How to Never “Safely Remove” a USB Drive Again on Windows 10

How to Never “Safely Remove” a USB Drive Again on Windows 10

Here we can see, “How to Never “Safely Remove” a USB Drive Again on Windows 10”

Do you always “eject” your USB drives before unplugging them? You’ll save yourself some clicks—and sometimes—with these simple tips because you’ll never need to eject a flash drive again.

Always Make Sure a Drive Isn’t in Use Before Unplugging

Generally, the most important threat to data when removing a USB drive (like a thumb, disk drive, then on) is unplugging it while data is being written to that. This interrupts the write operation, and therefore the file that was being written or copied will be incomplete or could remain as a corrupted file.

So, before you ever unplug any USB drive from your PC, confirm all files have finished copying or saving to that.

Of course, sometimes, it isn’t easy to understand whether your computer is writing to a drive. A background process might be writing to that, or a program might be autosaving to that. If you unplug the drive and interrupt these processes, it could cause a drag.

The only way you’ll avoid this is often by “safely” removing the drive. However, Microsoft insists that as long because the “Quick Removal” system policy is chosen, and you aren’t writing data to a drive, you don’t need to eject it.

You’ll also get to confirm write caching isn’t enabled for the drive, but more thereon during a moment.

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Get a Drive with an LED

It’s easy to ascertain when some USB drives are used because they need a built-in LED that flashes when data is being read or written. As long because the LED isn’t flashing, you’ll safely unplug the drive.

If your drive doesn’t have an LED, do your best to make sure a background backup or copy operation isn’t in process before removing it.

Mandatory: Activate Quick Removal Mode in Device Manager

By default, Windows 10 optimizes USB drives, so you’ll remove them quickly without having to use the “Safely Remove Hardware” notification icon. It does this by disabling write caching.

Write caching can speed up the looks of USB disk writes, but it’d also cause you to think a write process is complete when it’s still running within the background. (This became the default policy in Windows 10’s October 2018 update, also referred to as version 1809.)

Since it’s possible to show write caching back on in Device Manager, you ought to ensure it’s disabled if you would like to quickly remove your USB drive without ejecting it in the future.

  • To do this, click the beginning button, type “Device Manager” within the Search box, then press Enter.
  • Click the arrow next to “Disk Drives,” right-click the external USB drive, then select “Properties.”
  • Under the “Policies” tab, select the radio button next to “Quick Removal” (if it’s already selected, leave it that way), then click “OK.”
  • Close “Device Manager”, and you’re all set! In the future, you’ll safely remove that specific USB drive without ejecting it whenever a write operation isn’t ongoing.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below. 

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User Questions:

  1. Why I can not I eject my external hard drive?

Recently, several colleagues have complained that they can not eject external hard drives on their Windows computers. There are several reasons for this, including outdated or malfunctioning USB drivers that prevent the removal of the drive or other processes accessing the drive’s contents.

  1. Do I got to eject USB drives before removing them?

Ejecting the USB drive even before the method is completed may result in the data being compromised. However, albeit the USB isn’t in active use, there’s still a danger of corrupting the files. … Therefore, you would like to attend to the USB drive’s command to eject the hardware before you are doing so securely.

  1. Can I unplug my external hard drive?

When you use auxiliary storage devices like USB flash drives, you should safely remove them before unplugging them. If you only unplug a tool, you run the danger of unplugging while an application remains using it, and this might end in a number of your files being lost or damaged.

  1. Cannot safely remove external HDD

Cannot safely remove external HDD from Windows10

Also See:  Linux
  1. When you can’t safely remove a USB stick or external HDD, open a .txt, then close it.

LPT: When you can’t safely remove an USB stick or external HDD, open a .txt and then close it. from LifeProTips