opendns vs google dns

opendns vs google dns

Here we can see, “opendns vs google dns”

What is a Domain Name and How Does DNS work?

The name System (DNS) is the Internet’s system for mapping alphabetic names to numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, the sort of a phone book that maps an individual’s name to a telephone number. For instance, when an internet address (URL) is typed into a browser, a DNS query is formed to find an IP address of internet services related to that name.

Using the URL, is that the name and www is that the hostname. DNS resolution maps into an IP address (such as Therefore, when a user must load a webpage, a conversion must occur between what a user types into their browser ( into an IP address required to locate the site.

The DNS system is an open worldwide network of database name servers that include 13 authoritative name servers that serve the DNS root zone level, referred to as “root servers”. A root server (also called a DNS root nameserver) receives a DNS query that has a website name (e.g. and responds by directing that request to a top-level domain (TLD) nameserver, supported the TLD of that domain like .com, .net, and .org. It directly responds to requests for DNS records within the root zone by returning an appropriate list of the authoritative TLD name servers for the acceptable TLD, which will resolve the initial DNS lookup request for an IP address of that name.

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What is Google DNS?

Announced back in 2009, Google DNS or Google Public DNS may be a name System service offered by Google. It works as a recursive name server and assists with relatively faster and safer web browsing.

According to Google, you’ll experience an overall improvement in internet speeds and obtain valid search results by using its public DNS server. However, it won’t assist you in hosting a website or block websites. Also, if the name you’re trying to find doesn’t exist, therein case, the Google DNS resolution will return a DNS error message.

The main advantage of using Google DNS is its simplicity and free tag. You don’t get to create an account or anything to use the Google DNS services. Just change your network settings to the following specifications:

For IPv4 Addresses:


For IPv6 Addresses:

Nameserver: 2001:4860:4860::8888
Nameserver: 2001:4860:4860::8844

What is OpenDNS?

OpenDNS was founded in 2006, and since then, it’s skilled tons of changes – both in terms of features and its parent organization. As of 2015, it’s under Cisco Systems and is obtainable as a freemium DNS service, where the essential features are made available for free of charge with more advanced features saved for paid users.

In terms of functionality, OpenDNS offers equivalent services as GoogleDNS with some added features like web filtering, a whitelist and blacklist mode, typo correction, SmartCache, and access to detailed statistics.

The essential name resolution services are available for free of charge without having to make an account. the opposite features also are available free of charge, but you would like to make an OpenDNS account.

The premium plan, OpenDNS VIP, offers you some enhancements over these features like extra limits for custom backlists and whitelists and access to the premium support. the original expensive plan, OpenDNS Prosumer, comes with built-in protection for malicious phishing & malware domains.

To set up OpenDNS on your system, you’ll get to change your network settings to the following specifications:

For IPv4 Addresses:


For IPv6 Addresses:

Nameserver: 2620:119:35::35 
Nameserver: 2620:119:53::53

Google DNS vs. OpenDNS: Which One Is Right For You?

Now that you have a basic idea of GoogleDNS and OpenDNS let’s quickly re-evaluate the critical differences between both services.

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Google DNS vs. OpenDNS: Pricing

Google DNS is liberal to use and doesn’t even require you to make an account with Google to use the service.

OpenDNS also has an account-less free plan that provides you access to equivalent features as you get with Google DNS. But on top of that, there’s also a choice to find an account that will unlock some additional features. Furthermore, premium plans worth $19.95/year and $20/year /user are also available, bundling extra usability and security functionalities.

In terms of flexibility and, therefore, various pricing plans with different features, OpenDNS wins the preliminary round.

Google DNS vs. OpenDNS: Feature Availablity

On the feature side of things, GoogleDNS offers a basic, easy-to-use DNS service where you enter the Google DNS nameservers and luxuriate in fast and secure web browsing. As simple as that!

OpenDNS offers more bells and whistles over the barebone functionalities of google DNS. for instance. If you create a free account with OpenDNS, you’ll update your IP address with their DNS server then create your own custom blacklist/whitelist of internet sites.

