How Technology Can Assist You in Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

How Technology Can Assist You in Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Here we can see, “How Technology Can Assist You in Getting a Good Night’s Sleep”

Let’s face it, being tired can be exhausting. Nothing is more frustrating than feeling sluggish when you have a full day of work ahead of you, chores to complete, or children to care for.

While it is recommended that we avoid technology in order to get a good night’s sleep, it does have a place in providing a consistent routine, access to useful apps, and ensuring you are well-prepared for the night ahead.

If you’re ready to change your sleeping habits and get more Zs, here are some great tips to help you sleep more peacefully and improve your overall sleep hygiene.

30 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Using Technology

# Tip
Sleep Hygiene

Maintain a routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends. You can use a smartphone app like Alarmy to force you to complete an action in order to turn off the alarm.

2 Avoid other activities in your bedroom, such as watching TV or working in bed.
3 Writing down your stresses and worries can help you avoid thinking about them while you’re lying in bed. You can jot down your thoughts using a free app like Evernote, which allows you to return to them later if necessary.
4 Jet lag can seriously disrupt your sleep schedule. If you need to change your sleep schedule, do so gradually by one to two hours per night, rather than shocking your body by doing it all at once. Set a timer on your phone, tablet, or computer, or buy a physical timer to keep you on track.
5 Bright lights aren’t ideal in the hours before bed. They are, however, extremely useful during the day and have an impact on how well you sleep at night. Try to get as much light as possible during the day, or invest in a sunlight therapy lamp if there isn’t enough natural light.
Daytime Activities
6 Even if you’re tired, avoid taking naps during the day. Sleep debt can lead to a reduction in the amount of sleep you get at night, resulting in sleep deprivation. Tired? Watch an energizing workout on your smart TV or dance to your favorite music to take your mind off it.
7 If you must nap, limit your nap to no more than 20 minutes in the early afternoon. Set an alarm on your phone to ensure you wake up, even if you have to set multiple alarms to avoid snoozing.
8 Exercising can aid in stress relief and the maintenance of good sleep hygiene. Exercise, on the other hand, gives you energy, so avoid exercising three to four hours before going to bed. Use Google Calendar to plan your day and make sure you get your exercise in at the right time.
Evening Activities
9 Taking a warm bath can help you relax and relieve stress. While listening to soothing music or reading a book, keep the lights dim. If you don’t have dimmable lights, you could invest in a smart bulb solution from Govee that doesn’t require a hub.
10 Limit the use of bright lights in the evening. If you must use lights, make sure they are red rather than blue to increase melatonin production. You won’t have to change out your light bulbs for different colors if you use a smart bulb like the Philips Hue.

If you feel the need to engage in some physical activity later in the day, yoga or simple stretches can be sufficient to meet your needs without significantly increasing your energy or body temperature. With an app like Yoga Studio by Gaiam, you can get up to 75 free ready-made classes. It’s completely free and available for both iOS and Android.

Food and Drink
12 Caffeine should not be consumed after noon. Some products, such as medicines, drinks, and chocolate, may contain hidden caffeine that you are unaware of. Apps like 1Source let you scan a product’s barcode to see a list of the ingredients in your food and drink purchases.
13 Eat for at least one hour before going to bed. Due to high levels of magnesium and tryptophan, light snacks like a banana or a small bowl of oatmeal can help your digestive system.
14 While alcohol can make you sleepy, drinking it before bed can cause you to wake up more frequently during the night, disrupting your sleep. DrinkCoach is an app that can track your alcohol consumption and even show you how much money you could save by not drinking. It can also record hangovers and remind you how you felt after drinking.
15 If you must have a drink before going to bed, choose something light like a glass of water or chamomile tea two hours before bed. This will prepare you for the night and keep you from waking up to use the restroom.
16 Turn off blue light-emitting devices such as phones, tablets, computers, and televisions one hour before bedtime because they can disrupt your sleep.
17 While you may not be looking at your digital devices in bed, they should be removed from your bedroom. Notifications, buzzing, and LED lights can all interfere with sleep.
18 If you need to check something on your computer or laptop before going to bed, use software such as f.lux, which reduces blue light and simulates your computer’s display to that of the sun during the day and warmth at night.
19 When using devices, blue light-blocking glasses can help to remove the harshest blue light. Use these at the end of the day if you need to watch TV or check your emails, for example.
Setting Up Your Environment
20 Keep your bedroom temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit by using a smart thermostat like the Google Nest Learning Thermostat.
21 When you’re in bed, hide your alarm clock by putting it in a drawer or turning it around. Clock watching can keep you awake and prevent you from developing healthy sleeping habits.
22 If you have pets, keep them outside the bedroom so they don’t wake you up at night.
23 A comfortable mattress is essential for a good night’s sleep. Invest in a mattress with a 10-year warranty and cover it with a protector to reduce the risk of dust or bed mites.
24 Maintaining the appropriate humidity level in your room is critical; you can use a dehumidifier to reduce humidity in the air or a humidifier to add humidity to the air. Most smart humidifiers and dehumidifiers can be set up to work on a schedule, and some can even sense the humidity level in the air and adjust themselves to match it.
25 If you’re having trouble relaxing before bed, your smartphone or tablet can help (as long as you use it for the right reasons). Headspace is a mindfulness app that can help you get your mind in the right frame of mind for a restful night’s sleep. It is available for both iOS and Android devices.
26 Light sleepers or those who have noisy distractions may find that investing in a pair of earplugs, such as Bose’s Sleepbuds II, can help them sleep more soundly.
27 While blackout blinds or curtains can help prevent excessive light from entering, they can also be detrimental to allowing natural light in as the sun rises. Smart blinds can be set to open and close at certain times and on certain schedules. This could help you sleep much better.
During the Night
28 If you have trouble falling asleep and are awake for more than 10 minutes at a time, go to a dark room for a few minutes before returning to bed.
29 Place a pillow between your knees to properly align your hips if you suffer from back pain while sleeping.
30 Outside noises can be a source of distraction. If your bedroom isn’t as quiet as it should be, you can use a white noise machine to drown out unwanted noise. If you don’t want to buy a machine, there are numerous white noise apps available on the App Store and Google Play Store. Just keep your phone out of reach so that digital distractions do not tempt you.
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Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene may appear to be a passing fad, but the emphasis is on creating a conducive sleeping environment in order to develop good sleeping habits.

Staying glued to your phone in bed or falling asleep to a movie may appear to be a good idea, but it can disrupt your sleep pattern and be harmful to your health. When used correctly, smart technology can help you get a good night’s sleep.

User Questions

1. Does TV help you sleep?

Many people sleep with their television on every night. Sleeping with your TV on can reduce your sleep, disrupt your body’s melatonin production, keep your brain overstimulated, and lead to long-term health effects, according to experts.

2. How do screens affect sleep?

Screen time can affect how quickly and how long your child falls asleep and sleeps. This occurs for a variety of reasons, including: Screen time in the hour before bedtime can be stimulating for your child. Blue light emitted by televisions, computer screens, phones, and tablets may suppress melatonin levels and cause sleepiness.

3. How does technology affect insomnia?

Teens screen time has been linked to a variety of insomnia symptoms. Screen time pushes back bedtime by delaying the release of melatonin, resulting in less restful sleep. Because the majority of teenagers have strict school start times, sleeping later usually results in less overall sleep and increased next-day sleepiness.

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4. Worth the investment to improve sleep hygiene?

Worth the investment to improve sleep hygiene? from kindle

5. What are you supposed to do during the 30 minutes of no electronics before bed??

What are you supposed to do during the 30 minutes of no electronics before bed?? from NoStupidQuestions