internet explorer has closed this webpage to help protect your computer

internet explorer has closed this webpage to help protect your computer

Here we can see “internet explorer has closed this webpage to help protect your computer

Many users face issues running Oracle forms on Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (IE8), which causes the page to redirect to the following URL


It displays the following error.

Internet Explorer has closed this webpage to assist in protecting your computer.

A malfunctioning or malicious add-on has caused Internet Explorer to shut this webpage.


Please note that by implementing this solution, although this specific problem would be resolved. However, you want to understand that this IE feature is enabled by default for securing your computer. Removing this might expose vulnerabilities, so kindly understand the danger before making this alteration. However, you’ll always revert to original settings.

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  • Goto Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Scroll right down to Security -> Uncheck “Enable memory protection to assist mitigate online attacks*”
  • Close all browser windows and restart the browser. the difficulty should are fixed 🙂

Edit: Alternatively, you’ll use either of the following two alternate solutions.

Alternate 2:

  • Open registry using start->Run->regedit->ok
  • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain
  • On the right-hand side, you’ll see a DWORD key called DEPOff. IF this is often set to value 0, change it to 1 and shut the registry editor.
  • Restart Internet Explorer and check if the matter has been fixed or not.

Alternate 3:

  • Right-click on My Computer->Properties (or start->Run->sysdm.cpl->ok)
  • Click on the “Advanced” Tab. Next, click on the “Settings” button next to Performance.
  • Click on the last tab, “Data Execution Prevention.”
  • Select the Second option, then select “Internet Explorer” from the rock bottom pan.
  • (If “Internet Explorer” isn’t already present there, then just click on “Add” then select “c: Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe”)
  • Click OK and restart internet explorer. the matter should are fixed.

User Questions:

  1. Internet Explorer has closed this webpage to assist in protecting your computer from __A malicious or malfunctioning add-on has caused internet explorer to shut this website.
  1. HP PCs – Internet Explorer Not Working needless to say (Windows 10, 8)

Issues can occur while using the Microsoft Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer) browser software, like the looks of your Internet not working; you can’t hook up with the web, slow Internet, or no Internet. Use the primary few steps to resolve most issues. If the difficulty isn’t resolved, select the section corresponding to the matter you’re having in Internet Explorer. If you can’t find a neighborhood that best matches your problem, uses the section on repairing Internet Explorer.

  1. HP PCs – Computer could be Infected by an epidemic or Malware (Windows 10, 8)
  1. HOW are you able to PROTECT YOUR COMPUTER?

Since the web may be a popular means of communication, it’s important to guard your computer against viruses, hackers, and spyware. Viruses can delete files; hackers can retrieve personal information you’ve got on your computer; advertisers can load programs that read and send them your passwords without your knowledge. In some cases, someone can access your computer and delete files that would render your computer unusable.

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  1. IE8 “Internet Explorer has closed this webpage to assist protect your computer” error message

I ran IE8 (v8.0.8001.16702) on Windows XP and tried to put it in Flash Player 10. The plugin downloads, but as soon because it tries to put in IE8 reports, “Internet Explorer has closed this webpage to assist protect your computer” and provides no options. What do I want to try to to to urge this installed? Thanks!