Fortinet Vpn Locks Out User After 1 Failed Attempt

Fortinet Vpn Locks Out User After 1 Failed Attempt

Here we can see, “Fortinet Vpn Locks Out User After 1 Failed Attempt”

  • Many businesses utilize FortiClient VPN to give remote workers convenient access. On the other hand, System administrators may hear complaints such as Fortinet VPN locking out a user after 1 failed attempt.
  • Learn how to use the command-line panel to quickly and efficiently resolve the Fortinet VPN user lockout issue. Find a better VPN for your business if you’re not satisfied with FortiClient VPN.

Fortinet offers a VPN called FortiClient that businesses may use to give their work-from-home and travelling staff remote access. They will be able to access office network shares as if they were physically present at work.

Users frequently complain to system administrators that the Fortinet VPN locks them out after one failed try. We can assist you if you need a rapid solution to this issue.

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How do I fix Fortinet VPN user lockout after 1 failed attempt?

Enter the next command lines:

config user setting
set auth-lockout-duration <seconds>
set auth-lockout-threshold <failed_attempts>

If you want to allow 5 login attempts and lock people out for 10 minutes, for example, use:

config user setting
set auth-lockout-duration 600
set auth-lockout-threshold 5

However, too many failed logins could signal that someone with unauthorized access, such as a former employee whose credentials you didn’t revoke, is attempting to access your company’s network using the Fortinet VPN.

Set a low number of login attempts and a longer lockout duration to prevent this security risk. You should also set email notifications to be notified as soon as a user account is locked out.

Choose a more reliable VPN solution for your business

Consider moving to a better VPN service for your firm if you frequently have to fix Fortinet VPN difficulties like user lockout after 1 failed attempt.

To summarize, the Fortinet VPN locks out the user after 1 failed attempt may be easily resolved. For FortiClient VPN, you only need to enter a few lines of code on the command-line panel.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.

User Questions

1. Is Fortinet a VPN blocker?

On Fortigate, how can I block VPN traffic? You can prohibit VPNs by using the category “Proxy” along with the signatures “PPTP”, “L2TP”, and “ISAKMP”. Most VPNs will most likely be blocked if you use this method.

2. Why is FortiClient VPN disconnecting so frequently?

The FortiClient simply disconnects from the network (IPsec ISAKMP SA delete). The VPN connection will be stable if the Internet connection is reliable (low latency, no packet loss). However, FortiClient VPN connections frequently fail when packet loss occurs.

3. Why has my VPN been disabled?

A website can block your VPN for various reasons, preventing you from viewing its content. When connected to a VPN server, you’ll be unable to access streaming giants like Netflix, Hulu, BBC iPlayer, and DAZN because the rationale for such VPN limitations is usually geographical.

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4. SSL VPN user is being locked out : r/fortinet – Reddit

SSL VPN user is being locked out from fortinet

5. Unlock or reset user SSL-VPN lockout : r/fortinet – Reddit

Unlock or reset user SSL-VPN lockout from fortinet