Glossary of the 100 Most Important Networking Terms

Glossary of the 100 Most Important Networking Terms

Here we can see, “Glossary of the 100 Most Important Networking Terms”

Whether you are new to computer networks or just need a refresher, this dictionary of networking terms will help you.

You must keep up with the most recent jargon if you want to stay ahead of the curve in the world of networking. The vocabulary is constantly expanding due to the dynamic nature of the technology industry.

To help you comprehend the fundamentals of computer networks, we have created this glossary. Whether you’re new to the field or just need a refresher, it’s the ideal resource to use.

As you dive deeper into the world of networking, you’re sure to run across more specialized jargon, so you’ll discover definitions for both common phrases and those as well. This dictionary will become your go-to resource for everything from AES to WPA.

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The Definition of 100 Networking Terms

Term Definition
3G Third generation of mobile telecommunications technology, typically offering higher data rates than earlier generations.
4G Fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology, typically offering even higher data rates than 3G.
5G Fifth generation of mobile telecommunications technology, offering faster speeds and higher bandwidth than 4G.
Access Control List (ACL) A set of rules that controls traffic in and out of a network or individual device.
Address Unique identifier for a specific computer or device on a network.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Protocol for mapping an Internet Protocol address (IP address) to a physical machine address that is recognized in the local network.
Administrator User with full control over a network or individual computer.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Protocol used to map an IP address to a physical address, such as a MAC address.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Symmetric key algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt data.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon.
Apache Popular open-source web server.
Application Programming Interface (API) Specific method prescribed by a computer software program for requesting services from another software program.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Cell-based switching technique for voice, video, and computer data.
Auto Scaling Cloud computing feature that provides the ability to scale an application up or down automatically according to conditions set by the user.
Bandwidth Amount of data that can be transferred over a given period of time.
Bit Smallest unit of data in a computer.
Bridge Device that connects two or more networks together.
Broadcast Message sent to all devices on a network.
Client Device or software application that requests services from a server.
Cloud Network of remote servers hosted on the internet and used to store, manage, and process data.
Cloud Computing Ability to access applications and data over the internet.
Cluster Group of computers that work together to provide high availability.
Code Set of instructions that a computer can understand.
Collision Condition that occurs when two devices on a network attempt to transmit at the same time.
Compiler Program that converts code into a form that a computer can execute.
Crossover Cable Type of Ethernet cable used to connect two devices of the same type, such as two computers.
Data Center Facility used to house networking equipment and other computer systems.
Data Encryption Standard (DES) Standard for encrypting data that was developed by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Data Link Layer Second layer of the OSI model, which is responsible for error-free transfer of data frames from one node to another.
Data Mining Process of extracting patterns from large data sets.
Database Collection of data that can be accessed by computers.
Database Server Server that stores and manages data in a database.
Dedicated Line Physical connection between two devices that is not shared with any other devices.
Denial of Service (DoS) Attack that prevents legitimate users from accessing a network or individual device.
Developer Programmer who writes code to create software applications.
Dial-up Type of internet connection that uses a telephone line.
Domain Name System (DNS) System that converts human-readable domain names into numerical IP addresses.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Protocol for automatically assigning IP addresses to devices on a network.
Encryption Process of converting data into a form that cannot be read by unauthorized individuals.
Ethernet Popular type of physical network that uses twisted pair or fiber optic cables to connect devices.
Extranet Private network that uses the public internet to securely connect two or more locations.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Protocol used to transfer files from one computer to another over a network.
Firewall Device or software application that filters traffic between two networks or between a device and a network.
Firmware Software that is stored in a computer’s read-only memory (ROM).
Gateway Device that connects two networks with different protocols or two devices with different interfaces.
Gigabit Ethernet Ethernet standard with a data transfer rate of one gigabit per second.
Hub Device that connects multiple network devices together.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Protocol used to transfer web pages and other files on the World Wide Web.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) Secure version of HTTP that is used to transfer sensitive data, such as credit card numbers.
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) Protocol used to manage multicast group membership.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Form of cloud computing that delivers computer infrastructure on an as-a-service basis.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) System that monitors network traffic for signs of malicious activity.
