How to: Changing the Windows Vista Startup Sound

How to Changing the Windows Vista Startup Sound

Here we can see, “How to: Changing the Windows Vista Startup Sound”

The Windows Vista Startup sound – and how to get rid of it – is undoubtedly the most infamous (and sad) of the many debates surrounding Windows Vista. Suppose you weren’t living under a rock during the beta. In that case, you couldn’t have missed the back-and-forth between detractors and proponents of Windows Vista’s new starting sound – which, like virtually everything else in Windows Vista, isn’t always working.

This isn’t the sound that plays while Windows starts up (which is still present, as it was in prior versions of Windows), but the one that plays shortly after Windows finishes loading – and you have no control over it. It’s a good sound, in our opinion, but if you have an analog/digital sound card with analog as the default, you won’t be able to hear it (most of the time). In any case, if you don’t like it, don’t worry: it can be modified!

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  1. Grab reshacker (or XN Resource Editor, if you prefer); they’re both vital tools that you should always have on hand if you want to hack just about any Windows software or feature.
  2. Copy C:WindowsSystem32imageres.dll to a new location and use reshacker to open it.
  3. Select the relevant localized resource as follows: Open the WAVE subdirectory and select the appropriate localized resource as follows:
  4. You don’t need to bother about this step if you’re using XN Resource Editor: Go to number 5 now. In Windows, each language has its own code; in this case, we’re using a copy of Vista from the United States with the language code 1033. German is 1031, and Spanish is 1034, according to the list of language codes. Open the subdirectory that corresponds to your language code.
  5. You’ll need to change resource name (number?) 5051 with your own Wave file — resource 5051 is the default Windows Vista launch sound, and you’ll be replacing it with a custom (wave!) file.
  6. Save your work and exit.
  7. Backup, the original WindowsSystem32imageres.dll file, replace it with your newly updated uber-cool version and reboot to see how it works.


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User Questions

1. Is it possible to adjust the sound that your computer makes when it boots up?

You’ll find a list named “Program Events” if you right-click on the speaker icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen and select “Sounds.” You should notice “Windows Logon” and “Windows Logoff” on the list, which you may use to adjust the startup sound.

2. What options do I have for customizing Windows startup?

Go to Settings > Personalization > Start to get started. Scroll to the bottom of the right column and click the “Choose which folders appear on Start” link. Select the folders that should appear in the Start menu. Here’s a comparison of how those new folders appear as icons and in an expanded view.

3. What happened to the Windows launch sound?

Find a. wav file that you want to play as the Windows startup sound. Tip: Default wav files can be found in the C:WindowsMedia folder. You can also go to the website, where you can receive a lot of free sounds.

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4. Who misses the Startup/Shutdown sounds? : r/windows – Reddit

Who misses the Startup/Shutdown sounds? from windows

5. Windows Startup Sound Evolution (1992-2020) – Reddit

Windows Startup Sound Evolution (1992-2020) from windows