On top of that, OpenDNS gives you access to an additional layer of security by automatically blocking phishing and malicious websites. But one among its most quality-of-life features is that the automatic typo correction. With this enabled, if you mistakenly type in, the DNS server will understand that it’s a typo and direct you to instead. Cool right?!

As such, the clear winner within the feature department is, again, OpenDNS.

Google DNS vs. OpenDNS: Security

GoogleDNS and OpenDNS will offer you a safer web browsing experience compared to the default DNS provided by your ISP. However, it’s highly debatable to call one among these DNS services safer than the opposite.

They both function in the same way by ensuring you’re directed to the intended website and keeping you safe from malicious websites by backlisting them. Furthermore, the backlisted websites are updated regularly.

Both DNS services perform equally in terms of security, making it a tie for this round.

Google DNS vs OpenDNS: Reliability

By reliability, we mean the DNS server’s uptime. For example, if the DNS server is down, it won’t process the domain names, resulting in a DNS error when browsing websites.

You might have run into this problem when using the default DNS provided by your ISP. For example, has it ever happened that you have a stable internet connection but suddenly notice that no website is opening except a couple of specific ones like or

If yes, then you’ve got experienced downtime on the DNS server.

In this regard, GoogleDNS and OpenDNS are two of the foremost reliable DNS servers on the web that rarely experience any downtime. So we’ve yet one more tie.

Google DNS vs. OpenDNS: Speed

The main advantage of switching to an honest DNS server is the extra layer of security and reliability you get.

With that being said, let’s get to the most question – Which DNS server is faster? GoogleDNS or Open DNS?

In this case, there’s no definite answer, and it’s getting to vary from user to user.

You see, the DNS resolution speed goes to depend upon how far the DNS server is physically located relative to your location. The closer it’s, the more quickly it’ll translate the name to its corresponding IP addresses.

As such, you’ll get to test the DNS servers yourself to undertake and find out which one is quicker for your system.

Find the Fastest Server: Perform Free DNS Benchmarking

Download DNS Benchmark, launch it (no installation required), select the “Nameservers” tab, and click on “Run Benchmark”. It’ll benchmark the highest 72 DNS servers. 

After its completion, it’ll offer to benchmark nearly 5000 publicly available DNS servers within the world and find the most straightforward 50 for your connection. Selecting this feature will take longer, of course. 

For the foremost accurate results possible, make sure the DNS Benchmark tool is the only program utilizing your internet connection during the tests (so close up Netflix streaming, online games, or other downloads that may be using your Internet).

For Linux users, open a terminal window and type: 

$ time dig @

To query the general public Google DNS server

on my system, the query time is 60 msec for google DNS.

$ time dig @

for OpenDNS. 

the query time is 35 msec for OpenDNS.

This means OpenDNS is quicker on our system than google DNS. So if we use OpenDNS, we’ll enjoy faster name resolution speeds.

However, as we discussed, this won’t be equivalent for you. So remember to run this test on your system to see which one is faster for you.

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User Questions:

1.Does Google DNS speed up the Internet?

Google Public DNS is among the foremost popular DNS server alternatives and uses two IP addresses (8.8. 8.8 and 8.8. 4.4). … this suggests that the info is loaded from a server local to you, improving your overall internet speed.

2.Is Google DNS slow?

Google hopes to hurry up the online by resolving domains faster than the DNS servers provided by a user ISP. The DNS server’s reaction time is critical because one website can require various DNS resolutions, which may hamper the loading of an internet page.

3.Is Cloudflare DNS better than Google?

CloudFlare was the fastest DNS for 72% of all the locations. It had a tremendous low average of 4.98 ms across the world. Google and Quad9 were close for second and third, respectively. Quad9 was faster than Google in North America and Europe but underperformed in Asia / South America.

4.Why you should not be using Google DNS, instead you ought to be using almost the other DNS

Why you shouldn’t be using Google DNS, instead you should be using almost any other DNS from pihole

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5.Which DNS to use; Google DNS, OpenDNS, or persist with Verizon DNS?

Which DNS to use; Google DNS, OpenDNS, or stick with Verizon DNS? from techsupport