rstrui.exe not recognized: Fix for Windows

rstrui.exe not recognized: Fix for Windows

Here we can see “rstrui.exe not recognized: Fix for Windows”

Symptoms and description

This Error is linked to the error messages, alerts, warnings, and symptoms listed below.

The error screen “Rstrui.exe not recognized” is the first symptom.

If the rstrui.exe command is not recognized, you can use the methods in this article to start System Restore.

This error is accompanied by the following message:

rstrui.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

rstrui.exe is located in your Windows system’s System32 folder:

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This Error’s Causes

One of the following causes has been identified as a possible cause of this error:

Cause 1: Corrupted system files

A faulty or missing rstrui.exe system file is the most likely cause of this problem.

Cause 2: The integrity of the file system has been violated

Disk write failures, power outages, and virus infections can harm the file system on a hard drive.

On Windows, the error “Rstrui.exe not recognized” can be fixed

Fix 1: Enter the Last Known Good Configuration mode

The rstrui.exe is not recognized problem is usually readily fixed by booting into the Last Known Good Configuration mode.

To do so, take the following steps:

  1. Start your computer before the Windows logo shows and click the F8 key.
  2. Select Last Known Good Configuration from the Advanced Boot Options menu.
  3. Press Enter
  4. Open System Restore after Windows has loaded and attempt to follow the instructions again.

Fix 2: Boot into Safe Mode

If Fix #1 doesn’t work, try booting into Safe Mode and using the percent system root percent argument to open rstrui.exe:

  1. Your computer should be restarted.
  2. To access the Advanced Boot Options menu, press the F8 key.
  3. With a Command Prompt, select Safe mode.
  4. Type

5. Press Enter

6. To complete a restore, follow the steps in the System Restore wizard.

Fix 3: Run a malware scan on your computer

Viruses can either remove or replace the rstrui.exe file with an erroneous and corrupt version. Use your antivirus software to scan your computer for infections if you already have it installed.

Use the built-in antivirus scanner in Easy Recovery Essentials if you don’t have antivirus software or can’t boot into Windows to run it:

Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows Professional Edition includes a sophisticated antivirus and rootkit scanner that can usually fix this and other issues caused by viruses, rootkits, trojans, or spyware. EasyRE can be downloaded and produced on any PC and is presently available for Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8.

  1. Download Easy Recovery Essentials.
  2. The image should be burned.
  3. Start your computer with the Easy Recovery Essentials CD or USB you made.
  4. Choose the “Virus Scanner” option and click Continue once EasyRE is up and running.
  5. After EasyRE has finished scanning your computer’s drives, find and pick the drive letter for your Windows installation from the list, and then click the Scan button to start scanning.
  6. EasyRE will start scanning your hard drive for viruses, rootkits, trojans, spyware, and other malicious software. No intervention is required, and EasyRE will fix infections as they are discovered, updating you on its progress:
  7. EasyRE will provide its findings after the process is completed. To reboot your PC and test the changes, click the Restart option.

Fix 4: Run chkdsk

If the rstrui.exe command is not recognized due to a system file issue, run the chkdsk command to check for faults on your hard disk:

  1. To open Command Prompt, click Start.
  2. Ensure Command Prompt is running as administrator by right-clicking on it and selecting Run as administrator.
  3. When Command Prompt opens, type:
chkdsk c: /r

Replace c: with the drive’s letter where Windows is installed when Command Prompt launches.

4. Press Enter.

Also See:  Windows System Repair – Guide for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10


I hope you found this information helpful. Please fill out the form below if you have any queries or comments.

User Questions

1. How do I get Rstrui exe to work again?

  1. To repair the system files, use the SFC and DISM programs. 1.1 Start the SFC scan.
  2. Regedit is a program that allows you to repair the Windows registry.
  3. Update your operating system. Update your drivers.
  4. Install Windows 10 from scratch.
  5. Make a new account for yourself.
  6. Run a virus scan on your machine.
  7. Use the Safe Mode option.

2. What is Rstrui.exe in Windows System32?

On Windows, what is rstrui.exe? The file “rstrui.exe” is a command-line program for running System Restore in Microsoft Windows. That is, rstrui.exe is not a security risk to the computer; instead, it allows users to restore their computer’s state to an earlier point in time.

3. What is the procedure for restoring Windows from the BIOS?

Before the Windows 7 logo shows, press F8, select Repair your computer from the Advanced Boot Options menu. Enter the code. Options for system recovery should now be accessible.

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