Fix vmware-authd.exe high CPU usage

Fix vmware-authd.exe high CPU usage

Here we can see, “Fix vmware-authd.exe high CPU usage”

What does vmware-authd stand for?

VMware Workstation includes vmware-authd.exe, which is a virtualization solution for Windows (like Hyper-V or VirtualBox). VMware Workstation starts several background services that it needs to execute and manage its internal operations. The VMware Authorization Service, which grants (or refuses) access to launch, halt, and manage virtual machines, is handled by the vmware-authd service process.

In the Services control panel (+ R then services.msc, then Enter ), look for the VMware Authorization Service.

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vmware-authd.exe consumes a lot of CPU.

In the task manager, under the Details page, users of VMware Workstation on all versions of Windows, up to and including Windows Server 2019, and all editions of Windows 10 have claimed that vmware-authd.exe is eating up a significant amount of CPU every few seconds.

vmware-authd checks the Windows performance metrics, where profiling information on system performance and resource consumption is reported, for unknown reasons (perhaps to arbitrate resources available to running virtual machines, although that should only be done if resource consumption limits have been enabled, which is not normally the case in VMware Workstation as compared to the server offerings like VMware ESXi and vSphere). This is incredibly fast on a fresh Windows installation, and the VMware Authorization Service uses very little CPU while this is going on. The Windows performance metrics counters on a typical developer or sysadmin workstation, on the other hand, can include many sources with varying performance characteristics and generate a big number of performance events.

vmware-authd.exe fixes a high CPU consumption of 100%.

The lodctr application, which may be run (in an elevated command prompt) through lodctr.exe, can be used to reset the Windows performance metrics. Lodctr is a tool for updating registry values connected to performance counters. It also has a feature to rebuild the related registry entries, improving access to their contents.

C:\Users\NeoSmart> lodctr

        Updates registry values related to performance counters.

To rebuild the registry keys relating to performance counters, open an elevated command prompt (right-click on the start menu, and select “Command Prompt (Admin)” or press + R and type cmd.exe followed by ctrl + shift + Enter ) and then run the following command:

lodctr /R

If you receive an error similar to this:

Error: Unable to rebuild performance counter setting from system backup store, error code is 5

You may need to wait a few seconds before attempting it again.

For all of the modifications to take effect, you’ll need to restart your computer, including the VMware Authorization Service.


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User Questions

1. What can I do to reduce my virtual CPU usage?

Control Panel -> Power options -> Change plan parameters -> Change advanced power settings -> Check CPU management (of VM) Power management for processors -> State of Maximum Power. Set it to a percentage value: for example, if your VM has one CPU with one core running at 4.0GHz and you wish to use the maximum 2.0GHz, set it to 50%. \

2. What is the purpose of the VMware Authorization Service?

Vmware Driver is a virtual machine authorization and authentication solution that allows you to start and access virtual machines. Location of the file: C:Program FilesVMwareVMware Workstation vmware-authd.exe. This is a startup type. As a Windows service, this startup item is installed.

3. What is the best way to monitor CPU utilization on a virtual machine?

From the list of objects, choose the virtual machine itself. Select CPU Usage In MHz (Average) and CPU Ready from the list of counters. This displays the amount of CPU used, and the time it takes to schedule the VM on a physical processor.

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