your edits weren’t saved instagram error

your edits weren't saved instagram error

Here we can see “your edits weren’t saved Instagram error”

If you plan to edit an Instagram photo or video, including changing the post text, tags, caption, or hashtags, you’ll receive a mistake that forestalls you from saving your edits.

The reason you receive this error is thanks to one of the following reasons.

User Questions:

1. your edits weren’t saved. Please try again
I used to be shadowbanned because I edited and added hashtags to many of my old posts within a brief span of your time. It’s considered a bot-like behavior. That’s why I used to be banned, IIRC it lasted for two weeks.

2. Can’t edit a post caption
I wanted to vary the caption of a post that’s already 3k likes, but I couldn’t. What are the restrictions on editing posts?*

3. I buy a mistake when trying to feature a discuss Instagram.
If you are not ready to add a comment, try updating your app to the newest version.


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