Minecraft Dungeons Reveals Seasonal Adventures & New Progression System

Minecraft Dungeons Reveals Seasonal Adventures & New Progression System

New seasonal adventures, a challenge tower, and a new advancement system are coming to Minecraft Dungeons shortly.

During the last Minecraft Live digital event, new Minecraft Dungeons content was announced, including seasonal events and a new advancement system. The dungeon-crawling action game is a spin-off of the classic survival sandbox Minecraft game, released in 2020. Minecraft Dungeons has received continuing support since its release, including the vast Echoing Void downloadable content.

The game’s downloadable content also includes free game updates, so even if you don’t buy the DLC, you may get a taste of new stuff. Three new levels, set in the titular disquieting emptiness and new enchantments and items, were introduced in Echoing Void. The missions, which are only available to those who bought the pack, include brand-new mechanics and monsters such as Underlings. Even if you don’t buy the DLC, you’ll get the new goods and enchantments, as well as a new maze-like assignment to complete. Meanwhile, a Halloween-themed Minecraft Dungeons event is currently running, allowing players to accomplish eerie themed objectives and receive spooky new goodies.

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New material for Minecraft Dungeons will be revealed at Minecraft Live 2021, and it will serve to develop the dungeon crawling game further. Now that the game’s DLC storyline is over, new seasonal adventures will allow players to achieve progress and gather various goodies. While new seasonal adventures will be released regularly, existing ones will not be removed, allowing players to go back and collect more rewards. Every release will include one free track and one premium track, just like previous downloadable content, guaranteeing that all users have access to fresh content.

Along with seasonal adventures and The Tower, Adventure Points are a new progression system being added to Minecraft Dungeons. Players will gain adventure points for most in-game actions, such as completing a daily trial or weekly challenge. Pets, character flairs, emotes, skins, and capes are just a few of the unique rewards available with these adventure points. The Tower, a free single-player feature, will allow players to progress through 30 floors of increasing complexity to gain a variety of gear and adventure points. The layout of the Tower is chosen at random, but it remains consistent for two weeks, allowing players to memorise it before it changes. By December 2021, these additions should be available in-game.

Minecraft Dungeons will get a lot of new features at Minecraft Live 2021, but the original survival sandbox title will also get fresh content. The next Wild Update will introduce players to various new biomes, including lush mangrove swamps and terrifying Deep Dark towns. Shallow water, new frog groups, and big mangrove trees will make navigation difficult for unprepared players in mangrove swamps. On the other hand, the Deep Dark will be a strange underground biome with ancient ruins providing unusual rewards.

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Even though Minecraft Dungeons was only published last year, the blocky action game has already seen a lot of post-launch content. By offering new tasks to accomplish and items to earn, this downloadable DLC has kept the experience fresh for users. Seasonal adventures will add even more material to Minecraft Dungeons, catering to paying clients and casual users. The Tower will bring even more content for players to explore in the future, with adventure points allowing the Minecraft dungeon crawler to progress indefinitely.

Minecraft Dungeons is playable on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Source: Minecraft Live 2021Minecraft