Live Photos on Facetime


How to take a Live Photo in FaceTime on iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra

You can take a Live Photo of your nephew making that adorable face subsequent time you video chat him in macOS Sierra Nevada.

Apple is adding support for taking Live Photos while you’re having a FaceTime video chat with friends and family in iOS 11 and macOS Sierra Nevada. This fun little feature makes it possible for you to grab that memorable shot of the cat running across the camera while Grandma is taking a sip of her lemonade. Oh, the hilarity. Therefore the next time you would like to share a Live Photo of your impromptu FaceTime chat with someone, confirm you’re found out and prepared, then let the great times roll.


How to enable others to take a Live Photo of you during a FaceTime video chat

For somebody else to require a Live Photo of you while you’re having a FaceTime video chat, you’ll get to enable it. It’s off by default. If you would like to require a Live Photo of somebody else, send these instructions over so everyone can allow it to.

How to enable Live Photos for FaceTime video chats on iPhone and iPad

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap FaceTime.
  3. Toggle the FaceTime Live Photos turn on.

How to enable Live Photos for FaceTime video chats on Mac

  1. Launch FaceTime on your Mac.
  2. Click on the FaceTime App menu within the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. Click on Preferences.
  4. Tick the box for Allow Live Photos to be captured during Video calls.
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You’ve now enabled the power for others to require Live Photos of you during FaceTime video chats.

How to take a Live Photo of a FaceTime video chat on your iPhone, iPad and Mac

If the person on the opposite line has enabled the Live Photo feature, you’ll see a camera button during your FaceTime call right on the screen. On Mac, hover your cursor over the FaceTime window to call up the control.

When you’re ready, click or tap on the camera button. The photo will automatically save in your Photos app, whether you’re using your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

How to tell if someone has taken a Live Photo of you while using FaceTime on your iPhone, iPad and Mac

Suppose you’re worried that somebody goes to require a Live Photo of you while your FaceTime is chatting without you knowing about it, don’t. Once you take a Live Photo, the person on the opposite end will get a notification right within the FaceTime screen that reads A FaceTime Live Photo of you was taken.