Recent Update to Windows 10 Introduces Unexpected System Utility Bug


Employing the buggy system’s usefulness may cause blue screen crashes and document corruption.

A current Windows 10 upgrade has introduced a potentially harmful bug to CHKDSK, an integrated platform file checking utility.

While Microsoft is yet to answer the bug reports, the number of consumers reporting problems using CHKDSK increases.

Running CHKDSK May Corrupt Your File System

The Windows 10 December 2020 Patch Tuesday update seems to have unintentionally introduced the CHKDSK bug. The matter will influence any Windows 10 machine running the newest edition of the operating platform, 20H2.

CHKDSK is a Windows system utility. You can run CHKDSK in the Command Prompt to scan your document system for corrupted files and wrong information. The utility may fix problems it experiences using a string of parameters, and the application is useful for setting a selection of issues that could impact Windows 10.

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The BornCity blog first reported on the problem.

The site clarifies that running CHKDSK using the fix function can result in a bluescreen error. The crash display carries the halt code NTFS FILE SYSTEM, signaling an error with the file.

Further evaluation of these drives showed particular mistakes attributed to a document known as “9” and an error in the Master File Table’s BITMAP feature.

Microsoft is yet to reply to the error reports, so the current information concerning the CHKDSK NTFS file system bug is constrained.

In the present time and till Microsoft advises differently, you need to avoid using CHKDSK. If you have to run CHKDSK for any reason, you must strongly consider making a system backup before moving.

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Windows 10 Update Introduces Bugs

Long-time Windows users will not be astonished about a Windows Update introducing bugs into the working system. The Windows 10 December 2020 Patch Tuesday is not any different.

But, the CHKDSK bug was not being reported as a frequent matter. Instead, post-update issues comprised CPU spikes when opening and closing apps, program errors when launching apps on AMD hardware, along with the typical complaints regarding blue screen errors.

Another difficulty concerning this upgrade is impacting VMware Workstation virtual machines. A Reddit article details the matter, explaining that after installing the promotion, Valve experienced an”instant BSOD [blue screen of death] with”System_Service_Exception,” with repeated crashes.

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In the meantime, avoid using CHKDSK and keep your eyes peeled for any Windows 10 fixes.