The FCC Launches a Speed Test App to Measure Broadband Availability

The FCC Launches a Speed Test App to Measure Broadband Availability

The program functions much like other speed test programs but with a little more government participation.

A new program from your Federal Communications Commission (FCC) can help the agency collect information it will utilize to gauge the net speeds of consumers all over the United States.

While there is no lack of programs made to help determine how quickly your net is, programs such as Ookla’s Speedtest are created to your knowledge. On the flip side, the FCC’s program is intended to provide you with your rates while also allowing the authorities to estimate net speeds.

The FCC’s New Speedtest App

Presently, the FCC’s broadband policy channels are based on information recorded by firms like AT&T and Verizon, which has allowed ISPs to reevaluate their policy. If the FCC can access its information from real-world rate tests, it may build a policy-map accurately.

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The program can be found on either Android along with iOS, so if you are trying to check in your net speed, and you are fine with that information being reported on the authorities, it may be well worth downloading it, so it’s possible to give rise to the FCC’s cause.

If you are concerned about safety, the FCC claims that “Your privacy is safeguarded. No personally identifiable information will be gathered.”

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This differs in additional rate test programs because it will run tests in the background periodically. You’re able to decide on a monthly data limit to make sure tests don’t use your mobile data, but that is something to bear in mind before you get into the program. You may even run manual tests if you would like.

What Is The FCC’s Goal Here?

Acting Chair Jessica Rosenworcel created a statement about the new program where she explained the following:

“To close the gap between digital haves and have nots, we’re working to construct a detailed, user-friendly dataset on broadband accessibility. Increasing the base of customers using the FCC Speed Evaluation program will let us offer enhanced protection information to people and increase the measurement tools we are developing to demonstrate in which broadband is accessible throughout the United States.”

The bureau is seeking to obtain more precise broadband speed information and assist its broadband installation efforts.

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The program’s description claims, “The program will be conducted from the FCC to satisfy its Congressional mandate to collect and make publicly accessible transparent and accurate performance instructions on US broadband.”

If you would like to understand more about the FCC includes a complete breakdown of its own Measuring Broadband America App on its site.