How to: Fix Ping Destination Host Unreachable but No Packet Loss

How to: Fix Ping Destination Host Unreachable but No Packet Loss

Here we can see, “How to: Fix Ping Destination Host Unreachable but No Packet Loss”

  • When using the ping tool, you might occasionally be unable to connect to a host, although Windows’ network debugging tools can indicate that no packets were lost.
  • If you can access the Internet normally but not certain hosts, your local network may have something misconfigured, such as your Default Gateway.

Even the Internet is not perfect all the time. In reality, it frequently falls short of our expectations. And to top it off, it occasionally sends us some perplexing errors.

For instance, when you try pinging a device but cannot connect to it. According to the ping test, the host is unreachable, which indicates no packet loss. Even if you’re tech-smart, this circumstance could leave you with many questions.

But we’re here to clear up any confusion about this matter once and for all.

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Why is the destination host unreachable?

A host may become or remain unavailable for a variety of reasons.

You may not be able to precisely identify the root cause because the target device (host), even if you are on the same network, may have different connection settings than you, an active firewall, or even some spoofing.

The following is a list of the most frequent causes of the host’s potential unreachability:

    • The target computer might be off
    • An overly-protective firewall that blocks any incoming requests
    • Improper cable connection
    • Spoofing
    • Misconfiguration of Default Gateway on the source PC (yours)

The key is that there must be a path from your local device to the remote host if you can’t connect to it (host). That or something is preventing your attempts to connect to the hosts.

However, no packet loss is reported despite the fact that your pings never reach their intended location.

Destination host unreachable but no packet loss

Ping and packet loss are not the same things, even though they are slightly related. For one, ping checks whether specific devices (hosts) are reachable, whereas packet loss measures the proportion of packets that failed to reach their destination.

Why is there no packet loss despite the ping destination host being inaccessible? Actually, the answer is fairly straightforward. The packets you transmitted were never put on the route if there is no route from your local system.

Since nothing was initially sent, the requests will always have a 0 percent packet loss. The majority of Linux systems report 100% packet loss when pinging.

Destination host unreachable routing issue

If you’ve dealt with this problem before, you’ve probably seen one of these two mistakes:

    • Destination Host Unreachable – appears anytime there is no path from the local system to the destination.
    • Reply from x.x.x.x: Destination Host Unreachable – A remote router is malfunctioning (x.x.x.x is the IP address of the troublesome router)

Another case where your requests time out is as follows. The PC starts listening for echo responses after sending echo queries. The expected delay for an echo response is one second.

The request will time out, and you will receive a suggested error message if the device doesn’t receive the response within one second (i.e., Request Timed Out). Although there may be additional explanations, network congestion is the main culprit in this situation.

Request timeouts, for instance, maybe a result of silent discards, poorly routed networks, or packet filtering.

How to fix destination host unreachable ping?

If an incorrect Default Gateway setting is the root of the issue, we’ll show you how to resolve it. Take the following actions:

    1. Open your browser and go to any foreign website (such as
    2. Run CMD with administrator privileges.
    3. Type ping x.x.x.x (where x.x.x.x is the IP of the unreachable host) in the CMD window.
    4. Observe that a separate IP address is responding.
    5. To follow the trace of the initial IP address, type tracert -d x.x.x.x.
    6. The second IP address in the traceroute may be set as the Default Gateway, so pay attention to it.
    7. In the window for your adapter settings, change the Default Gateway.
    8. Verify if the host is still inaccessible.

Try these ideas if the previously mentioned steps were unsuccessful:

    • Examine the network wires to see if anything is amiss with them.
    • Verify that the target host (device) is turned on and connected.
    • Tracert can be used to locate the issue (the address)
    • Turn off the firewall and see whether the problem still exists.
    • Verify the setup of the local host.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.

User Questions

1. How can I resolve the ping destination host unreachable error?

    1. Turn off the firewall. The destination host cannot be reached, aggressive firewall settings may bring on problems.
    2. Switch the power on and off in your network. Turn off all of the networked devices.
    3. Turn off IPv6 and check your connectivity. Devices occasionally encountered IP version incompatibilities.

2. Why do I get packet loss despite having a low ping?

Even though your ping is low, packet loss may still be a problem because some data could not get there correctly even though it is delivered and eventually received quickly by the destination server.

3. What does that mean if you receive an ICMP Destination Unreachable response?

A user typically receives the ICMP – Destination net unreachable message from the gateway when it is unsure how to connect to a specific network. When the destination host is unavailable, a user often receives the ICMP – Destination host unreachable message from the remote gateway.

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