Here we can see, “Netflix Not Loading on Sony Smart Tv”
- If you’re having trouble getting Netflix to function on your Sony TV, consider doing a short reset.
- The problem should be resolved by clearing the cache and restarting the application from the settings.
- You may easily update the online content through the network menu on the smart TV.
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Doesn’t your Sony Smart TV play Netflix? If so, you’ve arrived at the correct place.
Many people use their Smart TVs for more than simply watching television; they also use them for browsing the internet, viewing YouTube, and even streaming their favourite TV episodes and movies using services like Netflix.
The Netflix app occasionally may not perform as intended on Sony Smart TVs. The inability to open the app is the most typical issue users are experiencing.
Sure of them are receiving the Sorry, we could not connect to the Netflix service. To use Netflix, please check your network settings and connect to a working network (-100). a spinning icon or an error with no action.
Sorry, we could not contact the Netflix service; another frequently seen error message. Try restarting the Netflix program, if possible (-111).
Fortunately, since Sony Smart TVs run the Android operating system, there are a few fixes you may attempt.
How do I get Netflix to work on my Sony TV?
1. General troubleshooting steps
- Make sure your internet connection is functioning correctly. For example, restart your router if you’re linked to a wireless network.
- Ensure that your Sony Smart TV installs the most recent firmware update.
- See if any other applications are functioning correctly, preferably streaming services.
- Refresh the Netflix app. You could also attempt to reload Netflix.
2. Netflix error (-100)
The most straightforward fix is to restart the TV if you can open other applications and services on your Sony Smart TV but not Netflix.
Hold down the power button for approximately 6 seconds, or until the TV completely restarts, to accomplish that. Netflix should operate normally after the device restarts.
Many Smart TV owners reported success with this technique, so be sure to give it a shot yourself because it might be able to repair your issue quickly.
A task switcher should appear if you continue holding the Home button on your remote. You can then choose Netflix, hit Down, and finally click OK to end the app.
Reopen Netflix, and everything should function properly at this point.
3. Netflix error (-111)
- If you encounter this issue, you will either see an OK or a RESET button underneath the notification, depending on the Netflix version. If you have a RESET button, press it to attempt to resolve the issue. The following instructions will let you reset the app if you have the OK button.
- Your remote control’s Home button should be pressed.
- Select Settings > Apps > System Apps from the menu.
- After choosing NETFLIX, force it to quit.
- After that, choose Clear data and Clear cache to clear the app’s cache and data.
- Reset your TV’s power.
- Go to Google Play Store and update the Netflix app after the TV restarts.
- When the update is finished, log into Netflix using your login information, and the app should work as intended.
4. Netflix error Feature not available
- Your remote control’s Home button should be pressed.
- Click Settings > System Settings to continue.
- Select Setup, then Network.
- To refresh internet content, choose.
The application should begin operating properly after performing a power cycle.
I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.
User Questions
1. Netflix not loading on X900F : r/bravia – Reddit
2. Netflix and apps will not open / connect to internet anymore
Netflix and apps will not open / connect to internet anymore from bravia
5. +Help! Sony TV not working with Netflix since software update!
Help! Sony TV not working with Netflix since software update! from hometheater