Tray Docs

Tray Docs

Tray Documentation

The tray Docs may be a console GTD client. That’s it. It’s an application capable of managing a generic GTD system right in your console. For now, it supports only the fundamental commands, but I’m constantly expanding the supported functionality.

General Description

Tray Docs central concept is that the Issue is an easy GTD task and is represented as  .json files in the data/ folder. Issues have a variety of parameters like Energy, Priority, Status, etc. Point is made, updated, and deleted using combinations of Subcommands and attributes. Read the corresponding sections for a better understanding of these concepts and the way they work together. Have a glance for current or archived release_notes for general information, changes, and known problems.

Tray Docs Installation

The Tray Docs is installed conservatively, without easy_install or pip. Clone the repository to your machine by issuing:

$ git clone tray

cd into the tray directory and install, using the file:

$ sudo python install

Perhaps you’re not getting to be finished by then, and installation would suggest installing all the dependencies manually. It shouldn’t take long to work out.

Note: On Mac OS X there’s this mess with the stock Python framework and, therefore the one, offered by MacPorts. I’m constantly fighting with these issues, and that I expect you’ll encounter them too. In case of problems, don’t forget to see the active Python distribution and see if there are any issues with different versions of Python on your machine. Just just in case.

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Tray Docs Issue

Issues are stored in JSON files of the subsequent format:

{"energy": "4", "index": "20130820173706", "priority": "4", "status": "N", "summary": "Buy the milk!", "time": "4"}

Index. An index is somewhat almost like a timestamp of issue creation, assuming that issues aren’t created more often than once a second — they’re unique. The index might be represented as follows: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.

Status. This field stores the quality of the difficulty. It can take one among the two possible values: N ( next ) and S ( someday ). Each of the values corresponds to certain status within the GTD system. It also takes D and C now, but these statuses can’t be assigned on edit, only using special commands done and cancel.

Priority. The priority of the difficulty from 1 to five.

Energy. Amount of energy that accomplishing the difficulty from 1 to five.

Time. What proportion time this Issue may fancy complete. In several sessions or zero, if the progress will take less, than an ordinary working session. The session may be a period of concentrated work. it’s going to be anything from 10 minutes to a few hours. Don’t forget to form short breaks between sessions.

Summary. Short description of the difficulty.

The XML file’s name that the difficulty is written to is that the same because of the issue index. Indexes are unique identifiers.

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You can access the list of the supported subcommands by issuing:

  1. Creating. you’ll create a problem using an add subcommand:
$ tray add <status> <priority> <energy> <time> <summary>

Like this:

$ tray add N 4 1 12 "Find some milk!"

Note: In versions preceding 0.05, this is often usually achieved through creating a subcommand.

It will generate an index for the newly created file and can pass it to you as a response.

  1. Editing. you’ll edit an issue:
$ tray edit <index> <field key> <value>

For example:

$ tray edit 20130805225109 -en 4

You will be then prompted for the field you would like to vary and value sequentially. Supported fields: -en (energy), -pr (priority), -st (status), -sm (summary), tm (time). you’ll change multiple fields at the time, combining the tags like:

$ tray edit 20130805225109 -en 4 -sm "Buy the milk!"
  1. Logging. you’ll log the amount of your time you’ve got spent performing on this Issue. Time is given in sessions. you’ll manually change the length of 1 session in minutes within the configuration file. By default, sessions are 25 minutes.
$ tray log <index> <sessions>

For example:

$ tray log 20130816164911 2

You can also enable a countdown so that you’ll work through sessions with a timer:

$ tray log -t 20130816164911 2

It will start printing the time left every second until finished or interrupted.

Note: If interrupted, the timer won’t ultimately log the problems.

  1. Reviewing. you’ll review all the available issues by issuing the review subcommand:
$ tray review

You can also use this subcommand to point out one Issue:

$ tray review -i <index>
  1. Clearing. you’ll instantly clear the info folder:
$ tray clear

You can also delete just one Issue with this subcommand:

$ tray clear -i <index>

Note: The .json file of the Issue (s) is going to be deleted forever.

  1. About. you’ll learn the present version of the appliance, using about subcommand.
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Configuration File

The configuration file may be a .json document containing all significant parameters of the appliance. it’s always called conf.json and located during a hidden. Tray Docs folder within the current user home folder. It includes the following parameters:

  • break – unused for now, and it determines the length of an opportunity between sessions in minutes.
  • Path – path to the folder containing all the problems.

Note: It is often only an absolute path and will be anything from a simple folder to Dropbox-synchronized.

Theme – determines whether you would like to use dark on white or white on dark themes of the coloring or water you don’t want to paint output in the least. it’s now more of an idea, not a working feature.

Session – determines the length of a session in minutes.

Decorate – determines whether the output would be decorated/colorized (true/false).