Windows 10 Can Not Find Script File run.vbs

Windows 10 Can Not Find Script File run.vbs

Here we can see, “Windows 10 Can Not Find Script File run.vbs”

  • No computer system can function properly without system files. However, mistakes are not completely improbable.
  • Users find the Script file run.vbs is missing on startup error as an annoyance. They are encouraged to act fast and get back to running the OS as smoothly as possible.
  • Both running a thorough system scan and utilizing a Windows restore point are advised fixes for this issue.

Windows 10 launches several necessary programs, but occasionally users may see different error messages that prevent them from signing in.

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One of the most common startup errors is the inability to locate script file C:WINDOWSrun.vbs. A pop-up box alerting users that the script file run.vbs is missing shows on a black screen when users attempt to log in.

Cannot find the script file: What does that mean? This error indicates that a malicious program altered the registry on your computer. Thankfully, there are a few fast fixes you can apply to correct this, and we’ll list them all below.

Run.vbs errors can occasionally appear on your computer and lead to specific problems. Speaking about problems, the following are some similar ones that customers have reported that may be irksome:

    • Cannot find script file – This is a variation of this problem, and it still appears on previous Windows versions as well. To fix it, create a new user profile and check if the problem still appears.
    • Run.vbs error Windows 7, 8.1, 10 – Unfortunately, all versions of Windows, even earlier Windows versions, are susceptible to this issue. However, one of our solutions will allow you to resolve the problem.
    • Run.vbs error at startup – If this issue arises immediately after launch, malware is probably to blame. Make changes to your registry and run a complete system scan to resolve the issue.

How to fix error: Can not find script file C:WINDOWSrun.vbs?

1. Use a Windows restore point

It is challenging to find and remove the harmful software that is producing startup problems because of the black screen.

As a result, you should utilize your system’s restore point to roll back the OS to a time when your computer didn’t have this infection on it.

Follow these steps to launch System Restore:

    1. For the Run dialog box to appear, press Windows Key + R. Enter %systemroot%system32rstrui.exe at this point and hit Enter or OK.
    2. Select Click Next after selecting a different restoration point.
    3. Now select the desired restore point from the menu after checking the option for Show multiple restore points. Pick a time when the problem wasn’t happening to your PC by paying attention to the Date and Time column. To continue, click Next.
    4. To finish the restoration process, adhere to the on-screen directions.

2. Run the commands listed below

If your machine doesn’t have a system restore point, try the troubleshooting methods mentioned below:

  1. Run the Command Prompt as an administrator by typing cmd into the Search Menu.
  2. Enter the ensuing commands:
    • reg add “HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon” /v “Shell” /t REG_SZ /d “explorer.exe” /f
    • reg add “HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon” /v “Userinit” /t REG_SZ /d “C:WindowsSystem32userinit.exe,” /f
    • reg add “HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon” /v “Shell” /t REG_SZ /d “explorer.exe” /f

Restart your computer after completing all commands.

3. Perform a detailed system scan

That’s a pretty good bet.

Malware on your PC is the blame for the vbs error. Malware might occasionally alter your registry, which will result in this issue.

We suggest you do a complete system scan with your antivirus program to ensure your computer is malware-free. It’s important to note that not all antivirus programs work equally well, so you might want to have a look at our top recommendations.

The issue should be fully fixed once you run a complete system scan and remove all malware from your PC.

4. Modify your registry

Your registry may be the source of the run.vbs error you’re experiencing on your computer. Occasionally, rogue software can alter your registry and bring about this problem.

However, you may easily resolve the issue by making a few registry modifications. Just do the following actions to do that:

    1. Regedit can be accessed by pressing Windows Key + R. Now click OK or press Enter.
    2. When Registry Editor opens, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon in the left pane. In the right pane, double-click the Userinit value.
    3. To save changes, confirm that Value data is set to C:Windowssystem32userinit.exe and then click OK.

Malware that has infiltrated your computer may occasionally alter the Userinit value in your registry. However, the problem ought to be fully fixed after making registry changes.

Many users have reported a black screen that prevents people from using their PC in any way. In this case, the typical techniques for accessing Registry Editor won’t work.

