUB TIMEOUT=10” to “GRUB TIMEOUT=0” as indicated in the window that appears, then save and exit:

Step 7: Return to the terminal and type “sudo update-grub” into the command prompt.


Could things have been any easier at this point?

We shouldn’t have to tell you what to do next now that you’re a pro at dual-booting (hint: reboot to test!).

Welcome to the multi-lovely booting world. It’s a great method to make the most of your resources — there’s no reason to have multiple PCs only to run a different operating system. The golden rule of dual-booting, which we all live by, is to use whatever OS is optimal for the task at hand.

User Questions

1. What is Ubuntu’s purpose?

Ubuntu (pronounced oo-BOON-too) is an open-source Linux distribution based on Debian. Ubuntu, sponsored by Canonical Ltd., is a decent distribution for novices. Although the operating system was designed for personal computers (PCs), it can also be deployed on servers.

2. Is Ubuntu a superior operating system to Windows?

Ubuntu offers a more user-friendly interface. Ubuntu is relatively secure from a security standpoint due to its limited functionality. In comparison to Windows, Ubuntu’s font family is vastly superior. It features a central software repository from which we may obtain all of the necessary software.

3. What is the desktop called ubuntu?.

Ubuntu Desktop (officially known as Ubuntu Desktop Edition and referred to as Ubuntu) is the official recommended variation for most users. Canonical has officially backed it, and it is designed for desktop and laptop computers. Several versions are identified because they each have a unique desktop environment.

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4. How did you guys get used to Linux? I tried out Ubuntu and I already don’t like it, but I want to start using Linux instead of Mac.

How did you guys get used to Linux? I tried out Ubuntu and I already don’t like it, but I want to start using Linux instead of Mac. from linux4noobs

5. Ubuntu vs Linux Mint Difference : r/linux4noobs – Reddit

Ubuntu vs Linux Mint Difference from linux4noobs