The Ultimate Guide to Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

The Ultimate Guide to Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

Here we can see, “The Ultimate Guide to Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows”

Notepad++ is a fantastic text editor, and by using these Windows keyboard shortcuts, you can make it even better.

Notepad++ is a good choice if you’re a coder looking for a simple way to dump your code or if you’re looking for an easy-to-use text editor with more shazam.

Notepad++ is a free text and source code editor for Windows that features persistent tabs that auto-save your work. Although it may not appear to have all of the bells and whistles at first glance, Notepad++ is far more powerful than Windows’ default Notepad. Plus, it’s completely free.

We’ve put together this huge list of all the keyboard shortcuts you need to know to help you utilise Notepad++ like a pro.

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Notepad++ Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
File Menu
Ctrl + O Open the File
Ctrl + N New File
Ctrl + S Save File
Ctrl + Alt + S Save As
Ctrl + Shift + S Save All
Ctrl + P Print the File
Alt + F4 Exit the File
Ctrl + Tab Open the next Document
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Open the previous Document
Ctrl + W Close current Document
Ctrl + Numpad Navigate to the n-th Document
Edit Menu
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + Insert Copy
Ctrl + Shift + T Copy the current line to the clipboard
Ctrl + X Cut
Shift + Delete Cut
Ctrl + V Paste
Shift + Insert Paste
Ctrl + Z Undo
Alt + Backspace Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + A Select All
Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys Column Mode Select
Ctrl + Left Mouse Click Start the new selected area
ALT + C Column Editor
Ctrl + D Duplicate the Current Line
Ctrl + T Switch the current line position with the previous line position
Ctrl + Shift + Up Move the Current Line
Ctrl + Shift + Down Move the Current Line
Ctrl + Left Mouse Click Delete the Current Line
Ctrl + I Split Lines
Ctrl + J Join Lines
Ctrl + G Launch the GoToLine Dialog
Ctrl + Q Single line comment
Ctrl + Shift + Q Single line uncomment
Ctrl + K Toggle the single line comment
Ctrl + Shift + K Block comment
Tab Insert indent
Shift + Tab Insert outdent
Ctrl + Backspace Delete to the start of the word
Ctrl + Delete Delete to the end of the word
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Delete to the start of the line
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Delete to the end of the line
Ctrl + U Convert to lower case
Ctrl + Shift + U Convert to upper case
Ctrl + B Go to matching brace
Ctrl + Space Launch the CallTip ListBox
Ctrl + Shift + Space Launch the Function Completion ListBox
Ctrl + Alt + Space Launch the Path Completion ListBox
Ctrl + Enter Launch the Word Completion ListBox
Ctrl + Alt + R Text Direction RTL
Ctrl + Alt + L Text Direction LTR
Enter Split the line downwards
Shift + Enter Split the line downwards
Ctrl + Alt + Enter Insert new unindented line above the current one
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Enter Insert new unindented line below the current one
Search Menu
Ctrl + F Launch Find Dialog
Ctrl + H Launch Find/Replace Dialog
F3 Find Next
Shift + F3 Find Previous
Ctrl + Shift + F3 Find in Files
F7 Switch to the Search Results window
Ctrl + Alt + F3 Find (volatile) Next
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F3 Find (volatile) Previous
Ctrl + F3 Select and Find Next
Ctrl + Shift + F3 Select and Find Previous
F4 Got to next found
Shift + F4 Go to previous found
Ctrl + Shift + I Incremental Search
Ctrl + N Jump Down
Ctrl + Shift + N Jump Up
Ctrl + F2 Toggle Bookmark
F2 Go to the Next Bookmark
Shift + F2 Go to the Previous Bookmark
Ctrl + B Go to the Matching Brace
Ctrl + Alt + B Select All between the Matching Braces
Macro Menu
Ctrl + Shift + R Start to record / Stop recording the macro
Ctrl + Shift + P Play the recorded macro
Alt + Shift + S Trim Trailing and Save
Run Menu
F5 Launch Run Dialog
Alt + F1 Get PHP help
Alt + F2 Google search
Alt + F3 Wikipedia search
Alt + F5 Open file
Alt + F6 Open file in another instance
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R Open in Chrome
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X Open in Firefox
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I Open in IE
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F Open in Safari
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + O Send via Outlook
Incremental Search
Enter Next match
Shift + Enter Previous match
View Menu
Ctrl + (Keypad-/Keypad+) Zoom in and zoom out
Ctrl + Keypad/ Restore the original size
F11 Toggle full screen
F12 Toggle Post-It mode
Ctrl + Alt + F Collapse the current level
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F Uncollapse the current level
Alt + 0 Fold all
Alt + (1~8) Collapse the level (1~8)
Alt + Shift + 0 Unfold all
Alt + Shift + (1~8) Uncollapse the level (1~8)
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The Quest Is Over for a Great Text Editor

For experienced programmers, Notepad++ is a multifunctional text editor with syntax highlighting and autocomplete functions. This open-source editor has all of the expected capabilities and support for more than 50 programming and markup languages.

Notepad++ also utilises less CPU power to lower your PC’s power usage, which is good for the environment. It doesn’t get any better than that!


I hope you found this information helpful. Please fill out the form below if you have any queries or comments.

User Questions:

  1. In Notepad ++, what does Ctrl d do?

As additional multiselection, it chooses the next occurrence of the current selection. Thus, it allows you to rapidly rename variables. You can either use the mouse, which is much slower, or the replace tool in Notepad++.

  1. In Notepad ++, how can I make a shortcut key?

Add the following shortcut: go to Settings -> Shortcut mapper: you’ll find the name of the script you saved anywhere in the Plugins tab, here OpenFindDlg. You can now assign CTRL-G as your shortcut.

  1. What is the best way to align text in Notepad++?

Right-click inside Notepad and select Right to Left Reading to align the text to the right side. Right-click again and uncheck the Right to Left Reading order to make the text-align to the left side. Please get in touch with us if you have any other concerns.

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