However, by doing the following actions, you can avoid this issue:

    1. To launch Task Manager, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
    2. Go to File > Run new task after Task Manager has opened.
    3. Press Enter after typing regedit.

After Registry Editor has opened, modify the Userinit value as directed above.

5. Change the value of .vbs key in the registry

Users claim that the value of the.vbs key was modified, which may cause the run.vbs error to display on your computer. You must take these actions in order to resolve this issue:

    1. As we demonstrated in the prior solution, launch Registry Editor.
    2. Navigate to ComputerHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.vbs in the left pane. In the right pane, double-click the (Default) value.
    3. Click OK after changing the Value data to VBSFile.

Once you’ve made these adjustments, ensure the issue has been solved.

6. Perform SFC and DISM scans

Your computer’s run.vbs problem could be brought on by the corruption of system files. But you can easily resolve this problem by running SFC and DISM scans on your computer. Follow these steps to do that:

    1. To access the Win + X menu, press Windows Key + X. Select PowerShell or Command Prompt (Admin) (Admin).
    2. Run the sfc /scannow command when Command Prompt opens.
    3. Now the SFC scan will start. Do not disrupt the scan in any way; keep in mind that it may take up to 15 minutes.

The issue ought to be fixed after the SFC scan is performed. You should do a DISM scan to see if this problem is still present. You can accomplish that by doing the following:

    1. Open the Command Prompt in administrator mode.
    2. Execute the command DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth.
    3. Now the DISM scan will begin. Remember that this scan may take up to 20 minutes to complete.

If all you can see is a blank screen, you must launch Command Prompt by performing the following:

    1. To launch Task Manager, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
    2. Go to File > Run new task right away.
    3. CMD into the command line, checking Give this task administrative rights when creating it. Now press Enter or click OK.
    4. Run the SFC and DISM scans when the Command Prompt opens.

7. Navigate to Safe Mode

The Windows feature known as “Safe Mode” operates with the default configuration, making it ideal for resolving issues like the run.vbs error. Observe these instructions to launch Safe Mode:

    1. Several times during the boot process, restart your computer.
    2. You’ll have a choice between three things. Select Startup Settings under Troubleshoot > Advanced options. Select Restart from the menu.
    3. Your computer will restart now. Select any Safe Mode by pressing the corresponding key on your keyboard once your computer boots.

Check to see whether the issue is still present after entering Safe Mode. Safe Mode can be used to solve problems if they do not show up there.

8. Create a new user account

You might be able to solve the run.vbs error issue on your computer by just making a new user account. You can resolve this issue if it occasionally only affects your account by taking the following actions:

    1. Go to Accounts in the Settings app.
    2. Go to Family & Friends. Select The right pane allows you to add another user to this PC.
    3. Select I don’t have the sign-in details for this person.
    4. Adding a user without a Microsoft account is the next option.
    5. Click Next after entering the appropriate username.

If this problem prevents you from using the Settings app, you can establish a user account through the Command Prompt. Follow these steps to do that:

    1. As an administrator, launch Command Prompt.
    2. Run the following commands when the Command Prompt opens:
      • net user /add your_username
      • new localgroup administrators your_username /add

After executing these two instructions, you’ll create a new administrator account on your PC. Simply change to the new administrator account to see whether the problem persists there.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.

User Questions

1. How can I make VBScript available in Windows 10?

    1. Use the search box on the Taskbar to look up “Windows Security”.
    2. Select a specific search result by clicking it.
    3. Go to the Security of the device tab.
    4. Select Core Isolation Details from the menu.
    5. To activate it, toggle the Memory integrity button.
    6. Switch off your computer.

2. I can’t launch a VBS file; why?

Click the right mouse button to view the properties of a VBS file that won’t run. To re-establish the connection, select “Change” and then “Microsoft Windows Based Script Host.” If you are unable to locate this item, click “Browse” and navigate to your primary drive’s “Windows” folder’s “System32” folder.

3. Unable to locate script file updates use VBS?

Your computer’s run. vbs error may be brought on by the corruption of system files. But you can easily resolve this problem by running SFC and DISM scans on your computer.

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