Input Data or instructions that are entered into a computer.
JavaScript Programming language that is used to create interactive web pages.
Jitter Variation in delay between data packets sent across a network.
LAN (Local Area Network) Network that is confined to a relatively small area.
Leased Line Point-to-point link between two devices in which each device has a dedicated connection to the other.
Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Previous version of the Internet Protocol (IP), which is being replaced by IPv6.
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Latest version of the Internet Protocol (IP), which is the protocol used to route data on the internet.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) Company that provides access to the internet.
IP Address Unique identifier for a device on a network.
Malware Short for “malicious software,” it is any software designed to harm a computer or its user.
Modem Device that converts digital signals to analog signals and vice versa.
Multicast Message sent to a group of devices on a network.
NAT (Network Address Translation) Technique used to allow devices on a private network to communicate with devices on a public network.
Netmask Value used to specify which portion of an IP address represents the network and which portion represents the host.
Network Group of two or more devices that are connected.
Network Interface Card (NIC) Device that connects a computer to a network.
Network as a Service (NaaS) Form of cloud computing that delivers network infrastructure as a service.
Open system interconnection model (OSI model) Framework for understanding how data is transmitted between two nodes on a network.
Packet Unit of data that is sent over a network.
Peer-to-Peer Architecture Network architecture in which each computer or process on the network can act as both a client and a server.
Platform as a Service (PaaS) Form of cloud computing that delivers a computing platform and/or solution stack as a service.
Protocol Set of rules that govern communication between devices on a network.
Router Device that forwards packets between networks or between devices on the same network.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Protocol for securing data transfer over the internet.
Server Device or software application that provides services to other devices or software applications.
Service Pack Collection of updates and fixes for a software program.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Protocol used to send email.
Software as a Service (SaaS) Form of cloud computing that delivers software as a service.
Spyware Type of malware that gathers information about a user without their knowledge.
Structured Query Language (SQL) Standard language for accessing and manipulating databases.
Subnet Portion of a network that is isolated from the rest of the network.
Switch Device that connects multiple devices together on a network and forwards packets between them.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Protocol used to transfer data over a network.
Trojan Horse Type of malware that masquerades as legitimate software in order to trick users into installing it.
Unicast Message sent to a single destination on a network.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Protocol used to transfer data over a network.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Technique used to create a secure connection between two or more devices over a public network.
Virtual Machine (VM) Software program that emulates the hardware of a computer.
Voice over IP (VoIP) Technique used to transmit voice traffic over a data network.
Wide Area Network (WAN) Network that covers a large geographical area.
Wireless Access Point (WAP) Device that connects wireless devices to a wired network.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Security protocol for wireless networks.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Security protocol for wireless networks. It’s an improvement over WEP and is required for networks that use 802.11n.
Worm Type of malware that replicates itself and spreads to other computers on a network.
Zero Configuration Networking Set of technologies that automatically configures IP addresses and other network settings without user intervention.
Zombie Computer that has been infected with a virus and can be controlled by a remote attacker.
Zone Logical grouping of network resources. Zones can be used to segment a network for security or performance reasons.
Zone Transfer Process of copying DNS zone information from one DNS server to another.
Also See:  Multi Entity Management

Become a Computer Network Pro In No Time.

It’s understandable why people get disheartened when they first begin learning about networking because there are so many ambiguous phrases. Don’t let the difficulty of remembering these definitions deter you, though. They’ll get simpler the more you utilize and observe them. You’ll soon be able to use networking jargon like a pro!

User Questions

1. What are the 4 main components of a network?

Hardware, software, protocols, and the connection mediumĀ are the four fundamental components of a network. These components are a part of every data network and are essential to their operation.

2. What is a TCP IP model?

A collection of four-layered communication protocols is the TCP/IP Reference Model. The Department of Defense (DoD) created it in the 1960s. It bears the names of the two primary protocols employed in the model, TCP and IP. IP stands for Internet Protocol, and TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol.

3. What is Cisco used for?

Cisco Systems is an IT and networking company with a focus on switches, routers, cybersecurity, and IoT. Its logo can be seen on virtually every conference or office phone.

4. Understanding Networking in General for System Administration.

Understanding Networking in General for System Administration. from sysadmin

5. Basic Networking 101

Basic Networking 101 from HomeNetworking