Oracle 20c

Oracle 20c

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Oracle Extends Database Leadership with Oracle Database 21c

Oracle today announced that Oracle Database 21c, the newest version of the world’s leading converged database, is out there on Oracle Cloud, including the Always Free tier of Oracle Autonomous Database. Oracle Database 21c contains quite 200 innovations, including immutable blockchain tables, In-Database JavaScript, native JSON binary data type, AutoML for in-database machine learning (ML), and protracted memory store, also as enhancements for in-memory, graph processing performance, sharding, multitenant, and security. Unlike other vendors’ single-purpose databases within the cloud or on-premises, Oracle Database 21c provides support for multi-model, multi-workload, and multitenant requirements – all within one modern converged database engine. Additionally, Oracle today announced the supply of Oracle APEX (Application Express) Application Development, a replacement low-code service for developing and deploying data-driven enterprise applications quickly and simply. The browser-based, low-code cloud service enables developers to make modern web apps for desktops and mobile devices using an intuitive graphical interface.

“Oracle Database 21c continues our strategy of delivering the world’s most powerful converged database engine,” said Andrew Mendelsohn, executive vice-chairman, database server technologies, Oracle. “It provides leading JSON document processing performance. It provides breakthrough operational database performance with Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory support. It provides industry-leading analytic database capabilities with a new Self-Managing In-Memory Column Store, highest performance graph processing, and AutoML for simplest machine learning model development. It provides Immutable Blockchain Tables for tamperproof SQL tables. Competing vendors require separate JSON documents, operational, analytic, graph, ML, and blockchain databases and services to support these capabilities. Oracle’s converged database approach makes developers much more productive when building new applications and makes it easy to evolve applications later to satisfy new business requirements.”

What Analysts are Saying about Oracle Database

“With the launch of Database 21c, Oracle has elevated its flagship database to a replacement level of convergence with broad support for a good sort of data types and workloads,” said Carl Olofson, Research vice-chairman, Data Management Software, IDC. “The 200 new built-in innovations, including immutable blockchain tables and AutoML for in-database machine learning, elevate Oracle Database 21c to a replacement level of functionality, eliminating the necessity for specialized, isolated cloud services and tools to try to those jobs. Users can avoid compounding costs and operational complexity that comes with each additional cloud service that organizations ordinarily use. during this way, Oracle is effectively slicing away at this disjointed set of services with a simplified, more technically elegant, and integrated approach that’s much better fitted to the enterprise needs of 2021.”

“Oracle’s latest converged database—Database 21c—focuses on making life dramatically easier for both users and developers. It supports and integrates an expanded range of knowledge models and workloads and includes a built-in machine learning to eliminate the necessity for separate tooling and services by enabling organizations to run inference directly on their database, right next to their data. This is often a refreshing contrast for organizations that leverage the likes of AWS, which has quite a dozen different databases, each requiring customers to affect different APIs, ETL approaches, and data integration processes. Oracle Database 21c transcends the barriers of a multi, isolated, and intrinsically non-converged, database approach,” said Mark Peters, Principal Analyst & Practice Director, ESG.

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What Customers are Saying about Oracle Database

Headquartered in London, Aon may be a US$46B global professional services firm providing a broad range of risk, retirement, and health solutions. “We’ve never been ready to see all of our Oracle sales and marketing data in one, unified system. It’s a true milestone. Using Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse and Oracle Analytics Cloud, we’ve seen performance boosted by 50X to 60X that creates response times to complex sales queries from 500 power users much faster, and analytics costs are significantly less than our on-premises business intelligence tools,” said Liesbeth Mulder, Global Reporting Lead, Aon.

Angelini Pharma is one of the most important pharmaceutical companies in Italy. “The Quinaryo X-Ring solution has been a crucial step ahead in our IoT strategy to experiment with a wearable device integrated with a knowledge security tool supported a blockchain table solution,” said Pietro Berretoni, Digital & Innovation Head, Angelini Pharma. “With Oracle Blockchain Tables, the answer provides tamperproof records which will easily integrate with other applications without requiring a posh new infrastructure. Oracle Database includes all the tools we all know and new features like Oracle Blockchain Tables that we will leverage with X-Ring for sensible data collection.”

New Innovations in Oracle Database 21c

Oracle Database 21c is the database engine that powers Oracle database services within the cloud and on-premises, including Oracle Autonomous Database, Oracle Exadata Database Service, Oracle Exadata Database Cloud@Customer, and Oracle Exadata Database Machine. the newest release includes quite 200 innovations, extending database convergence to new use cases, optimizing performance, and improving developer, analyst, and data scientist productivity. Key innovations include:

