multiple google chrome background processes

multiple google chrome background processes

Here we can see, “multiple google chrome background processes”

How to Fix Multiple Google Chrome Processes Running?

Chrome is among the foremost used browsers, and it accounts for quite half the total internet traffic. the amount of individuals using Chrome is far larger than the other browser, and it’s thanks to the fast browsing speeds and, therefore, the easy-to-use interface provided by the browser. In addition, Chrome is often installed across multiple operating systems and receives regular performance updates.

Despite the widespread popularity of the browser, there are many issues with the Windows Chrome Application. It’s notorious for using huge amounts of RAM and resources on the pc. During this article, we’ll discuss the “Multiple Processes” issue within the task manager. Chrome opens a replacement process for every of its task, tab, and extension.

What Causes the “Multiple Processes” Issue on Chrome?

After receiving numerous reports from multiple users, we decided to research the difficulty and devised solutions to repair it completely. Also, we looked into the rationale, thanks to which it’s triggered, and listed it as follows.

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  • Incorrect Configuration: By default, Chrome is configured to run multiple processes for every tab. The browser features a built-in task manager, and it also shows the resources getting used by the browser and, therefore, the number of processes running. This is often done to avoid the loss of knowledge if one tab crashes and it’s being run as a separate process; other tabs and data are often conserved. Therefore, Chrome runs each tab separately to avoid loss of knowledge.

Now that you have a basic understanding of the character of the matter, we’ll advance towards the solutions. But, first, confirm to implement these within the specific order they’re provided to avoid conflict.

Solution 1: Changing Configuration

Since Chrome is configured to run different processes for every tab, it’ll still do so unless the user changes this configuration. the choice to vary this configuration hasn’t been included within the settings, and this must be changed by adding an instruction to Chrome’s shortcut. For that:

1.Right-click on the “Chrome.exe” shortcut on the desktop and choose “Properties. “

Note: If you don’t have a shortcut, create one.

2.Click on the “Shortcut” tab on the highest and choose the “Target” option.

3.Add the subsequent instruction at the top of the listed target location.


4.After adding the instruction, the complete entry within the target panel should appear as if the subsequent.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --process-per-site

5.Click on “Apply” then select “Save. “

6.Now Chrome should be running one process for all the tabs.

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Solution 2: Eliminating Processes

Furthermore, you’ll eliminate the other processes to conserve resources, and this will be done using the built-in task manager that comes with the browser. For that:

1.Open Chrome and launch a replacement tab.

2.Press “Shift” + “Esc” to open the task manager.

3.Click on any process that isn’t useful for you and choose the “End Process” option.

4.Keep in mind that this may close the tab related to the method also.

User Questions:

1.Strange Google Chrome process in the background

I have had a drag where a separate google chrome process starts within the background whenever I activate my PC; it constantly uses about 30% of my CPU, but if I end it, google Chrome itself doesn’t stop; I can not find out what’s causing this issue. I checked the google chrome task manager, and it says nothing about it. My friend has also begun to have an equivalent issue. I was wondering if anyone else has had an equivalent issue.

2.Multiple Google Chrome Processes Running and employing a lot of CPU percentage

All of a sudden, I even have a dozen Google Chrome processes running. the only program I had on my computer was a Google toolbar and Google Earth maps.

I uninstalled both of these and rebooted and did nothing. I looked in my programs to uninstall Chrome, but it’s not there. Chrome is eating up tons of CPU.

When I open the file Location (c) from my task manager, a logo appears like Chrome, but it says Demenfwgprun.exe beside it. Could this be a virus? I even have never downloaded Chrome before as I always use Internet Explorer.

3.Issue 337996: Chrome.exe still running in the background; Chrome won’t relaunch upon closing

They have noticed that chrome.exe remains running as a process in their task manager. Force closing Chrome.exe will allow Chrome to launch again, but otherwise, Chrome won’t launch.

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Chrome won’t open quite once after I restart my laptop. It’s love; it will open for a couple of seconds then doesn’t open in the least. the only way it’ll work is that if I restart my laptop; on the other hand, we’re back within the same mess once I close out of Chrome. I’ve tried changing the compatibility, and I have tried running as an administrator, and zip happens. Also, the task manager doesn’t even register that it’s trying to open.

– One user did mention that issue isn’t present in Chrome Beta

– Started in version: 32.0.1700.72

– unchecking “continue running background apps when google chrome is closed” didn’t work either

4.Why does Chrome create numerous processes and hog relatively much RAM?

Why does chrome create so many processes and hog relatively much RAM? from chrome

5.Why numerous Chrome.exe processes?

Why so many Chrome.exe processes ? from buildapc