what is an internet troll

what is an internet troll

Here we can see, “what is an internet troll”

Internet trolling: A definition

An internet troll, or online bully, deliberately tries to offend, cause trouble or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments on Facebook posts, blogs, YouTube videos, forums, and other social media, like Twitter and Instagram. Not every argument is often considered trolling; a difference of opinion can cause healthy discussion, which may be invaluable on forums.

So when does acceptable banter become trolling? The Oxford Dictionary describes trolling as making “a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.” There are many various sorts of troll, such as:

The insult troll, who posts pure hateful comments only for the sake of it. They don’t get to know the person or have a reason for posting spiteful comments.

The forever offended trolls are experts in taking humorous content and turning it into something sour and offensive.

The boast troll doesn’t particularly wish to participate in discussions but prefers to share their opinion without having any particular knowledge of the topic being discussed.

The “look at me” troll isn’t curious about anything you’ve got to mention – they’re on a mission to urge you to look at their page, buy something from them, download their content or follow them.

There are many other types out there, but luckily online trolling remains relatively rare, so don’t let the headlines you see on social media put you off. If you’re unfortunate enough to fall victim to online trolling, or if you would like to understand the way to protect yourself from attacks, here are a couple of suggestions:

Four ways to protect yourself from trolling:


Don’t reply to any nasty or offensive comments. Giving trolls attention is strictly what they need and can only cause more upset.

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Block, block, block. If you’re unsure how to, you’ll find some step-by-step instructions on the way to block trolls on Facebook and Twitter below.


If you’re being trolled, report the instigator to the location administrators. If they keep shooting up, keep reporting them, and if that’s still not helping, you should contact the police. Again, you’ll find some information on the way to report trolls on Facebook and Twitter below.


If a troll upsets you, remember it’s their problem and not yours. Ask friends and family about how you’re feeling.

Using Facebook and Twitter to reduce the effect of online trolling

Facebook: Blocking

If someone is trolling you on Facebook, you’ll block them so that they can’t see anything you post, tag you in photos, or start a conversation with you. First, click on the privacy shortcuts (the padlock symbol) within the top right of the screen and click on ‘How do I stop someone bothering me?’ Next, add their name or email and click ‘Block.’

Facebook: Reporting

Are they being sent inappropriate or offensive messages? Report the person to Facebook.

Open the message, click the Settings icon (the cog symbol) and choose ‘Report as Spam or Abuse.’ Alternatively, to report an individual’s profile, click the three grey dots next to ‘Message’ and choose ‘Report.’

Facebook: Protect your posts

If trolls target you, set your profile to non-public so strangers can’t access it, post on your wall, or send you messages.

Click on the down arrow within the top menu bar and choose ‘Settings.’ Click the ‘Privacy’ option on the proper and attend ‘Who can see my stuff – Who can see your future posts?’ Click ‘Edit. Within the menu, select ‘Friends’ so only Facebook friends can see your posts.

Facebook: Control who contacts you

You can control who sends you friend requests by clicking on the down arrow within the top menu bar and selecting ‘Settings.’ Click the ‘Privacy’ option attend ‘Who can contact me? – Who can send you friend requests and click on ‘Edit.’ Change the menu option from ‘Everyone’ to ‘Friends of Friends.

Twitter: Block

Click onto the profile of the person you would like to dam, tap the cog symbol and choose ‘Block’ or ‘Report.’

Twitter: Protect your tweets

When you initially found out your Twitter profile, it’s automatically set at ‘Public,’ which suggests anyone can read what you say and respond. If you’d rather keep your Tweets private so only your followers can see them, click the Gear icon and ‘Settings.’ Select ‘Security and privacy >> Privacy >> Tweet privacy’ and tick the box next to ‘Protect my Tweets.’ this suggests anyone who wants to follow you on Twitter will need to send you an invitation to approve.

Remember, try not to take anything personally. It’s generally the troll who has the matter, not you. Suppose you’ll attempt to laugh away anything they assert. They’re just not worth some time or the trouble it takes to interact in conversation with them.

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Where the Worst Trolling Happens Online

You can find trolls lurking around almost every corner of the social web. Here are some specific places that are documented to draw in trolls.

  • YouTube video comments: YouTube is notorious for having a number of the worst comments of all time. Some people even call it “the trailer camp of the web .” Go and have a glance through the comments of any popular video, and you’re sure to find a number of the worst comments ever. The more views and comments a video has, the more troll comments it’ll probably have also.
  • Blog comments: On some popular blogs and news sites that have comments enabled, you’ll sometimes find trolls cursing, name-calling, and just causing trouble for the heck of it. This is often particularly true for blogs that cover controversial topics or those that tend to rack up tons of comments from people who want to share their opinions with the planet.
  • Forums: Forums are made for discussing topics with like-minded people, but every once in a while, a troll will is available and begin spewing negative words everywhere the place. If forum moderators don’t ban them, other members will often respond. Before you recognize it, the thread gets thrown completely off topic and becomes nothing but one big pointless argument.
  • Email: Many trolls actively take the time and energy to write down up horrible email messages in response to people they afflict, were offended by, or get a kick out of picking apart for no significant reason in the least.
  • Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr, or practically any social networking site: Now that nearly anyone can discuss a standing update, reply to a tweet, converse during a community thread or send an anonymous question, trolling is completely everywhere that folks can use to interact. Instagram is particularly bad because it is a very public platform that folks use to post photos of themselves — inviting everyone and anyone to gauge their appearances within the comment section.
  • Anonymous social networks: Anonymous social networks act as a call for participation to be nasty because users do not have to stress about their identities being tied to their bad behavior. They will take their anger or hatred out without suffering the results because they will hide behind a faceless, nameless user account.

Big brands on Facebook, celebrities on Twitter, and Tumblr teens with many followers face trolling a day. But, unfortunately, because the web becomes more social and other people can access social sites wherever they’re from their smartphones, trolling (and even cyberbullying) will still be a drag.

Why Do People Troll on the Internet?

Every internet troll features a different backstory and thus different reasons for feeling the necessity to troll a community or a private on the web. For example, they’ll feel depressed, attention-starved, angry, sad, jealous, selfish, or another emotion they’ll not be entirely aware of that’s influencing their online behavior.

What makes trolling very easy is that anyone can roll in the hay, and it is often done from a secure, isolated place as against interacting with others face to face. Trolls can hide behind their shiny computers, screen names, and avatars once they leave trolling for trouble, and after they’re all done, they will keep it up with their real lives without facing any real consequences. Trolling makes tons of cowardly people feel stronger.

User Questions

1.What is considered trolling?

A troll is Internet slang for an individual who intentionally instigates conflict, hostility, or arguments in a social web community. Trolls often use inflammatory messages to impress emotional responses out of individuals, disrupting otherwise civil discussion. …

2.What quite a person is an online troll?

In scientific literature, internet trolling is defined as malicious online behavior characterized by aggressive and deliberate provocation. “Trolls” seek to impress, upset and harm others via inflammatory messages and posts. Trolling can ask a spread of online behavior.

3.What is the aim of trolling?

The goal of a troll is to interact with their victims in a web argument – therefore, the best thanks to affecting them is to ignore them. This might be harder than it sounds, particularly when someone has said something to form you angry.

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4.Why do people troll on the internet? What value is there to personally insulting an entire stranger because they afflict you? [serious]

Why do people troll on the internet? What value is there to personally insulting a complete stranger because they disagree with you? [serious] from AskReddit

5.So, why do people troll?

So, why do people troll? from psychology