10+ Useful System Tools Hidden in Windows

10+ Useful System Tools Hidden in Windows

Here we can see, “10+ Useful System Tools Hidden in Windows”

Windows contains a spread of system utilities that are useful but well-hidden. Some are buried deep within the Start menu, while others you’ll access as long as you recognize the proper command to run.

You can launch most of those tools pretty easily if you recognize their names—search your start menu for the name of the tool, and you’re good to travel. On Windows 8, you’ll need to select the Settings category on the search screen to possess the particular tool that shows up within the search results. No matter how you launch them, these tools can assist you in diagnosing crashes to looking at system performance to enhance security.

1.Windows Memory Diagnostic

Windows includes a Memory Diagnostic tool that restarts your computer (so nothing is loaded into memory) and tests your memory for defects—much just like the popular MemTest86 application. So if you want to see your computer’s memory for errors, you don’t need a third-party tool—just run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool by checking out it on your Start menu.

2.Resource Monitor

The Resource Monitor app offers an in-depth check out your computer’s resource usage. For example, you’ll view computer-wide CPU, disk, network, and memory graphics or drill down and consider per-process statistics for every sort of resource.

You can see which processes are using your disk or network heavily, communicating with Internet addresses, and more. The Resource Monitor provides far more detailed resource statistics than the Task Manager does.

You can launch the Resource Monitor by opening the Task Manager, clicking the “Performance” tab, and selecting “Resource Monitor”, or by just checking out “resource monitor” on your Start menu.

3.Performance Monitor

The Performance Monitor app can collect performance data from many different sources. For example, you’ll use it to log performance data over time—letting you identify how system changes affect performance—or to watch the performance of a foreign computer in real-time.

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4.Computer Management and Administrative Tools

The Performance Monitor is one among many Microsoft Management Console (MMC) tools. Many of those are often found within the “Administrative Tools” folder within the instrument panel, but you’ll also access them through one window by opening the pc Management application. Just hit Start and sort “computer management” within the search box.

Among other things, this window contains the subsequent tools:

  • Task Scheduler: A tool that permits you to look at and customize the scheduled tasks on your computer and make your own custom scheduled tasks.
  • Event Viewer: A log viewer that permits you to look at and filter system events—everything from software installation to application crashes and blue screens of death.
  • Shared Folders: An interface that displays the folders shared over the network on your computer, useful for viewing what folders are being shared at a look.
  • Device Manager: The classic Windows Device Manager permits you to look at the devices connected to your computer, disable them, and configure their drivers.
  • Disk Management: A built-in partition manager you’ll use without downloading any third-party tools.
  • Services: An interface that permits you to look at and control the background services running in Windows.

Dig in, and you’ll find tons of useful options within these tools.

5.Advanced User Accounts Tool

Windows contains a hidden User Accounts utility that gives some options not present within the standard interface. To open it, hit Start (or press Windows+R to open the Run dialogue), type either “netplwiz “or “control userpasswords2,” then press Enter.

The “User Accounts” window also contains a shortcut to launch the “Local Users and Groups “tool, which offers more user management tasks, but isn’t available on the house editions of Windows.

6.Disk Cleanup

Windows’ Disk Cleanup utility isn’t quite as hidden as a number of the opposite utilities here, but not enough people realize it—or how to use it to its fullest potential. It scans your computer for files that will be safely deleted—temporary files; memory dumps, old system restore points, leftover files from Windows upgrades, and so on.

Disk Cleanup does an equivalent job a PC cleaning utility does, but it’s free and doesn’t attempt to extract any money from you. Advanced users may prefer CCleaner, but Disk Cleanup does an honest job.

Access it by checking out “Disk Cleanup” on your Start menu.

7.Local Group Policy Editor

The Local Group Policy Editor is merely available on Professional or Ultimate editions of Windows—not the quality or Home editions. It provides a good sort of settings designed to be used by system administrators to customize and lock down PCs on their networks. Still, the Local Group Policy Editor also contains settings that average users could be curious about . for instance, in Windows 10, you’ll use it to cover personal information on the check-in screen.

To open the Local Group Policy Editor, type “gpedit.msc” at the beginning menu or Run panel, then press Enter.

8.Registry Editor

Sure, everyone knows about Registry Editor—but it’s still hidden, with Microsoft not even providing a Start menu shortcut to that. So instead, you want to type “regedit” into the beginning menu search or Run panel to launch it.

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Many tweaks that you can make using the Local Group Policy Editor have equivalent tweaks, which will be made in Registry Editor if you are knowledgeable or Enterprise edition of Windows. For instance, users with the house edition of Windows can’t prevent specific users from shutting down Windows using group policy—but they will with a couple of Registry tweaks. Additionally, all types of Registry tweaks haven’t any equivalent in group policy at all—like customizing the manufacturer support information on your PC.

Fair warning, though: Registry Editor may be a complex and powerful tool. It’s easy to wreck your installation of Windows or maybe render Windows inoperable if you’re not careful. If you’ve never worked with the Registry before, consider reading about the way to use the Registry Editor before you start. And copy the Registry (and your computer!) before making changes. And stick with well-documented Registry tweaks from a source you trust.

9.System Configuration

System Configuration is another classic tool that a lot of people don’t realize. Before Windows 8 and 10, which feature a startup-program manager built into Task Manager, System Configuration was the sole included way of controlling startup programs on Windows. It also allows you to customize your boot loader, which is especially useful if you’ve got multiple versions of Windows installed.

Launch it by typing “msconfig” into the beginning menu search box or Run dialogue.

10.System Information

The System Information utility displays all types of data about your PC. you’ll determine things just like the exact version of Windows you’re running, what quite a motherboard your system contains, what proportion RAM (and what kind) you’ve got, what graphics adapter you’re sporting, and an entire lot more.

System Information doesn’t provide the slickest interface, nor does it provide all the knowledge a third-party system information tool like Speccy does. Still, it’ll display tons of system information without forcing you to put in another program.

Once you recognize these utilities exist, you’ll do more with the tools built into Windows. These tools are available on any Windows computer (with the lone exception that Local Group Policy Editor isn’t available on Home editions of Windows), so you’ll always use them without downloading and installing third-party software.

User Questions:

  1. Is there a Windows 10 diagnostic tool?

Fortunately, Windows 10 comes with another tool, called System Diagnostic Report, which may be a part of Performance Monitor. It can display the status of hardware resources, system response times, and processes on your computer, alongside system information and configuration data.

  1. What are Windows system tools?

System Tool may be a variant of Win32/Winwebsec – a family of programs that claims to scan for malware and displays fake warnings of “malicious programs and viruses”. They then inform the user that they must pay money to register the software to eliminate these non-existent threats.

  1. What will Windows 11 have?

While the primary general release of Windows 11 will include features sort of a more streamlined, Mac-like design, an updated Start menu, new multitasking tools and integrated Microsoft Teams, it’ll not include one among the foremost anticipated updates: support for Android mobile apps in its new app store.

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