  • Immutable Blockchain Tables: Blockchain Tables bring the critical security benefits of blockchain technology to enterprise applications. A part of Oracle’s Crypto-Secure Data Management, Blockchain Tables provides immutable insert-only tables whose rows are cryptographically chained together. By providing tamper detection and prevention capabilities directly within the Oracle Database, customers can protect against illicit changes by insiders or hackers impersonating administrators or users. Blockchain Tables are a part of the converged database, accessed with standard SQL, and support full analytics and transactions—making it orders of magnitude easier to use and more functional than existing blockchain implementations. Blockchain Tables are a free feature altogether Oracle Database editions.
  • Native JSON Data Type: Oracle has provided powerful SQL/JSON query and indexing support for several years. Database 21c adds a replacement JSON data type representation, enabling up to 10x faster scans and up to 4x faster update operations. Overall, these improvements make Oracle SQL/JSON 2x faster than MongoDB and AWS DocumentDB on the YCSB benchmark. Like previous releases, users can mix or join JSON, and other data types; index any JSON element for fast OLTP; use declarative parallel SQL analytics across all formats, and run complex joins across multiple JSON documents and collections—all with no need for custom application code.
  • AutoML for In-Database Machine Learning: Automatically builds and compares machine-learning models at scale and facilitates the utilization of machine learning by non-experts. A replacement AutoML interface makes it easier for non-expert users to leverage in-database machine learning. Oracle also added new algorithms for anomaly detection, regression, and deep learning analysis to our extensive library of popular, in-database machine learning algorithms.
  • In-Database JavaScript: Enables developers to figure efficiently in modern programming languages. The embedded Graal Multilingual Engine allows JavaScript processing code to run inside the info base – where the data resides – eliminating expensive network round-trips. additionally, users can efficiently execute SQL from within JavaScript code, and JavaScript data types are automatically mapped to Oracle Database data.
  • Persistent Memory Support: Stores database data and redo logs in local Persistent Memory (PMEM), which significantly improves IO-bound workloads. SQL runs directly on data stored within the direct-mapped Persistent Memory filing system, eliminating the IO code path and the need for a giant buffer cache. Additionally, new database algorithms prevent partial or inconsistent stores to Persistent Memory.
  • Higher Performance Graph Models: Allows modeling of knowledge-supported relationships and enables exploration of connections and patterns in social networks, IoT, and more. Further improvements in memory optimization reduce the quantity of memory required to research larger graphs, enabling existing applications to run faster with no changes. Additionally, users can create or extend graph algorithms using Java syntax, which may execute as native algorithms since they’re compiled with equivalent optimizations.
  • Database In-Memory Automation: Oracle supports both row and column formats within the same table to permit analytics and transactions to run simultaneously on an equivalent table. Oracle Database 21c introduces a Self-Managing In-Memory Column Store that simplifies and improves efficiency by automatically managing the location and removal of objects within the In-Memory Column Store, then tracks usage patterns and moves and evicts objects from the column store. Additionally, columns are automatically compressed supported usage patterns. Oracle Database 21c also introduces new in-memory vector join algorithms to hurry up complex queries.
  • Sharding Automation: Native Database Sharding delivers hyperscale performance and availability while enabling global enterprises to meet data sovereignty and data privacy regulations. Data shards share no hardware or software and may reside on-premises or within the cloud. To simplify the planning and use of sharding, Oracle Database 21c includes a Sharding Advisor Tool that assesses a database schema plus its workload characteristics then provides a sharded database design optimized for performance, scalability, and availability. Backup and Recovery across shards is additionally automated.
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Oracle Database 20c is available for preview on Oracle Cloud, this is why you should upgrade to 19c.

Here are a couple of reasons you ought to migrate to the future support release 19c of the Oracle Database. the aim of this text isn’t to form you panic, no … to tell you about the great and valuable features of the newest Oracle Database releases.

Oracle Database 19c is that the terminal release of the Oracle 12c database family and future support until the top of March 2026. When subsequent future support release is going to be available isn’t known yet!

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From Oracle Database 12c version, the non-CDB architecture was announced to be deprecated. In Oracle Database, 20c de-supported, 19c was the last supported version with a non-CDB architecture. We at Exitas recommend using the CDB architecture as soon as possible to avoid surprises; from 19c onwards, three user-defined PDBs are allowed without having the paid Multitenant option.

The Oracle 20c Database version 20.2.0 is out there in preview from the Oracle Cloud; here are some new useful features and a few enhancements briefly explained:

1. Data Pump

INCLUDE and EXCLUDE parameters within the same export or import operation are often used.

This enhancement makes it easier to migrate because the method will use the INCLUDE parameter first, then it processes the EXCLUDE parameter and eliminates the required objects.

Export and import jobs of transportable tablespaces are resumable and may be wiped out parallel.

2. Blockchain Tables

Deleting records is prohibited or restricted during a blockchain table, an append-only table made tamper-resistant by particular sequencing and chaining mechanisms. A replacement security feature that reduces database administration.

3. Multitenant Architecture

Starting in Oracle 20c Database, a multitenant container database is the only supported architecture; previous releases are still supporting non-container databases (non-CDBs). Before Oracle Database 19c, just one user-defined pluggable database was allowed without needing to license the complete multitenant option, since 19c up to three PDBs during a given container are often used if not approved for Oracle Multitenant.

4. Oracle ACFS

Automatic shrinking of an Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster filing system supported a policy and if there’s enough free storage.

Oracle ACFS is de-supported with Microsoft Windows.

5. Data Encryption

Package DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT was already deprecated since Oracle Database 11g version 11.2 and is de-supported in 20c, functionality is replaced DBMS_CRYPTO, and a few older encryption and hashing algorithms are deprecated.

A new dynamic parameter TABLESPACE_ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT_ALGORITHM can define the default encryption algorithm for tablespace creation operations. The parameter ENCRYPT_NEW_TABLESPACES was already available, ranging from Oracle Database 12c Release 2 version

6. SQL Macros

Encapsulate complex processing within a macro, so it is often used anywhere inside a SQL statement within Oracle 20c Database. The SQL and PL/SQL are two different engines that are regularly used together, but that usage is causing context switching then slowing down the execution. The UDF pragma’s introduction in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (a compiler directive) was already reducing the runtime overhead of the context switch. Still, SQL Macros (SQM) are functions that are executed just one occasion at parse time and can be encapsulated within the SQL statement; as a result… no context switch in the least.