Hacker Targets Respawn’s Apex Legends In Protest Of Titanfall Hacking

Hacker Targets Respawn’s Apex Legends In Protest Of Titanfall Hacking

Respawn’s Apex Legends was hacked by someone who wanted to spread awareness about the incompatibility of Titanfall, the other developer’s game.

Battle royale’s server playlists were being changed with a message saying, “SAVETITANFALL.COM is being attacked so it is Apex.” After that, gamers received an “Important Notice” popup that directed them to the exact URL.

Respawn has now fixed the issue via an update to their server published yesterday. Respawn also assured players that the attack did not compromise their accounts or personal information.

Respawn’s Titanfall is experiencing numerous connectivity and server problems recently, much to the dismay of many players. Unresolved hacking attempts have only exacerbated the problem. Apex Legends was given the an-eye for-an-eye treatment by the hacker, which must have been a desperate effort. However, the hacker’s message seems to have reached developers, and they are now working to fix the problem.

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It’s not possible to compromise Apex Legends, an AAA title. This shows that even large studios and games can be vulnerable to attacks like this and must be cautious moving forward.

Let’s all hope that Respawn honors their promises to fix Titanfall and has its security boosted to prevent future attacks.