Fortnite Leak reveals a feature that could be a game-changer

Fortnite Leak reveals a feature that could be a game-changer

Fortnite Season 7 has a new leak that reveals a feature that could change the game. Fortnite Leaking HypeX revealed last month that the “rideable wildlife,” or Season 7, was introduced to the game. This has so far not happened. However, there’s still time to make this happen. HypeX leaked a new feature that could prove to be an important addition to the previously leaked feature.

HypeX reported at the time that rideable wildlife was being added in the game’s files along with a new class. However, it was still in very early development, so a season 7 appearance was not likely.

Mounts are a game-changer by themselves, but what about flying mounts? HypeX posted this tweet by revealing that they are working on an epic animal codenamed Avian. This means it will be a flying version.

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HypeX stated that Epic is currently working on an animal in the wild codenamed “Avian,” and it will most likely be Fortnite’s first flying animal. But, remember, that’s not his name. It’s only the code name!

Combining these two leaks will give you flying mounts. However, it is not clear if either of them will make it into the game. Everything here is unofficial and laced with speculation at the moment, so please take this information with a grain.

Fortnite is free to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.