How to Mute Individual Browser Tabs in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

How to Mute Individual Browser Tabs in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Here we can see, “How to Mute Individual Browser Tabs in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox”

Modern desktop web browsers—Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge—allow you to mute individual browser tabs in only a couple of clicks. Silencing an annoying tab that won’t stop playing audio is now two clicks away.

This feature is beneficial if a tab starts playing music or a video and you would like to mute it temporarily. In most cases, it just takes a click or two.

How to Mute a Tab in Chrome

  1. Like tabs in Safari, tabs in Google Chrome playing sound also will display a speaker icon. Control-click or right-click anywhere on the Tab.
  2. Select Mute Site. The other Tab on this site that is currently open or open within the future will also be muted.

How to Mute a Tab in Safari

  1. Any Tab playing sound in Safari should have a speaker icon displayed. Click the speaker icon to mute the Tab.
  2. Another option is to control-click (on a Mac) or right-click (on a PC) the Tab you want to mute.
  3. Select Mute Tab.
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How to Mute a Tab in Firefox

  1. Look for our old flame, the speaker icon within the Tab you want to mute. Control-click or right-click the Tab.
  2. Click Mute Tab.

How to Mute a Tab in Microsoft Edge

  1. If you guessed you would like to seem for the speaker icon, you’re right. Control-click or right-click the Tab.
  2. Click Mute Tab.

How to Mute A Browser Tab In Opera

Unlike other popular internet browsers that use a static speaker icon to spot tabs playing sound, Opera uses a little animation of a stereo visualizer that plays within the Tab while audio is playing.

  • To mute audio in an Opera tab, please hover your mouse over this animated icon to show it into the common static speaker icon, then click thereon.
  • Tabs also can be silenced in Opera by right-clicking the relevant Tab and selecting Mute Tab.

How to Mute A Browser Tab In Brave

The cryptocurrency and privacy-focused browser, Brave, makes muting tabs easy by incorporating similar methods to the previously mentioned browsers.

  • The easiest way: Click the speaker icon that appears when a tab is making a sound.
  • The second way: Right-click the Tab and choose Mute Tab from the popup menu.

Like other browsers, tabs are often muted in Brave without switching to them. The browser does render full-screen previews of tabs once you hover your mouse over them, though, which may be a touch jarring.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below. 

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User Questions:

  1. Can you lower the quantity of a tab?

To control the quantity of a tab, click on the quantity Master icon and adjust the slider to regulate the quantity of that Tab. The slider can slide beyond 100% up to 600%, which suggests the extension can even provide a volume boost to the music or videos that you simply are playing in your browser.

  1. What does mute Tab neutralize Firefox?

Mute Tab is an addon that helps you quickly mute all tabs with only one button (click). The toolbar button is an ON|OFF switch; once pressed, the icon will change accordingly (the colour and shape).

  1. How do I mute a zoom tab?

Hover over a participant for options to see on their rectangle. Click the blue “Mute” button to mute this participant. You’ll also right-click or click the three dots to open a popup menu. Click “Mute Audio.” Once a participant is muted, you’ll follow equivalent steps to unmute.

  1. Chrome Tab – Mute Speaker Icon Not Working

Chrome Tab – Mute Speaker Icon Not Working from chrome

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  1. Anyone else getting uninterested in these unnecessary changes?

Anyone else getting getting tired of all these unnecessary changes? from firefox