How to Loop Powerpoint


How to Create a Looping Slideshow in PowerPoint

You can easily make a looping slideshow with PowerPoint. A looping slideshow shows each slide for a particular quantity of time. After that period has elapsed, the slip continues into another slide. When the slideshow concludes, it reproduces from the start.

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Click on the [Slide Show] tab. From the “Setup” category, click “Setup Slide Show.”
  3. By the subsequent dialog box, then check “Loop continuously until ‘Esc‘” below the “Show options” segment > Click [OK].
  4. In the “Slides” Record side panel, then click your very first slide > Press and hold [Shift] and click on your very final drop. This will pick all your slides.
  5. Click on the [Transitions] tab From the “Time” category, uncheck “On Mouse Click,” and check “Once.”
  6. To correct the time you’d prefer every slide to show, click on the down and up arrows at the “Following:” field inside the “Time” group. Whenever your slideshow reaches the previous slide, then it will loop back to the start.
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Keyword: terminal, slideshow, PowerPoint, looping slideshow, Automated slideshow, continuous, strength stage